With 11 bareback scenes, including the climactic main scene in which Treasure Island Media says “hundreds and hundreds” of sperm donors helped fill Ian Jay’s hole, 1000 Load Fuck lives up to its title, literally.
I’m sure there’s an audience for this, but just once, it’d be nice if Treasure Island could do something at least a little controversial to separate themselves from all the other vanilla porn studios.
Click here to watch 1000 Load Fuck.
I agree, bareback is WAY hotter than condom porn. It’s just more primal, more natural, the way sex was meant to be. It’s what people want to see and I’m REALLY glad to see that most porn coming out now IS bareback and often includes gang bang scenes, which turns on almost everyone, whether you admit it or not. And I agree, bareback porn is showing sex the way most guys are now having it. The condom police will raise a fuss about this, but nobody I know uses a condom anymore unless they’re going to a fuck party where it’s expected or there is doubt if their partner has something.
guys please forgive me for my outburst as i was feeling real emotional..but for fucks sake man get a grip my buddy just died of aids something i had hoped id never see again the meds just didnt work for him..look i was born in 1958 i was there before hiv/aids and i was there on the front line .ive had the luck of the gods as im still hiv negative i had to change my behaveior very very early on in 83 everyone died..EVERYONE this is no fucking joke guys if there was no std/sti ,s then yeah have a bath in spunk drink it every day fuck all you want..that is not our reality,THIS IS A KILLER VIRUS IF THE MEDS DONT GET YOU AIDS WILL..please guys understand this ,ive seen it over and over again i just dont wanna see it anymore..but were gonna see it wot is going on with peoples heads man…you realy wanna die so fucking badly..life is not easy it realy aint but guys at least try ,give it your best shot…live..be responcable…maybe one day we will have a vacine ..thats a long time comeing as this fucker keeps mutateing,its been 31 years i,m sick of seeing the monster..thease guys that bb and gloryfy loads..there like the fuckin livein dead they dont care theyve given up..life is tuff for us but it can also be fucking wonderfull..incredable moments …come on fellas give it a go …..LIVE
thease films are fantacy…but guys are doing it in real life..just look at any of the gay gruseing sites..and please dont give me all this shit about chouise..and to the cunt who wrote the opening responce do us all a favour and go and kill yourself and kill paul morris as well….you fucking promoters of illness and death fuck you cunts i just lost my buddy..the meds didnt work
Is AIDS a gay desease yet? because straight porn are always bareback and nobody say a word about it. And nobody say that they don´t deserve help from government for their meds if they need them.
This is sooo gross yet sooo hot. Im Dayton O’Connor adult performer for many years. I watched this video after hearing about it from a friend. I have seen many things in my years of getting filmed and having m2m relations. I have attended and performed at many events and understand many views and fetishes well not scat but anyway. after seeing this vid my mind wonders one side makes me cringe at the thought of a bug chaser or some creep with a fetish of giving the virus to what normally would be called a healthy person. then the other side makes me want to jerk off 1,000 times to match it load for load lol!!! There are some interesting points i would like to make and comment on from a performers perspective here are a few post I would like to mention: ( I know some of the post may be the same sick guy carrying on a un-winable blog) but i still need to say something so here is me taking a high road and point out some messed up things and a few great…
Chris J- “There’s nothing more fucking intense that watching guys get breed while contracting STIs especially HIV/AIDS.”
This statement proves there are still malicious gay males that for some reason want to see/hurt someone and have a lack of personal humanity and self dignity to not be another statistic. i mean i get it we all are one but why must you impact a community and a persons life so negatively? one would only hope that when you breed you victims that at least they know whats going on. when I read shit like this my soul dies a bit as well TJ.
william- WTF!!! With quotes like… “Ian Jay is my hero! He takes being breed to a whole other level with all those turkey basters filled with (poz) loads like a chap. It inspired me to go to my local bath house and sex club all weekend and see how many loads I could swallow and also take in my ass.” and “I just used some crystal, poppers, pot, ecstasy, and a few others to keep me going.” and of course “these videos are like instructional videos on how I and likely many aspire to have bareback sex”….
OK here is my look at this blerp ummm really i mean really no but really???? i find this just as disturbing!!! ok maybe the fact that the kid (key word KID i say this because 1,000 loads seems like complete proof that ppl make wrong decisions much like a child would when they r uneducated. ) as for the second quote William I hope you are educated and know whats happening within our gay community no matter where any of us are located i.e.
http://www.Gay-news.com “A New Yorker in his forties was found infected with an HIV strand immune to three out of four therapies that are known. This means that the virus does not respond to eighteen to nineteen of the twenty available HIV blockers. On top of that his resistance had plummeted two to twenty months after the infection to the level that is classified in the U.S. as full-blown AIDS (which means that the number of CD4 cells has dropped below 200). The man was said to be very sexually active and a regular user of the drug Crystal Meth. ”
I make bold the statements that apply to you! oh hell it all does education and awareness!! I suggest you dont check into a room at a bath house check into a rehab center oh and get you viral load checked along with your t-cells/cd4’s and find out your “strand” type looks like your heading down road full of choices like which meds and should you hook up with our friend Chris J. :) and third BB same sex partners im sure will agree although 1,000 loads seems hot living and being healthy and not dieing early seems a bit hotter!
MP- “Like a modern-day Medusa compelling you to stare at its intensity, this beautifully hypnotic video must definitely be seen repeatedly and will leave you speechless.” More like horrified for his health!
Concerned- “it is staid and predictable, the fetish-isation of the forbidden, I bet if they told everyone to screw without condoms TIM would make condom videos!
the zombie like craving of the men in their videos is deeply disturbing and has nothing to do with eroticism, only desperation. They fuck like voraciously and mindlessly to the point where it simply has no erotic purpose at all, just the twisted sensibility of people acting in rote to “transgress” against their own health.”
To this I say Bravo!!! BRA-FUCKING-VO!!!!!! and i answer your question as well “When did gay liberation turn into the tyranny of “loads” and virus delivery?” well it turned when you stopped having sex with guys “you were our only hope Obi Wan Kenobi”
overall i must say that WiseLatino your post is honest and relevant to many on here and other blogs knowing a lot of friends infected. i have to say the hardest is to watch them kill themselves and torture those around them while making poor decisions i for one being in the industry know of guys with drug problems alone and those friends have now passed. I watched a fellow porn star tear his life apart! from contracting hiv to letting others have unprotected sex with him with out notice of status to being apart of the few that found him after he committed suicide in his local resident. there is nothing harder than missing a friend not being able to find them only to break into his home cops close at hand and finding them lifeless. WiseLatino im glad you feel found a new appreciation for life. I’ll be as bold to say this thread would have ended in a terrible view point had you not decided to take a turn for the best i applaud you. we should all celebrate life because Shanikwa “life” as you say is not a luxury. Life is every humans chance to do better and propel mans humanity, civil rights and positive diversity forward. Life will never be a luxury it is our human right to live thats what we do… live and let live…. I understand from being around for almost 6 years in the industry there are freaks, stud, twinks, pigs, masters, dogs, whores, hiv + and – ppl, fisting btms and vanilla queens there is something for everyone out there. I once met a man that said “i get off on watching guys shoot up tina, I makes me cum… I love seeing them pull off the belt and watching them fade in and out… It’s knowing that they are on the verge of death that i love…” everyday i learn something new and im running out of fucked up things to learn i just hope somehow HUMANITY is brought back to porn. I feel like some of the shit i see is degrading to models and i for one would never NEVER participate in it… Safe sex is still hot and i feel like the sex industry knowing what we ALL within the gay community face would try to take care of there models after all we are what makes you money with out performers your vital life line would be done. Paul Morris the vids are hot i jerk off to them often but i do hope you take some type of precaution. The message that is sent in the videos produced is one that is not ideal and saying “HIV- is the new virginity” is a terrible statement! we should fight HIV/AIDS lets just hope some of your proceeds go to finding a cure. (PLEASE!!!) Thats what the world needs a CURE not another VICTIM… we all have had unprotected sex lets just try to put as i said once before some humanity and dignity back into porn please at least for the performers that do care about their life.
“Am i reaching for the stars here?”
With much love and concern i post this lets hope the right person reads this someday.
Dayton O’Connor
Hi Guys,
This particular topic as brought out feelings about personal decisions with regard to sexual behavior. There was a point in my life where I was actively involved in PNP and bathhouse fun. Well, all that took a toll on my body. Not only that but the guys I used to hang out in this environment have all died. This stressed me out and I isolated myself from the gay world for about 3 years. Things took a turn for the better. My health started improving, and no longer needed meds. I understand concerned’s view, which is also legitimate. I agree from another post that most people with HIV die either from drug, or alcohol abuse, or both. That’s what my friends died of. If there’s anything I’ve learned from my party years is to learn from others that are no longer here. I have a lot more appreciation of life. Don’t get me wrong, I still party every once in a while and go to a sex party. Lets not forget this is a free society (at least for now), and we have our own decisions and roads that we take in life.
it is staid and predictable, the fetish-isation of the forbidden, I bet if they told everyone to screw without condoms TIM would make condom videos!
the zombie like craving of the men in their videos is deeply disturbing and has nothing to do with eroticism, only desperation. They fuck like voraciously and mindlessly to the point where it simply has no erotic purpose at all, just the twisted sensibility of people acting in rote to “transgress” against their own health.
I say, fuck this, let’s have real fucking snuff porn, let’s see men get dismembered and burned, lets have real SAW movies, let the suffering and pain happen ON the screen instead of in real time instead of in a lonely room years after the movie is made. Then we can all have a sense of shared transgression and see what accomplisments our masochism can really achieve. Between the semen crazies whose virus controlled bodies motivates them to infect others in conscious and unconcious ways, and the gay marriage nuts who just want to settle in a happy town with a white picket fence and raise junior, the death of the “homosexual” or “gay” identify has finally been achieved, all without intervention from anyone. We accomplished it ourselves.
Why not do the 1000 loads of radiation filled cum or the one load of cyianide filled cum?
I for one have stopped having sex with men two years ago because either they were barebacking or were fucking someone who was barebacking. Sex with condoms is not full proof, it’s called “safer sex” for a reason, check the CDC and the odds if you dont believe it.
The body is your vehicle to travel in time with , you fuck it up now, it stays fucked for life or you die. I prefer to live healthy and free from worry and away from the world of “loads”. When did gay liberation turn into the tyranny of “loads” and virus delivery?
wake up, find a new way of being that does not shackle you to sickness and death, this is exactly what many people want you to do, self annihilate from false fetishism, discover eros and life again,
I’m sorry, not only is this video clip not enticing, not sexy, not well edited, not well shot – even for amateur porn, but the guys aren’t even hot!!!
I think I’m going to throw up. Where do you go from here? I don’t care how hot one thinks barebacking is, the very thought of so many individuals fucking and cumming into one person is just…. His ass must smell like hot garbage.
Don’t believe that this scene was watched more than all other scenes, gay or straight on AEBN.
His mother must be so proud.
Annabel is dead
….this is like passing by a car crash,you can’t help lurking for a couple of seconds and then you’ll get nightmares for days….
HAHA! Zach is awesome, thanx for the heads up.
Just a quick note in case it wasn’t obvious: Chris J., William, MP, Dalton, and Jacob are all the same commenter (or, they’re different people all commenting from the same location, as the IP address is the same for each response).
How could anyone not be turned on? There’s over a gallon of cum dumped in young Ian Jay’s ass! It would have been an honor to donate cum for this video. Paul Morris is hopefully working on 10,000 load video. Treasure Island’s bareback and swallow videos are in a league of their own and definitely knock it out of the park. Anal creampies, fleching, bukkake, bareback, gangbangs and other stuff are extremely hardcore specialty. Yes, they maybe the edge of gay porn but they’re truly leading what the audience really wants to see in videos. Can anyone even remember the last Falcon video? Sean Cody’s pretense of heterosexuality, mostly racists casting, and predictable suck-and-fucks are boring. Corbin Fisher has some interesting swallowing but their cast of boys is minuscule. Chaos Men has successfully gone bareback but unfortunately there’s the intrusion of Brian. Jake Cruise has done bareback but who would ever want to see the paunchy producer’s cast offs. Treasure Island is what moves gay porn forward. The rest merely are pretenders. Bareback and swallowing are here to stay.
I can’t. I just can’t.
Thank you Paul Morris. I never thought I’d see the restoration of gay porn to it’s true and natural state of condom-less anal sex. Straight porn doesn’t sell if they use condoms and a growing number of fans of male-on-male sex use this higher standard for porn. Bareback gangbangs hold a mirror to the gay community on how we actually have sex. It’s not those idealized, younger porn stars who are shaved smooth and suddenly have a magically appearing condom when it comes to oral and anal sex. Remember when cumming in a guy’s mouth was such a big deal just a few years ago? I have a feeling barebacking will be seen in the same way. This bareback portrayal of gay sex shows the need for honesty and accuracy in a more discerning gay porn audience. Our common love of cum unifies and strengthens gay men. Condoms were invented by heterosexists to prevent pregnancy. By wanting so badly to be accepted by our straight counterparts, others use condoms to conform to heterosexuals. By having and showing bareback sex, we are and see gays as we were meant naturally to be.
Perhaps health insurance makes people think they don’t have to care. But while we may all be dying, I figure I won’t go to all this effort to try to get an STD.
Oh Ian Jay! I can only imagine what that room smelled like filled with all that cum and sweat. The taste of your ass after those loads would’ve been very exquisitely ripe. It must’ve felt like touching the hand of God while you fingered your sore, very wet, and messy hole. Those cries of desire and moaning as they pumped all that semen was deliciously deafening. Like a modern-day Medusa compelling you to stare at its intensity, this beautifully hypnotic video must definitely be seen repeatedly and will leave you speechless.
Well, the number of viewings speaks for itself. The high-definition (HD) quality of Paul Morris’ latest masterpiece is very clear. Ian Jay is my hero! He takes being breed to a whole other level with all those turkey basters filled with (poz) loads like a chap. It inspired me to go to my local bath house and sex club all weekend and see how many loads I could swallow and also take in my ass. Without a camera crew cheering me on, I just used some crystal, poppers, pot, ecstasy, and a few others to keep me going. It was hot and I can’t wait to do it again and again! People like Dan Fisk, Brad McGuire, Dawson, Christian, and Jesse O’Toole are true revolutionaries and pioneers in gay erotica. Treasure Island really is the most imaginative of all porn studios. They have the most creatively avant-garde concepts and truly think outside of the boring box that has become gay porn. I can’t wait to see where they go from here. These bareback films are like instructional videos on how I and likely many aspire to have bareback sex. Bravo and encore!
Chris J. needs to waste away and die.
Somebody lock up the sociopath “Chris J.” and throw away the key.
How many of these actors in BB porn receive public assistance for their HIV meds???? If they are so callous as to not care about their own health, it is time to cut them off from the taxpayer nanny state that gives them the funds to keep doing this irresponsible behavior. Then let’s see how many of them are out collecting 1,000 loads when they have to literally pay the consequences; I don’t think most have the tens-of-thousands of dollars to do it year in and year out and it is certainly NOT the taxpayers responsibility to give them this luxury called “life.”
Do studios like this get a cut from AEBN if the particular clip is so popular and viewed? I’m not touching the subject matter, just curious about the business relationship and payment based on hits if that occurs.
That statistic is too disturbing for words – my soul died a little after I read it.
The worse part is that it’s only going to motivate T.I.M. to come up wirth something more extreme & depraved.
And how deep must your self-hatred be or how low your self-esteem to allow yourself to used like that & become a human petri dish….
Can you say “Super-Virus??”
or “walking discharge”
actually I believe that the loads in question had been frozen, so actually there is little risk in that part of the film. Letting a buncha guys bb you after squirting all that junk up your bum is obviously dangerous, but facts are facts:
Using previously frozen cum as lube is NOT dangerous…its just fucking GROSS.
HIV- is the new virginity. That’s what the founder of Treasure Island once said. I love bareback video!. There’s nothing more fucking intense that watching guys get breed while contracting STIs especially HIV/AIDS. There’s a snuff film quality that’s post-human. The great thing about poz guys is that they’re really lean, have good muscle definition from steroids, and possess killer cheekbones. You can’t see felching in condom videos. Eating loads, whether one’s own or even hotter others, from a guy’s ass is so intense. It’s like rimming to the nth degree. Younger guys in their 20s and 30s really are getting into the natural raw sex in gay porn which is real progress. Gone are the fear from the latex Nazis who dictate fear. Bareback porn is finally now mainstream porn. It isn’t extreme anymore when other more vanilla studios like Bel Ami and Chaos Men choose to go the real way. Fighting for gay rights means embracing all branches of the GLBTQ. Multiple load, bareback gangbangs show the diversity and progress of gay life.
That is really the most disturbing piece of drivel I have read in ages.