(A follow-up to yesterday’s post on Mick Lovell, the new Bel Ami exclusive. Presented without comment because I can’t fucking breathe.)
[be3l aamist6erfgudewf…SORRY…i..CLICK for MICK on BEL AMIsdfghjklf]
oh, you arbiters of taste. Of course he’s got to keep his bangs. While he can. They express his youth and vitality. I wonder what he looks like now. Or in another five years.
You should only be so luck to have sweeping, golden hair.
I know I’m Very late considering the dates above, but I’ve just came across this great website. Mick, well, what can one say. I DO weak in the presence of such pure beauty. I hope the angel fell soft from Heaven, thank you God from the deepest of my heart that You know is true for creating such beauty. I laugh at anyone who say there is no God, whom greater could have created something so beautiful, so perfect, I’m left speechless . . .
I want one for Christmas.
I am flustered by his very pretty armpits.
I did not know that part of the body could be specifically pretty. But they can.
crazy eyes. big cock.
He’s gorgeous, but the hair’s gotta go. It makes him look scuzzy (and that isn’t the case at all).
Yes please Zach…I would like some more Mick!!!! Please!!
he’s cute and all but damn another photographer who needs to be shot in the face…i thought he had a shorter eyebrow or a glass eye,insted in the video he really looks amazing kthanksbye.
Yes, he is beautiful and he has none of that hideous white trash ink stink. More like him please.
He has that Tommy Hansen quality from way back when. Let’s hope he has an equally insatiable ass.
GOD. More of this!
Why does Zach get your cousin? He’s not going pay for the roofie. I will. :-)
As for the lad in question, he’s going to have to give up that ass before I give an opinion about his beauty.
I can’t blame Zach for not breathing in this case!
He’s pretty, but… those bangs. Is he covering up a “fivehead”?
Somebody get Zach a defibrillator!
I….can’t….he just looks to much like my cousin. Now, Zach, if you want my cousin then I’ll be happy to roofie him and ship him to The Sword.
I’d click for Mick definitely.
He puts the love in Lovell :)
Praise the Lord. o_O
oh happy days
::. :…:. ::. ::.: ..: . :: : .::.