OK, one comment: asdjkl;fgbhnjdkmlef,ghe7tdgydhu2oijn
Also: JESUsCqQWfkuingchrist wewfiohcw cjicjkcivn chfrhisdg
According to a Raging Stallion rep, he’s on his way to America to shoot next month.
Until then…deugwsjopqsopa[oqsdejpfpijhwjpqsojpqsojkcjopefjopfrjopejopdjodopd1jope3pejo
[photos via Bad Behaviour, Mathew Mason]
be my husband
Jesus, you can put that ass in the microwave and get popcorn.
You could throw that ass up in to the air and it would turn into sunshine…
Just gettin’ old school with it.
Isn’t he the Gay Unicorn guy (http://images.quickblogcast.com/8/1/2/8/0/47094-208218/Unicornman_david_mason_exterface.jpg?a=31) going under a different name now? much prefer the un-unicorn version
Certainly impressive. But somehow I suspect that he’s also all of five-foot-six.
I’m not trying to hate, but I must just be missing all the really tall porn stars these days. I remember when I met Tom Chase I kind of stifled a giggle, because I was sort of towering over him.
Um.. ya’ll joking about him being Australian and not American… right?
By that logic, lets deport Nicole Kidman, Hugh Jackman, Toni Colette and Cate Blanchett back to Oz, and never let them work in the USA again.
Nice body.
Who, in the porn world, decided putting big hideous tattoos all over your body was hot? He’s hot, especially in the photoshopped photos, but he’d be even hotter without the tattoos.
matter of opinion! I would find him equally hot with or without his tats!
Hon, when his ass is up in the air like that, I can’t see any tattoos, I can only see ass. And it’s a good ass.
That’s not an ass, it’s a cunt.
A fuck cunt.
Photoshopped or not, it’s F-I-N-E.
Yes these pictures have been photoshopped to hell and back !! I m surprised only one person has pointed it out so far.. Dude is good looking for sure but nothing extraordinary. When I saw the 1st picture I thought it was a 3D animated character, and I d like to add that the photoshopping on his face is bloody awful especially when he bends over…
Here are more realistic photos
Thank you these guys on here are drooling over a cartoon character and there is NO way he looks like this in person…this makes it PLAIN to see why there are SO MANY body issues in the gay male community…also his dick is NOT that big, he is 5’6 with a 7 inch penis it is all about proportion…sometimes I am disappointed in my gay brethren..
Yea I’m sure most of us, including me, already knew that the first pic was severely photoshopped. And if you want to take it up a notch with the real pics, check out some of his pics on his facebook profile https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000764971358 I’m still drooling for him!
Gee thanks for ruining my crush. I just saw those Facebook pics. I am sure he is a sweet man. But seriously take away the massive amount of photoshop and I can’t help but wonder why anyone would buy the guy a airplane ticket. He is fine looking don’t get me wrong. But we don’t need to import this.
Apparently we do if we can’t seem to book enough genuinely gay guys in gay porn. There’s nothing wrong with a little variety of nations in gay porn, but if there is anyone to blame for the lack of Americans in gay porn like Armand has said, it’s the G4P and the stupidass studios that hire them.
I don’t understand what we are excited about. Yes hes one of the best looking men I have even seen in my life but guys….is gay porn a job Americans are un-willing to do? Do we really need to take a scene away from an American porn star when our economy is so bleak? Our porn stars are already living off meager go-go boy tips. It’s a sad sad day. BTW I do like his tat “allow yourself to be yourself” in what has got to be the most over photoshopped pic of the year. “allow yourself to be photoshopped for any flaws”
Honey we all can be photoshopped with jaw dropping results…pass the gravy!!
are you seriously pulling the bad economy card? He’s probably going to be in a scene with an American anyway and as if there aren’t 87498434 foreign gay porn stars signed to American studios already. The economy is going to suck with or without his fine ass on American soil.
I think he was being facetious.
Ah yes, the bad economy card: the perfect excuse for people to NOT step it up or–in the case of the ones threatened by this new boy–watch their behind.
*wears sunglass.
Allow yourself to fuk me :) HOT HOT
I have to see him in action before I pledge my undying love. I do want to hear him say “cock” as much as possible, it’s so sexy when Aussie’s say “cock”!
not bad but the photoshopped face on the 1st pic is a big fail :( and please let the hole hairs grow – thanks
holy shit he is so godly hot! Anybody know if he’s done anything back in Australia??? I don’t think I can wait for an RS release to see this beautiful creature in action!
Can we get him to officially replace Samuel Colt? THIS is how you do muscly porno star. Spread those legs, fella.
Maybe when he arrives, we can put Colt & “li’l man” Chris Porter in a small box filled with beef jerky & styrofoam peanuts, pop a few airholes, and FedEx them to Greece once and for all.
All in favor…!
He is worthy, I’ll second that.
“All in favor…?”
*crickets chirping*
Uh, how ’bout no… Christine.
I need to see him and Samuel Colt taking turns fucking each other.
Yes!! Please send Chris Porter to Greece. I’ll be waiting for him, kthxbye.
On topic now, DAT ASS. IS. MARVELOUS!!!
Please live near me.
Please live near me.
Please live near me.
Now THAT’S porn star.
You can shove your little Bel Ami mormon with the Lady Di hair-do up yo’ azz (and I’m sure you’d love to).
I know I say it on every porn star pic published where they are bending over exposing their shaved hole (except Lady Di’s), but…I’m SO stealing that pose for my Gaydar profile.
Amen to that in spades – he’s built for sex, damn I need to see those cheeks spread open and get a taste of his cock. Sure looks versatile, and it would be a crying shame if he weren’t.
“Allow yourself to be yourself” :)
YUM! Thank you raging stallion..
I like. He’s like a juicy cross between Cole Streets and Jessie Colter (both of whom are delicious in my book.)
Cole Streets? So he’s eight feet tall and covered in hair?
Okay, I saw that first pic and thought, “Hmm, so he’s a bottom?”
Then I scrolled down after the jump and it’s “OMFG, THAT DICK!!!”
Puhleez, let him be versatile… you can’t let a dick like that go to waste!
Jesse Colter … watch your back
sdflkjdh sdfgjhsdf sefohefwoawmhscvhjsevi gwcvqjc gg4I7F WECHkiuef fw9 fawkjf
*jaw drops*