That’s Brent Corrigan/Sean Lockhart, lobbing cranky tweets and burning a bridge to Jason Sechrest, who interviewed him for his website and Frontiers magazine. The Cobra Video movies (which Sechrest posted the box covers of–along with all of Corrigan’s other movies–at the end of the interview) from 4+ years ago were bareback, and Corrigan’s since spoken out against all of that. The box covers, which depict cum dripping out of Corrigan’s asshole and mouth, are cartoonish and absurd, but a body of work is a body of work.
Also, does Brent Corrigan know that, as of right now, he is promoting the exact same movies and the exact same box covers on his own personal website? Whoops.
I agree with assessment of Corrigan’s behavior, but I don’t understand what Chi Chi LaRue has to do with any of this. Is Richard saying that all performers aspire or should aspire to work for LaRue? Sure LaRue is successful, but I’m sure there are plenty of performers that don’t view her as a stepping stone to success. In fact, as stated, it looks like Corrigan has done OK on his own.
Richard, people know that Corrigan is a megalomaniac and a diva who makes all his feuds public and blogs against EVERY professional he works with.
He’s a loose cannon, an internet blackmailer/extortionist and he thinks he’s the center of the universe. I would NEVER work with Brent Corrigan professionally because he’s unprofessional. And self-centered.
None of this is secret. Producers like Chi Chi know who has the right attitude versus those who are TROUBLE.
If Jason Sechrest always manages to shit on someone every time they get into bed, may I suggest douching?
Excellent point Alan, and does anyone else wonder why ChiChi LaRue has never worked with Brent? She’s worked/works with many porn actors and is a force in the industry. I’ve never read one single disparaging remark about her or actors’ experiences working with her. So I have to wonder what she knows about Brent that has prevented her from working with him. And since she and Jason have a close relationship, Brent’s temper tantrum and his “bridge burning” won’t help matters, if he’s at all interested in partnering with ChiChi.
Regardless of whether one thinks Brent’s unhappiness with the box covers is appropriate or not (and my own opinion is that if he has them on his own website, he doesn’t have a whole lot of justification for blaming others for doing what he does himself), it’s the WAY he reacted that I found most interesting. Apparently, rather than pick up the phone, or fire off an e-mail direct to Jason and try to resolve this in a quiet and restrained way, Brent chose to blast his displeasure all over the twitterverse, where it could be read by, well, everyone! To me, that’s the cyber-equivalent of carefully staging a temper-tantrum in the most public venue possible for maximum effect. I’m sorry, but IMO if Brent comes off looking like a spoiled prima-donna in this case, it’s entirely his own fault…
Personally, I think Brent has grown tremendously as a porn actor since his Cobra days. Instead of him disliking the films (and we all know the reasons why so no need to re-hash the past), why not embrace them as a stepping stone to a much better place? He is now an avid advocate of protected sex (kudos for him!) and is a much better performer since those days. Brent will never get away from the films fully, but he can use them to his advantage.
LMfAO..these hoes do this shit on videos for all eternity then get upset when it’s revisited.Typical :-)
Congrats on anticipating Brent’s reaction, Adam. Though there is just no getting around the hypocrisy of him blowing up at Jason for doing the exact same thing he’s doing on his own site, and he’s making money off of these films to boot. If Jason was “disrespecting” Brent by featuring them, then it seems to me Brent is disrespecting himself for the sake of making a few bucks.
I’ve taken the liberty of transcribing Jason’s tweeted response to Brent from last night:
“Last I saw, when your new site launched, the box covers were featured on your own site. I included every movie on AEBN. If I were trying to be a dick, obviously I’d have ONLY put up the work you did with Cobra. The article is all but a Hallmark card to you, Brent. But if you choose to focus on one thing you don’t like instead of being grateful that is your choice. I put lots of time, effort & space into it both in print and online. Sorry you felt its ‘shit.’ You may want to remove them from your own site: [link]. And you may want to thank those who promote you.”
I warned Sechrest about this in the comments section on December 21. He approved the comment and didn’t remove the link 8 days ago, so he can’t say he didn’t know. Whether Brent is linking them or not, the point is Brent took time out to play ball, Sechrest should have respected him.