sergeant miles gay porn star

Sergeant Miles Takes On His Haters

A lot has been said about Sergeant Miles. Now Sergeant Miles is doing the talking. Sometimes silence is golden. Is this one of those times?

Sergeant Miles works in gay porn.

The Sword is a gay porn blog.

This letter from arrived from Sergeant Miles in our mailbox today.

As a result, it became news whether we like it or not.

Presented below exactly as received …


I am Sergeant Miles, since I joined the porn industry, a certain blog has taken great effort to slander me to the LGBT community. In the recent weeks this blog has taken its attacks on me to another level. This is a statement to set the record straight on a few topics that have been coming up.

First let me say that I am absolutely horrified and deeply saddened by the Parkland School shooting. I fully support stricter background checks and improving FBI monitoring. I do not support a complete ban on assault rifles that would take away millions of Americans 2nd amendment rights. Just because there are a few bad apples that drink and drive we don’t ban alcohol completely.

The blog I am talking about has taken my tweets out of context. I couldn’t portray my actual thoughts and feelings on the matter. I what I said came across in a way that made it sound like I was criticizing the young adults. that were victims of the shooting. What I was trying to convey is that our culture has become a weak one where we always run to someone else to protect us. i.e. go tell a teacher if your being bullied, instead of punching that bully and standing up for yourself. if someone is threatening you call the police, don’t fight back just wait for someone else to come save you. I feel it is important to teach each person, man, woman and child to defend themselves. When I was a child I lived in a very very bad neighborhood, where I was beat up daily and though it didn’t stop when I started fighting back the intensity and frequency lessened because I stood up for myself.

When I was 6-7 years old, my home was constantly burglarized, all my possessions were stolen even the food out of the fridge. I was forced to watch at gunpoint as these criminals gang raped and beat my mother repeatedly. Each time this happened I wondered where the police were and why couldn’t they prevent and stop these horrible things from happening. This caused me to realize at a young age that though there are laws to stop people from doing bad things only we can stop bad things from happening to us, perhaps if my mother had owned a firearm she could have stopped the criminals. After that I always fought back because once a person can make you a victim only you can keep it from happening again.

I am a veteran, I have fought and almost died for the freedoms that we all enjoy. I take the 2nd amendment very serious. (I have seen what can happen to population when they are disarmed, cities where everyone is killed, the buildings demolished, and everything pushed in to a hole in the ground and new maps made that no longer have the towns name on it. Saddam had done this in Iraq. Perhaps if those people had military grade weapons they could have defended themselves or at least put up a fight.

When tragedies like 9/11 and school shootings happen, we often have knee jerk reactions that affect us in the long term think The Patriot Act and the TSA. I always think back to this quote from Benjamin Franklin who once said: “Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.”

Now on to the matter of “being a Trump supporter.” My 1st choice was always Bernie Sanders. Yes, I voted for Trump and I voted for Obama twice prior. To use a metaphor from my favorite show South Park, this election was truly between, a giant douche (Trump) and a turd sandwich (Hillary). Now I DO NOT agree with all of Trumps policies nor did I agree with all of president Obamas’ but, I did feel like Trump was the lesser of two evils. I held my nose as I voted for Trump because of the way Hillary and the DNC behaved during the election both were unethical, Hillary by assuming the finances of the party before the primary was over and, as soon as she did suddenly Bernie started losing a very unlikely coincidence. The Democratic party behaved as though they were far superior to everyone else and, we should all just follow them because they knew what was best for all the rest of us. I got the feeling they wanted to be the ruling elite and were more concerned with making history by having the 1st woman president than representing the electorate. Obviously enough people including most women voters felt the same way and Trump was elected.

When I finally accepted my sexuality and started doing porn I was relieved and felt like I was finally being true to myself for the first time in my life. I was nervous and fearful of backlash from my family and straight friends only to discover that they had no problems with my sexuality, it was in fact the LGBT community that started attacking me calling me “gay for pay” and saying that I was trying to exploit the community for financial gain. In fact, I was coming to terms with something that I had experimented, repressed, and struggled with my entire life. Due to the don’t ask don’t tell policy of the military I wasn’t able to really accept myself or experience my desires during my time in the army, I got married (it seemed like the thing to do). After I was shot and nearly died I had a realization that we only have one life and we must live it for ourselves to the fullest. Once I was retired from service I again started to come to terms with my sexuality and when I discussed it with my wife she accepted it but, wasn’t interested in being in an open marriage and we came to the agreement that we should get a divorce so that I could pursue my desires without hurting her and violating my duty to her by cheating on her. During the years that followed I pursued men and women discovering new things about myself every relationship every encounter.


37 thoughts on “Sergeant Miles Takes On His Haters”

  1. And then, Lo and Behold, WHOSE FACE turns up on a WFLA News 8 article, front and center assisting the Proud Boys during the January 6th Capitol Riots?

    Smh… Sorry, Boys; Gay and Republican are Non-Equivocal.

  2. Oh Dear WHERE TO BEGIN!!!

    Gentlemen, we have yet another Richard Sawa AKA Colby Keller on our hands!

    LOOK BILLY SANTORO OR QUINTIN GAINZ, HRC is the greatest of 2 evils? WTH?

    Voted 4 Obama twice! (SURE JAN!)

    I just love calling bullshit when I see it!

    Gangraped? WTF? Midnight Cowboy or The Prince of Tides much bitch?

    Steven Miles and Michael Lucas need to be in a sanifarium not prison where Trump And His Cultgo to rot! Yes Brenda: SCHIZOPHRENIA IS A THING!

    BTW I hope tnem crocodiles in your Florida trailer park swallow you whole! AND I’M BEING NICE!

  3. He’s a douchebag regardless. Also, you didn’t fight for the freedoms we have. What war did you fight in that our freedom was in peril? NONE. Most of “our” wars were fought for money/oil control not freedom you fool.

    1. ditto. and you’re still a little bitch. 2 words for you asshole “mia culpa” I was wrong. I should have voted for Hillary but I’m a little misogynist bitch as well as fake as fuck.” Own it bitch. You suk.

  4. Why do ppl think saying “I’m a veteran” means anything? Anyone can be a veteran. It doesn’t make you special. It doesn’t exempt you. Stop trying to use a title as a scapegoat for your bigoted and racist tweets and comments.

  5. 100% in agreement and understand everything Mr. MIles has experienced. I too had gone through similar events in my life right up until the political issues we are dealing with. I would have NEVER voted for HIllary Clinton even if she ran on the republican ticket!!! She is a horror and being exmilitary Benghazi was the final nail in her coffin!! She will some day pay for everything she has done. I leave it is Gods hands. So bravo Sergeant and yes I do love the name big guy!!!!!

  6. Gotta say, I held my nose voting for Hillary. I’ve never liked her and could see how power hungry she was from the time she was the wife of an Arkansas governor. I thought she might be the lesser of two evils, but Bernie was always my first vote and it disgusts me the way the DNC basically handed the party to her and shut Bernie out when it was clear that he had so much support and would have beat Trump in the general, so I can’t fault Sargent for his views. I don’t agree with them all, but he has a right to hold them, just as I have a right to hold mine. Are his views right? Are my views right? That’s all a matter of opinion, all I know is that in this country we all have the right to our own opinions and the freedom(at least at the time of writing this) to express them verbally in whatever forum we choose.

  7. This guy is a hero and extremely brave. I am saddened by the close minded people that attack him for having a different opinion, they act like extreme conservatives who would hate someone for voting for hillary. This is a major reason trump won. Liberals can be very nasty, self righteous and they act superior to others. I believe in the 2nd amendment and anyone who does is not an enemy.

  8. lost me completely now wont even bother watching his movies anymore ,,, we have GUN Laws in Australia and it works ,,I only hope and pray you all get your way and guns are banned

  9. The ‘I’m a veteran’ argument is old, and being a veteran doesn’t validify anything, especially the war in Iraq, which was fought under false pretences.

    These second amendments freaks are stating to sound like juhadists.

  10. Same tired argument that we need all of our guns to stop a government out of control. This guy must not really believe in our democracy if he thinks it’s that flimsy. And compares it to Iraq?! Secondly, he chose Trump after supporting Bernie?? End of story.

  11. The only thing clear after reading his letter and the comments is that some people just can’t accept a different opinion. I disagree with most of the things he said, but I can understand where he’s coming from and I respect his right to speak his mind.

    1. I hate republicans and democrats with this attitude. flame much? Miles is a real man. odds are you wouldnt say that to his face.

  12. I’m so tired of the 2nd amendment argument from these individuals that have other motives with this .. NO ON including accused President Obama took away or wants to take away this rite.
    But NO private citizen needs an assault weapon in any scenario, there are enough hand guns that can do the trick, so that argument in my opinion is mute.
    As for the Trump vote….he voted for the 2 lesser evils,
    Anyone who voted for Obama and voted for Trump needs to take a hard look at themselves…yes ALL of you!

  13. Based on his porn, he’s been fawcked every which way. Based on his letter, he’s fawcked in the head too.

  14. He has a right to his opinions. He has been a continued target for the hate blog Str8upgayporn for being bisexual, for having voted for Trump, and for his stance on the Florida mass shooting.
    End of story.
    Do the research because much of what we were led to believe was said, was never written. Typical Str8up

    1. Str8Up posted the guys tweets and called him out for his gun nut mentality and Trump vote, so it’s all Sergeant’s own words being used against him…exactly as he wrote them. End of story. There isn’t a single mention on Str8up anywhere about this idiot being bisexual.

    2. His opinion? But not everyone else’s opinion? Newsflash: everyone is entitled to an opinion including those who will disagree. You put your opinion out there, others will respond with their opinions.

    3. id take miles over anyone that simple and closed minded as to shut someone down bevause they voted for a candidate they didnt like. Thats childish nonsense. I know a lot of bernie supporters who voted for trump. God i hate you people. Its like those republicans who go on facebook and say unfriend me if you voted for hillary. youre just as bad if not worse. Miles is a hero for coming out with this story.

      1. It’s not a “ didn’t like” he’s literally a racist bigot. If any point in history you’re siding with white nationalists you need to rethink your candidate.

  15. Sooo after reading this he’s one of those (hate saying this) privileged white males who was so traumatized yet not that smart that his racist actions are ok because of his background.
    Also he voted for trump because his candidate didn’t get the nomination.

    Nah this guy is weakminded and an ignorant secretly racist. Blame the all brown and black people and I need a gun to protect myself against them. Dude you’re a porn star who fucks for a living, you’re not actually working like the brown people who farm your food or clean after you and make little money.

    Fuck this guy. He can go hang out with the colby kellers.

    1. this is why I hate so many liberals, yet I am one. Anyone attacking miles isnt fit to shine is boots. The man is a hero, a marine, and a real man. Youre probably a pampered princess.

    1. this is how I picture most gay “men” who are are flustered that miles ( a military veteran) supports gun rights. These girls have their panties in a twist and most likely want to be women

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