What’s both charming and hilarious about the ongoing porn-reality-competition franchise that is So You Think You Can Fuck, now in its fifth season, is that it reminds me of the early, super-low-budget days of Rupaul’s Drag Race. Remember how the grand prize the first season was like a $100 Target gift card and a fruit basket?
Now that Drag Race is some kind of huge cult sensation with big cash prizes — they do still have a bunch of tacky feather-ensemble and wig sponsors, so it’s still kind of scrappy — we need to look no further than to So You Think You Can Fuck to remind us of what gay “runway” production values were back in the days when mainstream America had never heard of Rupaul. Granted Dominic Ford is shooting everything in 4K, so it’s all extra-extra-HD if your computer supports that, it’s just what’s actually happening on the screen that feels so old school and cruise-ship like.
In Week Three there is actually a RUNWAY CHALLENGE in which porn stars Billy and Seth Santoro, Logan Moore, Theo Ford, Dylan Knight, and Brandon Wilde all have to model Andrew Christian underwear, some other other underwear, and some gym clothing that looks like it came from a WeHo Thrift Mart. And the whole affair is hosted by whatever local Palm Springs drag queen they could scrounge up for $50 and sixer of Bud Light, and her name is Sasha Scarlett. (HILARIOUS SIDEBAR: It looks like Sasha’s circa-1999 website has been hacked by Turks or something, and plays some weird music when you click on it. You have to scroll down to read about her glamorous gigs.)
Watch as Sasha MCs the awkwardness in this non-embeddable portion of the episode. And wait til you see who wins because of their awesome runway modeling abilities!!
And here’s the obligatory reaction shot of Theo and Logan looking super excited to be there and talk about underwear.
Below, you can see the sex portion of this week’s competition, in which Theo Ford leaves behind fake boyfriend Logan Moore to have a threeway with the Red Team, boyfriends Dylan Knight and Brandon Wilde. And they get to do some fun gymnastic stuff next to a pool. Then you can go back to the other video to watch the judging, and see who Brent Corrigan thinks “won” this sex scene.
[Dominic Ford: So You Think You Can Fuck Season 5, Week 3]
Dammit, every time I go the pool there’s somebody standing on his head 69’ing while getting rimmed. I’m sick of it, lol.
Theo “fat Elvis” Ford and Brandon “Oompa loompa” Wilde: a match made in Here Lounge hell.
Could someone please explain the constipated cheek-sucking pout look that Theo always seems to adopt in every photo, apart from the bloated hung-over one when sat next to Logan. It’s an awful confection of pushing and pulling. Does he think it makes him look “masc”?