Steve Cruz is ‘Gay for Play’ is what the furry little porn star has named his rant against detached hookers and gay-4-pay performers who need to open wider and gag harder:
As a producer I admit I feel cheated when a model says he’s bi, but doesn’t kiss or suck dick. On the other side I have had gay models who do not rim, and a select few that just don’t enjoy giving head -LOL! Yeah right! Being the cock-hungry connoisseur I can’t begin to understand… I live for it. In fact on the off chance I am I’m ever executed in a third world country …my last request won’t be a cheap steak dinner or a filthy cigarette. I’ll be on my knees in front of the firing squad… whore!
I agree with Steve’s conclusion: a model’s private sex life is irrelevant; what matters is how he fucks on camera.
It’s none of my business who my models prefer to date. He just needs to know how to have ‘hot sex’ with another man. No one wants to watch his grimacing face give reluctant little cat licks to the tip of an 8+ inch penis. What a waste! It’s not a giant clit, so get down on it like you mean it. You’d think since we have the same equipment it should make a job easier— that’s not always the case.
Then he comes for the "hookers":
So what is my definition of a ‘hooker'(in quotes)? Simply put: When the lights come on they totally check out.
So maybe a lot of your bad tricks are actually hookers working for free. People trapped in a loveless marriage having one way sex? Hookers! Lack of presence is the kiss of death for a movie. Reviewers, no matter how much they like a director’s work, always point out the disappointment of watching a ‘hooker’ performance.
If given the choice I’d much rather watch a hot guy with str8 tendencies with his eyes open and having a good time than a jaded ‘hooker’ who’s mind is elsewhere… ‘oh is that my iphone??’ ‘tweet, tweet guurl!’
If you haven’t already, check out Steve Cruz’s latest project at
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At IML, Steve Cruz Interviews David Mason’s Ass
Steve & Bruno: Down Under, Bent Over
Does Bitching About Gay-For-Pay Make You a Lesbian?
Hate to break it to him, but Steve IS “bi”. He likes men AND buys.