It’s Magic Mike meets Buffy the Vampire Slayer, obviously.
Director/screenwriter Keith Hartman has just launched an IndieGogo campaign trying to raise $125,000 to shoot a feature film he’s written, Vampire Strippers Must Die. The screenplay has already won an award at the New York LGBT film festival, and Hartman has won festival awards for his previous two movies as well.
The premise: “a zany comedy about a group of American male strippers on tour in Eastern Europe who are forced to battle an army of bloodsucking undead.”
The film features Andrew Christian model Pablo Hernandez as well as Bryant Wood (America’s Next Top Model), and as Hartman says, if you give them money, the strippers will be happy. And if you give $75 you can have the cast member of your choice give you a “shirtless shout-out” via social media.
Here’s his pitch.
And here’s the official trailer, featuring whatever has been shot so far.
If I wanted to watch a movie about mostly straight male strippers making out with women, I could just watch Magic Mike 1 and 2 or Chocolate City. A gay character or two and a gay director just aren’t going to cut it to have to sit through the cheese whiz that is this movie. NEEDS MORE GAY AND LESS PUSS!
This movie has to happen! The concept trailer looked really good… and the marine stripper is bae!