The Twink Who Wouldn’t Pay: Gay Porn Star Jake Lyons Continues To Evade Corbin Fisher’s $54k Judgment

Two years after initially suing him for $1,000,000 for using their copyrighted studio photos in his escort ad, Corbin Fisher is still hot on the trail of rascally lollipop twink Jake Lyons. Will they ever collect? (No.)

For anyone who forgot the (ridiculous) back story: In January of 2010, Corbin Fisher sued Jake Lyons for just over one million dollars for his use of their photos in his “Men4RentNow” escort ad (seven photos at $150,000 each). In November of 2010, Corbin Fisher reduced the amount of their demand and a federal judge ruled in their favor against Lyons, in the amount of $54,160. At the time, Corbin Fisher said they’d likely collect the $54k via wage garnishments and that they had “ways of finding out where [Lyons] is working ahead of time.” A month later, Corbin Fisher filed the official papers to begin wage garnishments. Then, in January of 2011, Corbin Fisher offered Lyons a deal: Pay just 10% of the judgment ($5,400)–which Corbin Fisher would donate to charity–and they’d consider the case closed. At the time, Jake Lyons said he’d take the deal! But as it turns out, the deal just wasn’t sweet enough for the troubled lollipop twink.

Almost one year after Lyons said he’d take the deal and two years since the original lawsuit, the debt has now been transferred to an outside collection agency, and The Sword has obtained a wage garnishment notice from that agency, sent just this past January:

It’s unclear whether Corbin Fisher “sold” the collection amount in full to this outside collection agency (“Gold Line”) or if the agency is merely working on Corbin Fisher’s behalf, but either way, they’re wasting their time. Lyons hasn’t worked for any U.S.-based studios in nearly a year, and sources at multiple studios named in the court order (below) tell me he isn’t booked for any upcoming shoots with them. I guess the debt collectors are just covering all the bases?

UPDATE: Corbin Fisher’s attorney Marc Randazza clarifies:

That judgment is no longer in our hands.  We transferred it, along with a batch of other judgments, to a third party for less than the actual value of the judgments. We regularly package up our unpaid judgments and sell them. In fact, we didn’t even sell it to that particular company, so it looks like it has been re-sold at least once since we transferred it. In our eyes, this company and Mr. Lyons have buried the hatchet, and we wish him well. The dispute is now between him and whichever company now owns the judgment.

And: Here’s the original court order, which names every single gay porn studio on the planet in the pursuit of wage garnishment. With scene rates averaging anywhere from $300 (solo jerk off for an amateur site) to $3000 (a Randy Blue duo shoot, or maybe a bareback scene on Sean Cody) it will take a while to collect $54,000 from Jake Lyons, who hasn’t been seen since his arrest last summer on battery charges.

But…happy hunting, debt collector people!


31 thoughts on “The Twink Who Wouldn’t Pay: Gay Porn Star Jake Lyons Continues To Evade Corbin Fisher’s $54k Judgment”

  1. Background Report
    Justin Ma Caro

    Name: Justin Ma Caro
    Age: 38
    DOB: 6/28/1974
    Phone: 954-916-7865
    Additional phone numbers: 443-292-4759, 407-896-1650, 410-721-xxxx, 410-267-6206, 386-283-5059, 410-643-xxxx, 4072865915, 803-234-7330
    Most recent adress: 2112 NE 1st Ave, Wilton Manors, FL 33305.
    Criminal records: 7 found
    Aliases: Justin Marcus, Justin Graham Caro, Justin Caros, Justin Carro, Justin Marcos, Bailee.

    Criminal Record
    Name: Justin Marcus Caro
    Offense: Cs:possess- Not Marihuana
    Date of Offense: 04/29/2003
    Location: Maryland
    Court: Criminal Court
    Case Number: 1A00119883
    Offender ID: 961A00119883
    Criminal Record Name: Justin Marcus CaroOffense:Sex Offense Third DegreeOffense: Sodomy-GenerallyOffense: Sex Offense Fourth DegreeOffense: Assault- Sec DegreeOffense: Prostitu:procure/Solicit Offense: Prostitu: engage inDate of Offense: 04/29/2003Location: MarylandCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: 6M00004878Offender ID: 966M00004878__________________________________________________________________
    Criminal Record Name: Justin CaroOffense: MunicipalDate of Offense: 07/12/1993Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: Offender ID: 697000140531974062819930712__________________________________________________________________
    Criminal Record Name: Justin M CaroOffense: MunicipalDate of Offense: 08/18/1993Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: Offender ID: 697000140531974062819930818__________________________________________________________________
    Criminal Record Name: Justin M CaroOffense: MunicipalDate of Offense: 09/13/1993Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: 697000140531974062819930913

    Criminal Record Name: Justin M CaroOffense: MunicipalDate of Offense: 09/14/1993Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtCase Number: 697000140531974062819930914


    Criminal Record Name: Justin M CaroOffense: FelonyDate of Offense: 07/28/1997Location: FloridaCourt: Criminal CourtOffender ID: 697814846191974062819970728Case Number: __________________________________________________________________

    1 Bankruptcy
    Chapter Description: 05/26/1998
    Resolution Date: 09/04/1998
    Court: Maryland- Baltamore
    Type: Individual
    Filer Type: Individual
    Debtors: Justin Marcus Caro
    Attorneys: Andrew G Wilson II

    Why did none believe me when I said that I never uploaded the pictures to the site?

    Corbin Fisher and I were both fools for doing business with Justin Caro.

    Why would a person with a record like this ever get to run an agency for porn actors?

    Will I ever see justice?

    Corbin Fisher ruined my life. I am prepared to begin to seek damages for defamation of character. I think Liberty Media holdings owes me an apology. I think it would be good for this apology to come in the form of a check.

    I was mistreated on a false basis. My life was threatened on many occasions by Mark Randazza, my house was broken into, my friends were paid for information and my privacy was violated.

  2. This is silly in that every time a porn model uses a studio pic (w studio logo) is is cross promotion that benefits the studio.
    Why would they object to raising the profile on their brand and product.
    It seems counter productive to me.

    1. Hi Philip,

      I’m wondering if you could help me. Jake Lyons is a friend of mine and I’ve not been able to contact him for a few months since his phone went dead. I’m worried and haven’t been able to locate him/check he’s okay. Would you be able to point me towards where you saw him on flirt4free? I’ve tried looking but couldn’t see him.

      I’m nobody related to corbinfisher (in fact I’m English). I have a telephone number and facebook page if you’d like to verify it.

      I’d just like to make sure my friend is okay.

      If you could help me I’d be very appreciative.

      Thank you.


      1. David: your nicely worded, sincere request is very similar to that which collection agency reps use. You may indeed be legit; however, your words are similar to the line a collector used on me when trying to locate my older brother for an outstanding debt. :)

  3. LOL. Well it’s natural that since you most of you have no idea what you’re talking about, you’ll spew anything from your mouth.
    Question: You sign a lease for a house/apartment and then you break it early.
    Shouldn’t the owner be able to sue you for BREACH OF CONTRACT ?
    Answer: Yes.
    You’re an adult. You made a deal. You agreed to certain terms. By breaking those terms, you pay the price.
    CF will ask you to cease using the pictures and advertising THEIR name with the pictures or ad, whatever was posted. If you don’t, then you get sued. It’s pretty simple to understand.
    People think they can get away with bad behavior and be rewarded for it.
    That’s simply wrong.
    I ran a website for years, had agreements with guys who LIED about everything, I did the same thing CF did and I don’t regret it. Then I got smart and tired of dealing with these people who were dishonest and I moved onto other things.
    So understand the situation before commenting on it.

    1. this is not a fucking lease! Shut the fuck up you simple minded bastard and just stick to jerking off! You don’t know what your talking about. So just shut up!

  4. I won’t buy anything associated with Corbin Fisher because of this and other things that studio has done to members of the community, all in the name of $$$.

  5. Just my two cents, but this whole issue just smells of a desparate publicty stunt by the porn company to generate traffic/sales, and this kid has to be the scape goat/ poster child for what the majority of hooking porn models are still doing,(check Rentboy). I don’t see what the crime is, when some poor kid trying to capitalize off a bad decision he made,that will follow him for the rest of his life. Let’s all be real, porn actor today make chicken shit compared to the porn stars of the golden age of porn. I feel really bad for this kid and the porn stars who have no clue to what they are getting themselves into. The big monster porn company/industry always bands together and always comes out on top. Here is the age old story take a bunch of cash strapped, insecure, good looking young men, often from small towns, have them sign a deal with the devil/sign their rights away, pimp them out over and over again on film, make a shit load of cash off their images/performances, discard them when the next new fresh face/body strolls into their offices, tossing the former hottie to the wolves. Former hottie has limited ways of supporting himself,without the backlash of the same community that lusted/jacked off to him,so he turns to hooking using the pictures that made him quasi famous. This is yet one of the many reasons studio porn is a dwindling business. The whole porn industy business model needs to be re-written, revamped and changed. Where is a sugar daddy to hire this kid a really good lawyer,to right this wrong?????

  6. Corbin Fisher is a greedy ruthless site . They purchased a stupid domain name for 500 000$ and are still harassing this kid for a few photos to make some more cash. Get a grip saddos.

  7. I wonder how much business CF lost compared to the nothing they’ve managed to collect? Idiots. If it was a point they wanted to make, it was mission accomplished when they won. The whole episode no doubt discouraged others from using their pics, so they got what they wanted. The smart thing to do at that point would have been to then ‘forgive’ the debt, and drive on. To continue to go after the kid like a character out of Les Miserables was ludicrous, and by doing that they lost their high moral ground. Whatever sympathy you might have felt for the studios desire to control use of their “product” burned off like morning fog when it turned into a big company pursuing a troubled young man for money he doesn’t have.
    Now everyone sees them as a bully. Good move. Really Corbin Fisher, you can’t BUY publicity like that. Priceless.

  8. I don’t get it. Seems like overkill…and it’s actually pretty funny that CF is shocked and offended that a former model would actually make a cent off of their image. The whole outfit seems like a goddamn cult.

  9. Maybe he can start making money again if he takes up eating pussy? It looks like he won’t be earning any money doing gay porn ever again.

  10. Corbin Fisher studio’s are fucking ridiculous. I plea to have anyone who reads this post, boycott this piece of shit studio.

    They are lower than NDS, at least they don’t sue models in chickenshit matters like this.

  11. I think this is just too funny. Isnt being a hooker illegal?? so the judge ruled that he can’t use the photos in an illegal ad? Hmmmmmm…… I love it. I’m suing about 100 people for $1mm…. maybe I’ll get something!

  12. A judgment like that destroys your credit. No one will lend you money to buy a car or a house. It also never goes away.

    1. On the credit reports, it appears for 10 years and then drops. As far as being able to collect, it depends on the statute of limitations of the state in which it was issued. But it never disappears from court documents though.

      1. Actually, even though such judgments can remain on one’s credit report for up to 10 years, judgments of federal courts can often be renewed for periods of 14 to 30 years, meaning a collection agency or law firm can hound him for decades to come.

        1. Actually that is not correct. ONLY the original owner of the debt can renew it and in this case it would be Corbin Fisher. Once the 10 years have run out, the judgement will end. That is exactly why these companies got the judgement shortly after they were awarded as it would allow them almost the full 10 years to collect. These judgements are not purchased several years in regardless of the amount.

  13. If studios are really going to pursue suing models for using their pics in escort ads then every gayporn star/ escort is screwed . They all use studio pics. Who the fuck cares? It’s bad enough models get no royalties now their being sued for using photos of themselves to promote their escorting? Yeesh. Get a life CF and leave these kids alone.

  14. Actually he HAS been seen. He has been in several recent scenes for European studios (Blake Mason is the one that comes to mind). I actually thought he had started working (living?) in Europe precisely to avoid that wage collection problem.
    Still puzzled what Lyons did in the first place to make CF want to pursue this so badly. He can’t be the first pornstar to use photos taken for a studio in his ad, can he?

  15. Talk about over kill. Does CF need this money that badly? Poor kid, his credit will be fucked for years.

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