Ethan Wolfe showed up on Paul Morris’ Flickr stream last June, and his first Treasure Island scene debuted in November, and today the studio has finally made an honest barebacking porn star out of him by signing him to an exclusive contract:
Ethan Wolfe, star of mainstream gay porn and former Hot House model, has signed an exclusive contract with the Paul Morris / Treasure Island Media (TIM). The former Marine makes his bareback feature debut in MANFUCK MANIFESTO, directed by Paul Morris and released last week on DVD and DTO.
That’s fine, but this is kind of boring! Where is the controversy that TIM is known for? Can Treasure Island please do something to “spice up” this press release a little bit??
Newly branded with a biohazard tattoo, Wolfe delivers a load of living seed deep inside cum-hungry bottom boy Jackson Taylor in the opening scene of the revolutionary fuckvid.
I’ll leave it up to you to infer the meaning of a biohazard tattoo, if it even means anything! Maybe Ethan Wolfe saw this video and thought that the biohazard was just a cool looking design?
Maybe I will never understand how flaunting the possibility of spreading a disease can be considered a sexy marketing tool. Regardless of how you feel about barebacking (I enjoy watching it), porn, to me, is still supposed to be about getting off, not getting sick.
Jackson knew exactly what he was getting into doing this video. He wanted that poz loan in his butt bad.
Ok this last line pisses me off…
“Maybe I will never understand how flaunting the possibility of spreading a disease can be considered a sexy marketing tool.”
Your basically saying anyone who’s got the biohazard tattoo is spreading HIV around as a marketing tool! I’m a 30 year old gay man, and got HIV at 20. I’ve worked through a lot of shame that came with that. Part of that work was me being able to say I’m ok with it today. And the biohazard tattoo was a big part of it.
It’s on my upper left arm, and I “flaunt” it for 2 reasons. The first is so that people know I’m ok with it, and the second is so people ask. People who have biohazard tattoos don’t go spreading around HIV coz it’s a marketing tool! Good god what shit journalism!
Ethan Wolfe is the POZ god of gay porn. I can only imagine the thrill of feeling his raw dick ejaculating his charged semen in my hole. I would stuff it with a but plug and retain his load while I sleep and dream I gave up my neg hole to him I am already POZ but the fantasy would be asking him to knock me up.
I think its hot. I also think there should be more poz top neg bottom porn. If every one knows the risk and they all agree, then let us watch.
I agree. I love POZ tops and NEG bottoms in videos.
HIV is the new black.
Depravity & Honor. Ethan Wolfe personifies both. He’s intelligent, grounded and loves to fuck.
He’s a perfect fit for the one company that is out there trying to film real men doing their thing, instead of producing more fake and uninteresting “porn”.
Ethan is a very bright guy. He could have worked with anyone. He probably chose Treasure Island Media because they are in pursuit of something a lot more real than being a porn studio.
I totally agree, Treasure Island porn is a more in your face realistic than condom boring porn that is being rehearsed.
guys who do use condoms for fucking aren’t “real men”?
I love his scene with Owen Hawk
The only people who die from HIV infection are drug addicts- damn you people need to be educated.
75% of the population has HPV and doesn’t know it. More people die from cancer related to HPV infection then they do from HIV infection.
Just a bunch of self righteous fags that give decent homosexuals a bad name.
You don’t like bareback porn then don’t watch it. Every one has the freedom to make their choices. They may not be your choice and you may not understand the choice made- but it doesn’t involve you so stop being such a judgmental prick.
The only, and I mean ONLY difference between TIM and every one else these days is a small tube of latex. One is not sadder then the other- get real and act like a man- you beat off to porn stop thinking your better then the people who make it!
To the contrary – I’m concerned about productions like this because I’m concerned about the safety of the workers under these conditions. TIM’s whole ethos makes my skin crawl. The producer’s been pretty up front about the fact that he pays these guys next to nothing to do these scenes, and then makes the kind of money off them that having top purchased AEBN videos creates.
Why are gay fags so concern about bareback porn when they should more concern about the republicans taking their rights away. I don’t take porn seriously, I do love bareback porn cause it gets me off more than condom porn. But do I bareback in real life, no, I do play safe and I believe every adult has a choice to make in the bedroom. You guys really need to grow some balls, if you don’t like bareback porn then don’t watch it plan and simple.
“gay fags” isn’t that a little redundant. shouldn’t you be more concerned about republicans taking away your rights than a few comments on a porn blog. you really need to grow some balls, if you don’t like the comments people leave then don’t read them plain and simple.
Jake: Saying “The only people who die from HIV infection are drug addicts- damn you people need to be educated” proves a point. You are clearly in need of a review of your own education, as you are clearly out of touch with reality saying only those who are drug addicts die linked to HIV. Wrong. You are on spreading misleading information and you need to stop it NOW!
He looked better when he was with Hot House. Saw a scene from a TI movie he did when he first started doing bb porn and it just looked sad. Like maybe he was trying anything to stay in the porn business.
“JACKSON TAYLOR is a 20-year-old from Texas. When we told him he could get fucked by ETHAN WOLFE, he jumped at the chance: the kid is truly hungry for cock. But before we set anything up, I sent him a photo of ETHAN’s brand-new tattoo: a big brazen biohazard right above his fat cock. “Just want you to know what you’re getting into here,” I said. JACKSON wrote back one word: “YES!”
That is so terribly sad.
So he was never really told his scene partner was HIV +??? I know it’s sort of understood that a “bio-hazard” tat means HIV + within the gay community, but not disclosing it fully…. oh wait, it’s TI, led by Paul Morris who thinks everyone should be HIV +. Disgusting ….
I’m glad you agree. It’s so disturbing. I read the describtion of that scene and died a little “delivering a hot load of living seed deep inside the boy’s guts”. Why even bother calling it Living Seed, just call it HIV.
That particular line made me want to sit down on the floor and cry. Gah.
Again, I’m pleasantly surprised by the number of sane comments here regarding Death Porn. Personally, I can’t get off on watching someone possibly/probably/almost certainly contracting a chronic and potentially fatal disease. I don’t know how much self-hate is necessary to get off on that, but I guess I’m still not there yet.
I am still surprised that people actually believe those “Promotion Texts” from TIM. If you think that someone who wants to work for that company does not know where TIM stands for (bareback sleazy gay porn with HIV+ men)you must be pretty naive.
I just learned something new. The bio hazard tatt.
“Maybe I will never understand how flaunting the possibility of spreading a disease can be considered a sexy marketing tool. Regardless of how you feel about barebacking (I enjoy watching it), porn, to me, is still supposed to be about getting off, not getting sick.”
That is probably the best thing I have ever read on here. That video was very depressing though.
THIS is what happens when you have extremists in a community The pathlogizing of bareback sex that’s been going on for so long is what brought us here. Safe sex gurus, thinking they know what’s best and insisting on denial and suppression have pushed it further and further into the closet where the hazard tattoo-sporting subcultures that this models is part of, develop.
Hot, I’m definitely buying his movie, looking forward to this big time
Ethan Wolfe is beautiful… but he has always been better bottoming than topping despite the size of his dick.
Can’t wait to see him take a BB load.
I thought his scene in the new movie was a borefest.
He makes a better bottom.