Ty Mitchell and Max Adonis Will Send You Free Porn If You Donate To Bernie Sanders

Bernie and bust!

Some of your favorite porn stars are getting their fans interested in politics with their poli-dicks. Steven Lee is making sure you’re registered to vote by posting dick pics every day until November and now Ty Mitchell and Max Adonis are encouraging you to donate to Bernie Sanders! The two stars just announced that they’re sending out a “20 min raw fuck vid” to anyone who donates to the potential Democratic nominee.


Ty posted a preview of the video that you would be sent if you donated and unsurprisingly, it’s hot as fuck!

In his tweet announcing the video giveaway, the star elaborated on what you exactly had to do to get the video. Basically you just have to donate $3+ to Bernie and send Ty a donation receipt. Easy! It’s a pretty cheap way to get some A+ amateur content and if you’re a Bernie supporter, you get to donate to your preferred candidate. A win-win situation for everyone.

So if you want to see the full video of these two studs fucking, head over to Bernie’s website and donate! And if you’re interested in seeing more of these two, be sure to check Ty out over at Men.com and check out Max over at CockyBoys.



18 thoughts on “Ty Mitchell and Max Adonis Will Send You Free Porn If You Donate To Bernie Sanders”

  1. William "Bill" Moore

    These lads are young, stupid and haven’t clue about socialism and communism that have destroyed nations prosperity and people, so I’ll give these clueless twits a pass. If these guys want socialism, they need to go live in russia, china, venezuela , cuba or for as real as it gets and for the total socialist / communist experience, north korea. And make sure they surrender their US passports and make them renounce their American citizenship before boarding the plane. In any of these places they’ll find like comrades and all the poverty, hunger and non freedoms endemic of socialism. And bring a veteran, this infuriates me!. I’ve got friends who went through vietnam and know all about communism. The lucky ones came home in boxes, the unlucky ones are dealing with PTSD almost 50 years later. One thing for certain, if God forbid this disgusting communist ‘yiddiot’ gets the nomination, and of God forbid the White House, hr’ll never ever see inauguration day, guaranteed!. Too many veterans have fought communism and will do whatever it takes to keep it from taking place here, guaranteed.

    1. As for China and Russia, their forms of socialism comes with authoritarian rule. One would have to be stupid to want that. Yet Trump is acting like those communist tyrants with his authoritarian wanna be ironfist. He does not respect the rule of law and thinks this country is at his beck and call.

    2. bracer249@gmail.com

      Dude. You’re a dinosaur. Find a tar pit somewhere and lie in it. No one is talking about either communism or socialism (Bernie Sanders is a Democratic Socialist. Not the same thing). The rest of your post is just paranoid rantings and barely worth responding to.

  2. Proof positive that most porn stars are thick as shit. Stick your Socialism up your arse. You’ll enjoy that more then having to actually live under it.

    1. Not all forms of socialism is bad. If that were true, then Congress would be paid in food stamps. Social Security is also successful. So successful that Congress has raided it a few times and never paid it back. If they were forced to pay it back with interest, it would not be in as bad a shape.

        1. I said NOT ALL forms are bad. Social Security works if implemented the right way and enforced the right way. Like no immigrants being able to smooch off the government. In order for them to qualify they would need to be here 25 years legally and held jobs and paid taxes. No welfare benefits. Billions in SS was borrowed from and never paid back. cont-

        2. Universal Potentate

          It was eye opening how blitheringly asinine your political acumen is. You fail to distinguish a non-existent idea, socialism, to very real fascism. Then you fail to separate Bernie’s policies, like Medicare, from deeply unpopular policies, like the Wall. If a gay American man in 2020 cannot comprehend what we fought for historically or are fighting for today then get off chat rooms and into a library.

  3. Thanks for the offer guys but I’ll pay for my porn and vote for some Democrat other than Bernie unless unfortunately he wins the Democratic nomination and then I’ll have no choice except to vote for Bernie because Trump has to get dumped.

  4. What ever happened to respecting people for the choices they make or believe in? To vote for someone for some free porn, shows they lack the principles in choosing the right candidate. It would take more than porn for me to vote for someone I see as a “grumpy old man.” I will not waste my vote and voice just because two porn stars said so.

        1. You know what? They weren’t even talking to you! If you’re inclined to support Bernie, do send in $3 and they’ll send a link to a porn scene. If you’re not inclined to support Bernie, then don’t . Pretty simple. Oh, and they are only soliciting donations, not votes.

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