It was the tail end of GayVN weekend, and Mason brought along his super cool boyfriend Marcus, who wore a suit, and a few other Myspace friends and porn stars, including tall glass of sex water Luke Hass and the delightful little fuck pixie Shane Frost.* This all went down at the Presidio Bowling Center in San Francisco, which we didn’t even know existed.
The winner of the tournament, of course, was Mason, who is used to big balls and shoving his finger in mysterious, narrow holes. On the other end of the spectrum was Luke, whose goal was “not to finish last.” When he succeeded by getting second to last place, we congratulated him by touching his body, which is harder than the lucite blocks that were doled out the night before to the winners of the GayVN Awards.
After everyone was sufficiently bowled over with alcohol, we saw Luke and Shane off, then chaperoned the remaining porn stars back to Mason’s hotel room so the boys could have their requisite orgy. Mason was a tad aprehensive about sripping down — he had informed us earlier that a recent porn shoot on top of a log in the woods had left his ass covered in bright red chigger bites. Plus, he was suffering from a severe case of “liquor dick.” With worry in his eyes, he explained that “nothing puts a damper on an orgy like a flappy ‘ole flaccid dick.”
The hotel room was not going to fuck itself, though, so Mason pressed onward. After we sighed, turned around and staggered home sadly in the dark, it dawned on us that Mason had succeeded at his original task to win our hearts. We were now convinced that this engaging Texas stud was not insane. Just slutty — and happier than we are.
The End
Below, the photographic evidence.
Shane enjoys a Smirnoff Ice. If you think that’s lame, he doesn’t give a shit.
Luke and Shane.
Jay from The Sword with Mason.
Mason’s boyfriend Marcus.
Luke Hass Cultivates An Xtube Addiction
Mason Wyler’s Final Word About Being Raped
‘Unzipped’ Calls Mason Wyler a Trainwreck
Watch Mason Wyler in Spokes III on NakedSword
* We reported earlier that Luke and Shane were boyfriends. We were mistaken — they are not boyfriends, just “BFFs” who enjoy sitting on each other’s laps.
does shane make that downy face in every photo taken of him or just these two?