It’s been one year since his gay porn comeback, and Matt Cole is showing no signs of stopping. No signs of stopping bodybuilding, that is. I don’t know what his last gay porn was.
I support Matt showing off his body (via Twitter) regardless of how big or how little he is, but was he hotter when he first started doing porn, like seven years ago?
Granted, maybe it’s not fair to compare iPhone pics to professional Photoshopped ones from Falcon, but no one said life is fair. When was Matt Cole hotter?
On the left: in his bathroom and kitchen this week. On the right: for Falcon in 2005.
What is even going on?
Is this a case of “bixorexia,” or is this simply a case of loving to work out?
Are gay porn stars at a higher risk of developing body dysmorphic disorder, and if so, what can be done to treat them?
Do you work out?
Has Matt Cole gone too far?
When was he hotter?
I agree that body dysmorphia must be rampant in the adult industry. It bleeds into gay culture as well. I have many friends that continue to bulk and bulk and bulk to the point where they look like bloated and stretched out versions of their former selves. I really wish there was someone out there that would speak up about the issue.
I much prefer the ones on the right over the pics on the left.
he’s hotter without that stupid tattoo down his side….ugh
Matt Cole, Erik Rhodes, Matt Rush, and many more…… They’ve all gone way too big. They were all way hotter when they were smaller.
That said, roids are to last generation’s porn stars as tattoos are to this generation’s porn stars. So many beautiful men’s bodies have been ruined by tattoo obsessions.
I thought Matthew Rush was always big like that? to me he looks alright.
Erik Rhodes did somewhat but after the roids………………
Kyle King looks good and his ass has benefited from it. by the looks of t, he’s not using anything that can be seriously damaging
Matt Cole if he didn’t use whatever it was that caused his face to look worse than crap, I’d say he looked good. he just needs to be more lean
and the tattoos on them, didn’t not ruin them
When Matthew Rush started he was very muscular, but he was lean. Now he looks bloated. Body-wise I prefer Matthew Rush from the beginning of his career, but face-wise I prefer the aged Matthew Rush of today. The tats really make no difference to me on any of the guys you mentioned. And I’m not surprised that Erik Rhodes isn’t as big as he should be considering how much roids and whatever else he’s taking. He just looks extremely veiny, maybe just a little bloated. I would’ve thought he’d have a body similar to today’s Matthew Rush.
*Sorry I meant to say I’m surprised that Erik Rhodes isn’t as big as he should be
way hotter before. he lives in my neighborhood here in chicago and i see him around a lot. and ya his body is big but its ALL bcuz of HGH. he has no problem admitting it. plus hes a PT i wonder if his clients know that he is only huge bcuz of HGH.
and YES the face is JACKED UP and when i see him at a stop light u can REALLY see the wear and tear of the drugs hes on to be bigger…not good.
Definitely before!
Is it me but I dont see a huge difference. Some face swelling and a bit bigger probably from some roids.
Not a big difference to me but that tattoo is bad
Ahhh so that’s what steroid bloat looks like? Interesting.
He was hotter he first time around IMO. I think what’s more troubling than his bigoxeia is his addiction to that horrible MDNA album.
Couldn’t barely get past that mess of a face but his body is great. He should probably stop with the hormones though at this point.
Definitely way hotter when he first started porn. Normally I love guys with big muscles, but all this bulking up has caused a lot of bloating and wear and tear, especially in the face. If there was a third option, I would like to pick his comeback in porn a year ago, before he started this bodybuilding craze.
yes he used to be hotter. He has gotten way too big in my opinion.But thats subjective, everyone likes different body types. But what catches my eye more really is how tore up his face looks now. His face looks like a train wreck. What the hell happened to him over the years??
see for me this is a tough one. because in his more recent images, though his face looks older and more droopy, his body looks like what I want my future husband to have.
in his throwbacks, his face is more easy to deal with and his body is lean, but not as big.
I guess I would have to say then, because despite the fact that he has sexier ass now, you have to be able to look at him in the face sometimes.
I like his body (aside from the doodle on the side) which he could lean-down with a twenty minute jog if he wanted to. But I like the beefy look. He’s a little puffy in the face, and I’m not sure if that’s just carbs or steroids. Either case, he should stop that.
Hor either way ….but that tattoo ?? Ugh.
Oops ..meant HOT ….but hor is funny.
Matt said he’s training for competition so this means he’s in a bulking phase. When he starts cutting then I think it’s fair to compare
He was hotter when he didn’t have that dumb-assed tattoo on his side.
Damn, facially those new pics are unflattering. Hot body, but he has big dark circles under his eyes that even Falcon would have trouble photo-shopping out.
définitely HOTTER on the left!
i love muscles and Matt Cole looks very good. i’m working out as well so i support him for his bodybuilding competition. to me, that shows he just loves working out.
sorry Zach but in my opinion, you are blind on this one. Matt hasn’t gone too far because his body still looks natural but Erik Rhodes did though.. the last pics of him on his website are awful because the veins are showing off!!
Natural? You’re a fucking idiot.
I’d avoid him in a dark alley just by the way he looks. Just sayin’
Before. 100% before. Not liking the “huge” look (nor the dumb tattoo).
What I find more distracting though is the dark lines and pouch underneath his eyes. Damm. Wassup with them? They have gotten WAY worse with time. Hope it is not health-related.
LoL…a mess!