You may or may not have heard of Mutchnick, but you’ve probably heard of the show that paid for those two surrogate-spawned twin girls he’s holding: Will & Grace. That’s Mutchnick on the right, and his gay husband on the left, and Mutchnick just wishes that the world could see him and his life as perfectly benign and normal — just like his practically sexless alter-ego Will — and that the TV newscasters would stop focusing on everything that we think makes gay life awesome and hilarious: namely, trannies, leather daddies, and drunk faggots. To wit, from The Huffington Post:
“Dykes on bikes, Tarzana Trannies, Jewish Leather Daddies and Kathy Griffin’s mom. Don’t get me wrong. I love these people. Let’s call them the ‘Usual Suspects.’ They fought for my rights and taught me how to dance. But they should no longer be representing “the pride.” It’s a different time. For god’s sake, Larry Craig is a life-long homosexual. What I’m trying to say is that “unremarkable” mainstream people are gay, too. So I cringe when a local newsperson shoves a microphone in the face of some young 95-pound twink (Straight Translation: a twink is a skinny homosexual with a lot of moxie). The twink looks into the camera and screams into the reporter’s microphone: ‘Get down here now. The drinks are big. But you know what’s bigger…’ He laughs in a high-pitched cackle and his “girlfriends” join in. I wish they’d read more and drink less. I’m depressed. Why is this the voice speaking for me?”
You know what? Shut the fuck up, Mutchnick. Take your Pinot Noir-swilling ass-face back to the suburbs. We at The Sword may cringe a lot around Pride season, but we sure as hell don’t want you speaking for us either.
UPDATE: Dan Savage agrees:
Seems to me that the problem here is the local newsperson and not the 95-pound twink, a human being who has a right to leave the house and have a good time and talk to whomever he cares to… And seeing as we’ve managed to come as far as we have, as fast as we have, with Dykes On Bikes and trannies and leather daddies and 95-pound twinks at our pride parades, Max, we really don’t need to start hiding them ’em away now. They have nothing to be ashamed of, Max.
Minstrelsy Alert: Jack and Karen to Get Spinoff?
The Sword’s Gay Pride / Shame Spiral Begins Anew
Cosmo, Girl? The New Gay Minstrelsy
The Queens of Queens: Pics from Pride in Queens (and Buffalo), NY
Where is My Martin Luther Queen? (Huffington Post)
I’m willing to bet you can find this douche on his knees sucking cock through a glory hole in a video store on his way home from work any day. He fit’s the profile of a sexual compulsive cum pig slut. Love the suit. The babies, not so much.
Well said, Jay!
This guy is a square douche and I don’t think I laughed ONCE at what few episodes of WILL & GRACE I endured.
I think this homogenization of homosexuality and gay culture comes hand-in-hand with mainstream “acceptance”, ie: marriage.
We can be part of their world, but first we must be stripped of everything that has come to define us, hetero-normalize us and de-sex us.
It’s fucking disgusting and its gradually becoming worse.
Considering it’s people with money and power who are most concerned with being viewed as “normal despite being gay”, it’s only a matter of time before us trannies, sluts, leather daddies, and dykes are a thing of the past.
Let’s go get some STD’s before they become collectables!