Wolf Hudson has taken to campaigning on YouTube. “I’m going to make this very short and sweet,” he promises, then spends three minutes listing his qualifications: “I’m a silly-ass motherfucker, I can dance, I would do a fucking amazing job.”
Wolf also promises to teabag anyone who voted for him. Which means that we’ll be telling him we voted for him. And it’s no wonder that the “King of Kink” has already garnered the formal endorsement of Jett Blakk, which the porn director earnestly announced on his blog last week.
Another porn star lobbying for the hosting gig is chicken twink Giovanni Summers, pictured left, whom we’d never heard of.
But perhaps the most impassioned plea comes from Brent Corrigan. Still smarting from having lost the Cybersocket awards, not to mention his disappointments with the bitches who made Milk, Brent Corrigan is hoping that a hosting gig at the Grabby’s will be just the band-aid for his boo-boo.
Some of those around me have already received their calls from Cybersocket…It’s been a few days now, and I have no received word :( … But alas! I’ve found something I want even more…Will you please nominate me to co-host the Grabby Awards…?
Considering that Brent counts two studbot murderers among his ex-friends, Wolf and Giovanni might want to watch their backs.
Want to vote for Wolfie or one of the twinks? Email grabbyvoting@yahoo.com.
Want to see what a drunken intermission at the Grabby Awards looks like? See our exclusive coverage of last year’s intermission here.
They Can Treat That Right?: The 2008 Grabby-IML Weekend In Review
Brent Corrigan Wonders Why Nobody Realizes How Famous He Is
Wolf Hudson to Test Obama Obscenity Policy with Milk Enemas
Put Me On That Stage (Brent Corrigan blog)
Giovanni Summers blog
Watch Wolf Hudson in Copperhead Canyon on NakedSword.
Watch Brent Corrigan in The Porn Ultimatum on NakedSword.