Check out Unzipped’s fun exposé here. Original article below.
Either Brent Corrigan kept asking for too much money or Yale is full of prissy bitches who would rather not be associated with someone who once barebacked and now does not. Below, let’s try to decipher the hisses and rawrs.
Brent Corrigan announced last week that he was originally scheduled to speak at Yale for Pride Week only to be summarily disinvited:
Various esteemed professors…and a few students were vocal enough in their opposition to my presence on campus. They didn’t find me appropriate for the scholarly adults that attend Yale University….Alas, it was not meant to be. And anyway, who am I kidding? I don’t fit in on an Ivy League Campus.
So then Yale responded with a, "Uh-uh grrrl, hold up," and claimed that Brent was never "disinvited" because he was never "invited" in the first place:
Pride Month organizers had a number of reservations about bringing Lockhart, Bustillos said. He said the co-op had made arrangements to get the requested amount of funding, but Lockhart continued asking for more than planners thought necessary…. “We saw more issues with bringing [him] to campus than not having him here at all,” Bustillos said. “And we were on the rocks about having him anyway.”
Yeah I don’t get it, so how about we let Unzipped take it away:
For what it’s worth, Corrigan is a major proponent of safe sex and has spoken about it extensively. And a person who’s acknowledged his mistakes is perhaps the most qualified to speak to others about not making the same ones.
Is A Former ‘Playgirl’ Model Brent Corrigan’s Biological Daddy?
Yale Student ‘Outed’ As Gay Porn Star
Michael Lucas vs. Brent Corrigan: The Timeline
Kyle, The Yale Daily News cites several other porn stars that were guest speakers at their school. It wasn’t a question of Brent’s profession at all but a news organization that twisted it all out of context to deliver sensational topics to it’s bored readers.
Is Brent delusional? Why would an Ivy League school invite trash to one of their events. Who cares who whacked off to him, that doenst change the fact that he’s a porn star, which is a profession that basically declares that the participants DON’T even have pride in themselves, let alone their community.
I don’t think The Sword is the right fit for you. Please leave now.
Is Kyle for real? I don’t understand this type of judgment against porn stars. If you didn’t watch porn or visit porn blogs then I could understand. But if someone regulary watches porn, beats off to them or visits porn blogs, then how can you pass judgement on said porn stars? It seems a bit hypocritcal to me.
Amen, Yes! to the last yellow-boxed comment.
Brent, Before you declare that you do not fit into an Ivy League Camps remember that all of those members of the gay campus organization have whacked off to your video, at least once. You already are on campus. You do fit in. Sounds like thought police got in the way.