I’ve got something to say. I’ve always felt like I had something to say, but it wasn’t until this weekend that I was finally given the proper venue to express myself. I arrived at the San Francisco gay pride parade expecting to simply gawk at go-go boys and cheer on the good people at PFLAG, but when a member of OccuPride recruited me from the stands to join in their march, I soon discovered the true meaning of Pride and I became extremely enraged. The system is fucked.
I’m still very angry right now, and to be honest I’m just not going to take it anymore. OccuPride has awakened the sleeping giant in me, and I won’t stop until everyone in the GLBTTSQQIDDI community—gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, transsexual, straight, questioning, queer, interested, disinterested, disabled, intersexed—has a seat at the table.
It’s time for everyone to take a stand against the injustices being perpetrated against us by the powers that be and the puppet masters and the privileged few in the upper classes who control the systems that are working to keep us from full socioeconomic equality.
It’s time to stand for feminism, queers, AIDS, and anarchy! If you’re not angry, you haven’t been paying attention!!
Capitalism, workers’ rights, AIDS, fabulousness, gender discrimination, banks, prison overcrowding, and the transgendered. Bradley Manning.
Religion. Gay bashing. Israel and Palestine. Trans healthcare. How much more are we supposed to take? I found my voice at the San Francisco gay pride parade (via a bullhorn) with OccuPride.
Fuck AIDS. Fuck the people who give you AIDS (not literally, unless you want to catch AIDS!), and fuck the people who make the drugs that fight AIDS. Fuck it all. I am so angry right now, and I will not rest until I’m not angry anymore.
I never knew that I would discover what really mattered and what my true purpose would be (setting police cars on fire) just by going to a silly little gay pride parade, but the truth has a funny way of finding you when you least expect it. An injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere.
The time for action is now.
I’m going to use my blog to get the message out. I’m going to spread the OccuPride message across the blogosphere and participate in other marches and parades to express my rage. I am enraged. I’m not exactly sure why, but now I know who I am because I found my voice with OccuPride SF at the gay pride parade yesterday.
Fuck this world and fuck the system. Join me in spreading the OccuPride message. Join me in being extremely angry. Because if you don’t stand for something, you’ll fall for anything.
I am a pro regulated capitalism liberal democrat. Regulated capitalism is the most productive economic system yet devised by man.Just as democracy is the best political system devised by man. Not perfect. Just the best so far.
That’s a lot of fucking…
lol miss manners i thought she would be taller.
sf was not what i thought it would have been this years.
Sister Roma looks so pretty carrying that OccuPride sign.
I am really annoyed by the burning police car sign. Police are not the 1%. They work for a salary just like everyone else does. I realize there are some abuses that go on, but this is misguided anger. San Franciscans have no idea how lucky they are that their police force aren’t a bunch of harassers like they are in LA. From what I have seen up here they do a good job. That sign is not something I want representing my community.
I hope your not being sarcastic, Zach. I think there is some interesting political messages in this section of the Pride parade. It appears connected to the original intent and message behind pride… not some excuse to go out and fuck or party. There is OUTrage to this, and I like it. I might not agree with some of the messages, but I’m glad to see something other than pornstars or some corporation or business trying to sell shit.
Nothing like seeing such radicals in San Francisco. Protesting health care or equality is fine. But wanting to shut down banks? The sign that says “we dont want to just marry, we want to smash the state and bash the church” is the winner! I think we tried this government once, it was in Cambodia in 1974.
Time to get a job folks
Fuck off assimilationist beougie lapdog.
Im sorry but gay rights and causes should not mix with this radical crowd that just wants to hurt everyone. If you want no banks, no capitalism, no education, etc. Research Cambodia in the early 1970’s and their experiment with banning banks, education, capitalism, church and everything else these freaks are against. We cant all be mules and plow our own fields for a rice patty each day. We want to get an education, work, earn income so we can watch great gay porn on our flatscreen TV.
Besides, if you are so anti capitalism, how do you have access to a computer to access this site?
All that education doesn’t seem to have done much for your sense of humor, square.
Year Zero?
Hopefully this catches on during the festivities in other places. I have friends with legit concerns about the commercialization of Pride events, and this sounds like a workable alternative or addition. . .
Hmm…Sounds like you’re mocking these protesters for having legitimate concerns.
how can you make fun of people protesting for trans healthcare reform? new low, zach.
You’re the worst kind of crackers.
Sooo… Does this mean you had more fun in New York with the Coca-Cola polar bear? :)