Brenner Bolton is back, and still trying to relaunch his porn career after briefly trying to make a go of it earlier this year under the name Dalton Pierce. And now he’s shot his first scene for (under that name), with tough guy Sebastian Young.
For his model profile page, he answered the “favorite food” question with “cum, pizza, and chicken.”
But of course this isn’t his first scene for he did this earlier poolside orgy with the Forza “twins” under the name Dalton Pierce, before the name change occurred.
And, it should be noted, Brenner’s trying to get his own new Twitter account off the ground after Mason Wyler reclaimed his Wyler “gave” Brenner his 45,000 followers back in August, but he just took them back for himself last week. So now Brenner is back to only having 167 followers, which is just sad. Follow him!
Anyway, here he is in the straight-guy fantasy where Sebastian Young plays a married guy at home alone stroking his cock while he watches the sexy gardner (Brenner) doing some weed-whacking. And then Brenner comes inside to service that cock, and get fucked by it. It’s called Before My Wife Gets Home.
[ Before My Wife Gets Home]
The haters will be on me like stink on shit, but I think Sebastian is one of the hottest guys in porn. Maybe it’s the bad boy image that attracts me. The fact that he’s cute, hung, and throws a mean fuck helps, too. And yes I know he’s g4p, but at least he gets involved in his scenes and appears to be enjoying himself. Brenner is a cutie, and I went directly to his Twitter page and followed him. Good luck to both of them!
Hah I really like Sebastian and agree with all your comments, aside from the industry-wide part. I think he’s super gorgeous, has an amazing cock and really brings it in his scenes, but there are a lot of guys I like more.
I should have said, “IMHO, he’s one of the hottest.” My bad!! No harm. No foul.
No hate from me, I agree with everything you just wrote.
Flip ya for him?
He has definitely aged well, IMO. He looked sorta trashy and unwashed when he was younger but he has grown into his body and the tats actually look good on him.
I disagree he hasn’t been aging that well at all at least facewise. He definitely looks like he’s in his mid to late 30s. But to me that isn’t a problem I find his rough look hot, like a daddy type! And yes I am one that really thinks this guy is just a hot man overall. He’s also got an incredible body and a delicious ass.
My only thing about him is that I wish his performances could be better. He’s got this aggressive look that I like yet it doesn’t translate when he’s topping. He needs to brutalize his bottoms, the way that Dred Scott and Diesel Washington used to do while they were both at Titan.