Just look.
In case you hadn’t heard, expectant NFL draft pick Michael Sam, who’s a senior at the University of Missouri (nicknamed Mizzou), just came out publicly as gay over the weekend, sending shockwaves through professional sports and landing him on the cover the New York Times. Sam is expected to be a third-round draft pick, and this would make him the first openly gay player in the NFL and in professional team sports in general, since so far we’ve only had closet cases who beat up their boyfriends and others who only come out after they retire.
Anyway, just look at what he’s packing. Allegedly he was fucking some guy on the swim team, and we eagerly await photos of that guy in his Speedo.
VERY IMPORTANT UPDATE: Obviously TMZ quickly got their hands on some cell-phone footage of Michael dancing with his shirt off at a gay club in St. Louis. And, obviously, he is fucking ripped.
The only thing I have to say is, WHITE BITCHES STAY AWAY!!! Y’all probably ready to take our chocolate delight and it aint about to happen!! hahahhahahahah
This is exactly why people don’t want to come out. Everything in their past immediately becomes investigated. Sleazy websites start exploiting them. Do you really have to do an article on his package? Does TMZ really need to uncover him dancing shirtless at a gay bar (even though it was with women). I know soon the pictures of him shirtless hugging or kissing another guy will make their way to the internet. Im sure someone is snooping around right now to get a photo and interview with his X. Ok, how big is his dick ; is he a top or bottom. He admitted dating a fellow athlete already…and apparently he was out and most people knew it – I mean if you’re going to gay bars, its not really a secret. The college paper knew too
The fact is Michael Sam can play ball and will be drafted…by what team who knows….most of the people commenting have no clue about football in the first place their only concern is that fact that Michael Sam is gay….The same dudes screaming about another guy checking him out in the shower are ones who are actually checking each other out. There have been and will always be gay guys in the locker room. Micheal Sam is money, people will pay to see him play, and gays are going to buy his team jersey just because he’s gay not because he’s a great player. The typical gay media is going to ride his dick even more than they rode Jason Collins dick. His fame will make him an A-List gay in the gay community, but the real test is going to be whether or not the gay community stands by him through all the trails he’s going to face as the first openly gay pro football player & when he comes out with a black boyfriend (which I doubt he’ll ever have). He’s not a porn star fucking majority white porn actors only (Austin Wilde), this is a professional athlete who is going to have dick & ass thrown at him left & right. My hope is that not only will Mike Sam make the NFL face it’s homophobia issues but force the gay community to deal with it’s racism……..
It will be interesting to see where he gets drafted and by whom. Given events of recent days, the Dolphins probably are not a good choice. But given the draft, he’s not really going to have a choice. He needs a strong team with a strong coach , front office and supportive owner like the Patriots. Go to a gay friendly city like San Fran and you probably will be accepted.
I don’t get the whole shower thing. No ones going to touch you so whats the big deal? Most people after such vigorous activity just want to get clean and fresh and get out of there. Its disturbing to see the anonymous executives saying his stock is going to go down and to see the CBS rankings had him drop like 100 or more slots over night. But those people are all probably OLD and this is not as big an issue for most younger players although Im not naive enough to know the football environment is different. The fact that he was successful in college and his whole team knew the senior year and they still went 12-2 should be encouraging. Its also good that he’s playing a masculine position – he’s not the kicker. It would be nice if this would encourage some o fate other gay NFL players to come out now. Don’t have him be the story – have 4 or 5 of you.
Theres concern he’d be a ‘distraction’ more than the murderers, rapists, dog beaters, adulterers and other criminals currently in the league? One commentator had the best advice. Do one interview (Well he kinda did that already) and then for this season at least, just say Im only going to talk about football. End of story. And the strong coach will tell his teammates not to talk about this issue either. Football only. No how does it feel in the locker room questions. Hopefully he plays well so its not an issue. There probably will still be homophobic slurs especially in opposing team stadiums. But luckily the climate is changing and these types of things will be criticized by most of the media and if its a player saying things, he will get fined and disciplined. I wish Michael the best of luck. Unlike Jason Collins, Michael is at the start of his career. While Jason is looking like he won’t play in the NBA again, Michael has a great chance of making it in the NFL. He is not the first gay player but he will be the first openly gay one- Hopefully in the future, this will be a non issue. Judge people on the content of their character & on their ability to help the team.
Lovely package, but he also has a threehead.
What about Tim Tebow? He doesn’t have a job in the NFL. It’s not like he or anyone else is saying its because of his sexuality. OR are they saying its because he SUCKS. Maybe we should consider that Chris Kluwe is overpaid and not that great of a punter/kicker whatever the hell he is.
If you want serious news, then go read Time, or Politico, or Foreign Policy. The Sword is about dick, dick, double penetration, bareback, and dick. Is anyone still confused on the site focus?
Correct me if I am wrong here, but wasn’t there some studies done that gay men have bigger penises on average than straight men? I am referring to that infamous Kinsey Institute research report among others. But on another note, I wish Michael Sam the best of luck becoming the first out NFL player, he is going to need it overcoming all the media attention and homophobia among fans and the NFL.
wh, the writers of this blog are insensitive. They will make a joke out of the most serious of situations. When I first started reading this blog, the things the writers said really pissed me off. But then I realized that’s how you get attention, by being an asshole. So I come once a month just to look at pics (which can be found anywhere else).
…You’re pissed off because the writers of a porn blog aren’t giving you the serious, hard-hitting journalism you came for?
That is a great question!!
No, I’m not pissed off. I don’t expect to find hard hitting journalism from a porn blog. At the same time, these guys are insensitive about every issue. Some things need not made to be made fun of. Anyway…. just stick to the dick!
How are we making fun of the situation??? We’re certainly not making fun of him, nor are we genuinely making a joke of this issue.
Yes it is a serious issue that could bring some great change into the NFL.
However, this is a website that highlights hot and attractive men mainly in the porn industry, but they also highlight gays and straights outside of porn.
Making an article about how hot he is and how he looks like he has a big penis is in no way criticizing him negatively.
Personally, I like this guy and I think he is stunning. Only flaw I find on him is his teeth, they look like they are curving inward. But personally that doesn’t bother me in the least bit the guy is hot and I would gladly service whatever he has going on in between his legs, on top of everything else on him! :)
Seriously – that’s the headline you have to put for a guy who shows strength, courage and conviction to take a stance on gay rights in a homophobic league? SHAME ON YOU. Must everything always be sexualized? If what you post on this site is only about sex, then leave him out of your postings out of respect for the greater gay community and those that have the courage and character to blaze a new path for the rest of us.
…You know this is a porn-focused site, right?
Some porn company should do his life story…in porn.
@WTF I agree.
And I’m more interested in his legs, look at those thighs!!! He’s a thick and delicious one :)
Good for him, but I will be surprised if he gets drafted at all now….
Well, WTF, aren’t you brilliant at deducing things? So what are you saying? That he shouldn’t have come out? Somewhere along the way some people will have to make sacrifices for the greater good and consistent progression of the rest of us. Obviously these aren’t people like you; they’re better, stronger, more courageous individuals whose names will live on in history (…regardless of their draft status). People like you will go down on the earth register as: one slice of dingleberry pie, SERVED.
That isn’t what he is saying at all. I believe he meant that the amount of homophobia in the NFL is still high and that his homosexuality will deter many, if not all, of the NFL teams from picking him in the draft, no matter how good he is. That is not to say that Michael Sam should be blamed himself for being undrafted, it will just go to show how ridiculously behind the times NFL mentality is.
Chris Kluwe is a prime example. He’s not gay, but he was an extremely vocal supporter of gay rights. His contract was not renewed with the Vikings, and no other NFL team picked him up as a free agent.
Did not know that about Chris Kluwe. Assuming it’s not based on how he plays, that is bullshit.
SXG is just stating (and restating) the obvious as his usual M.O…
I think what ‘Smart Guy’ meant was “lets not focus on that, that’s a fact plain as the nose on anyones face and lets instead focus on what is actually relevant in the situation which is honoring this guy for doing this in these trying times”.
sxg understood me perfectly……
Fuck off, Smart Guy, the first thing I thought when I read that he came out was…he probably won’t get drafted now. He didn’t do it for the “greater good.” He had no choice but to come out as he was threatened by many different media outlets.
Well thanks for that, Typical Negativity Based Queen No. 5,456,672. Obviously there is no shortage of stupid fucks around here that love to state the obvious and pretend they are issuing epiphanies. Now I’ll go read a toilet paper review on Consumer Reports which will have a lot more new info than anything you just came up with. Here’s your .98 cents change, btw, “Bill”, and that makes two slices of dingleberry pie, SERVED.
Just shut the fuck up, your so fucking dramatic…
He was the SEC defensive player of the year. His entire team knew he was gay all season and they went 12-2 and to a bowl game. Even though not every team member approved of homosexuality, it wasn’t an issue. He didnt grab anyones peen during the shower. He will get drafted. It will be interesting to see where and by whom, and if indeed his stock falls. He needs a strong coach and supportive management that won’t put up with any BS. And he and his team need to say from the beginning they’re not going to be talking about his sexuality every week. If you want to ask questions about football, his game play, etc – thats fine. But nothing else. If criminals can get drafted, then so can a gay man. If you look into his life history, he has been through a lot. He also has a large support system around him now and I wish him nothing but the best. Its great that we have a man that can break some stereotypes. Not saying anything about really effeminate guys but only to show the broader world that gays come in all varieties…Not everyone is a “Jack”