In a revealing one-on-one interview after today’s new Sean Cody scene, in which longtime, recently returned model Brodie fucks bubble-butted Ollie, Brodie talks about what he likes about coming to the Sean Cody fuck pad.
He says the best part is, “Being able to just be myself, you know? Not having to worry about anybody making you feel uncomfortable. Everybody’s just so easy to work with.”
The camera guy points out that Brodie’s music selection, as revealed on his laptop a few years ago, was “sooo gay.” And Brodie replies, “I’m emotional!”
Then they ask him, “A lot of people think that our models are 100% gay. What’s the truth?”
Brodie’s response:
The truth. The truth is [it’s] a bunch of straight guys coming to practice their fantasies. Their deepest darkest fantasies. So whatever happens is stuff that you wish could happen in daily life, but you can’t. And you get to express yourself freely.
Camera guy: Would you say that the word ‘straight’ kind of changes after you’ve come here?
Brodie: Yeah, definitely. Straight, gay, bi, whatever you want to say to represent all those classes. They shouldn’t be used. It’s so… paper… work.
So, we have a seemingly mostly straight Sean Cody model delving into the fluidity of sexuality and basically saying that we should throw out these definitions we have. Because he likes fucking man holes, and lady holes, and he obviously doesn’t like labels but obviously doesn’t fuck men unless he’s coming to Sean Cody to do it.
And, as The Sword noted upon his return in March, Brodie’s coming back to keep doing this after five years, so obviously he’s pretty into it.
Here’s the trailer clip for the scene with Brodie and Ollie, but the one-on-one interview is actually in the end of the full scene. Right now Sean Cody’s offering $1 trial memberships, so you might want to take advantage to watch and listen…
So Brodie is gay? He makes me confused af here
Homosexual means someone who is attracted to someone of the same sex. Bottom line. Then you can go on the 0-10 scale and figure out how gay or how straight you are.
How much money would it take for you to fuck girls on camera? I couldn’t be paid to fuck one off camera let alone on Camera.
Actually it’s a turn off for me when I hear somebody say they’re straight. Who wants to deal with all that bullshit.
“Give it to me. Give it to me I want your load so fucking bad. Give me your fucking load. That feels so fucking good.” Who says that and is straight?
Straight??? I’m a gay man and have never actually been fucked. Tried slowly sitting on a dick once, and never again. How can anyone, let alone a straight man actually do that…with an erection no less!
there is no such thing as bi you gay or straight now would a straight man do bareback, orgies, or let somebody fuck him even for money! no unless you are in thailand and no camera
Personally I am an unregenerate voyeur. What I want from gay porn is to watch good looking masculine guys with great bodies and particularly great asses get fucked
I could care less whether they are gay or straight and if by some incredible circumstance I were to have sex with them so long as their ass is available to my cock I could still care less, The fact is that we all are physically bi-sexual Gay or straight is nit a physical fact it is a psycological one, Which is why straight men can have sex with other men and enjoy it,
Enjoy it equals having an orgasm,whixh they all do!!
Nevertheless I can hardly wait for BRODIE to put that great ass to work and bottom again!!!!
Comment when you aren’t so horny, then you might make some sense!
Well said.
What a fucking moron. Yeah, you’re bare-assed in front of the whole world doing the gayest shit imaginable, but this is where you as a straight guy can practice out your fantasies. Sorry man, straight guys hookup through grindr and craigslist, they don’t fuck on camera. You’re a big fat HOMO, embrace it girl.
As fellow cock lovers don’t we all want Brodie in our camp?
Crock of shit. Are they STILL trying to perpetuate that out and out lie that these guys are actually straight? What the hell kind of a “straight” man does gay porn to “practice his fantasies?” If he’s having fantasies about another mans penis inside him, then he ain’t straight. Are the models saying this crap to promote the myth/marketing of the product or are they simply lying to themselves because while they like having sex with men, they aren’t capable of coping to the reality that they aren’t heterosexual?
They’re not straight. Think about the thought process and the steps these guys take to get into gay porn. Yes. GAY porn. Not Gay4Pay porn. This is gay porn and denial about your sexuality won’t change that. These guys contact a gay website. Then they fill out an application with all of their personal info. Then they submit nude photos. Then they schedule and interview. Drive or fly out for the interview. Then they fill out paperwork, submit ID and SSN. Now it’s time to work. Then they show up to set….and I could go on, but I’ll stop there. What straight guy goes through all of these steps to get into gay porn? The idea is absurd. It’s not like gay porn just happens. It’s not convenient. These guys are taking some pretty big fuckin steps and risking a whole lot to participate in gay sex on film for any and everyone to see…and you want me to believe you’re straight? foh! I don’t care if you’re watching str8 porn to get hard. It means nothing…other than you’re still super insecure about your sexuality and yourself and probably shouldn’t be having sex with men on film. Once you becomes comfortable with what you want and what you like you won’t need straight porn on to have sex with a guy. These guys are just lying to themselves and to the thirsty gays who are obsessed with the idea of a str8 guy having sex with another guy. I mean I get it. We always want what we can’t have and it’s a fantasy…but the problem with a lot of people is they don’t know how to separate fantasy from reality. The reality is a lot of these guys are struggling with their sexuality. Some are trying to figure it out…..and some are just plain ol liars. One thing they are not is straight. They’re bi at the very least. You can be fooled by girlfriends, wives, or even kids. Doesn’t mean anything when it comes to sexuality. Plenty of gay men have girlfriends, wives, and kids. That’s the fucked up part.
Thank YOU!
I mean even if they where told a ‘lie’ the moment and I mean the very moment you find out its actually gay porn. You walk away as fast as possible. Helloo! Wouldn’t you at least do some research on the company your working for in advanced anyway. I have a hard time even buying the straight porn part. I mean like, the moment your eyes turn away and look at what your going to have to fuck, should that not ruin your boner–for a straight guy that is….Bi at the very least but straight.
I don’t support shit shit.
Let it die.
In most of your comment you make it sound like it is really difficult for a str8 man to have sex with a guy for money. It isn’t. We’re not talking about love and romance, it’s just a physical sex act. Some/many gay guys have sex with girls in high school and college because of social pressure. It’s not hard to do. It’s just sex, not love and romance. Toward the end of your post you admit that “Plenty of gay men have girlfriends, wives. and kids.” And they have been doing so throughout much of history. Yes. Because they are physically able to do it. They do it because of societal pressures. It doesn’t mean they are Bi. They are still gay but engaging in physical sex with someone they are not really sexually attracted to. So it is not hard to believe that str8 guys can have sex with other guys for $$$.
Andrew you have a very good point. I have to say that I completely agree with you.
Of course that’s what “Andrew” says; his whole thing is the idea of straight guys having sex with other men. Anything else ruins his fantasy. He’s the same kind of guy who will SWEAR that Tom Cruise and Michael Jackson were/is gay (with no evidence to the contrary), but will see this guys fucking guy after guy, swallowing cum, getting fucked, kissing men, lick men’s assholes, etc., and will say “If they say they are staright, who are we to judge how they self-identify?” LOL
Thanks JuanDiego.
“Societal pressures” are the two keywords that you used. A Gay man might have sex with a woman, marry a woman, and have kids with a woman because of “societal pressures,” BUT no straight man is getting into gay porn due to “societal pressures” and that’s the difference. Your analogy is a fail.
My point was that it isn’t really difficult for SOME people to have physical sex with people that they are not sexually attracted to. Just as some gay guys can have physical sex with women as a result of societal pressure, some straight guys can have physical sex with guys for money.
Andrew, give it up. A gay guy having sex with a female due to SOCIAL PRESSURES/EXPECTATIONS, not to go the hell or be disowned by family, the sex isn’t in front of strange people with cameras in your face and ass and deriving PLEASURE/ORGASM CUMCUM CUM IN YOUR MOUTH, ASS, AND FACE BY MANY STRANGE MALES ON VIDEO FOR THE WORLD TO SEE FOREVER JUST FOR A FEW HUNDRED BUCKS. No fucking comparison!!!!!!! So stop showing homosexual stupidity…
i can’t help thinking that there are other ways to earn money…most guys i know who identify as Hetrosexual would do illegal stuff to make money rather than do Gay porn. Im not suggesting that these guys are gay but there is more to it than just making a quick buck. Despite the fact that many of these guys are so hot & handsome, the thought of them literally nt wanting to be intimate with a man is such a turn off..
Well Sean Cody is still there bcoz of you first world self hating gay men. Shame on you all ( g4p fans only).
The question is begged–Would he be “practicing his fantasies” if there was not an $800-1000 paycheck involved for 4-6 hours of work? I put forward the answer “No”. You do not need to come out to California, have free hotel lodging, and be handed a check to practice your fantasies. Companies like Sean Cody do help further the notion of religious groups that we homos choose to be homos. I do not think I–nor any of the commentators here–chose this particular Life path. Be gay for pay all you want, Brodie (although I recommend a bit more gym time–you are starting to get a little bit of Dad Bod)….but do not insult us with stupidass comments like that.
The thing about having a paycheck, however, is it DOES give them more license to act out fantasies. If they were messing around with men in real life, they would have to deal with trying to justify to a gf/wife/family that occasionally banging a dude doesn’t mean that they’re necessarily gay. If they get paid, their gf/wife/family could possibly see it only as a job– AND I guarantee that’s what the models tell them. In truth, the payment frees them up to play around and not have to have it bleed into the world they wish to have at home. That says a lot more about how we as society view pansexuality than it does about our attitudes of “doing it just for the paycheck.” If we’re so progressive a community, perhaps we gotta give a little leeway into the mindset of models like Brodie.
I do understand what you are saying…and to a certain degree, it makes sense. However, I suspect that if we brought together “Abe”, “Brandon”, “Brodie”, “Jack”, or most of the Sean Cody roster and asked them “Do you have any sexual contact with men when you are not on a Sean Cody set?”, most of them would say “No”. I am totally fine with straight men shooting gay porn….I only ask that they not attempt to justify or rationalize what is a business decision, because their rationalizations frequently sound a little condescending and that the things we homos do naturally is somehow something bad.
Strange individual that participates in this to me..yet they wouldn’t call themselves bi-sexual.
i stare clear of these kinds of men sex wise!
the issue for me is not the label so much but that they aren’t faking it. That they like sex with men. The ones who make the big deal about the labels are the websites promoting the guys as straight which I translate to mean “hey this is fake”.
I also want them to have some understanding or sense of the community and our history. But even the gay ones sometimes don’t.
Since when do you have to be a porn model to act out your fantasies? Alternatives: hire a rent boy; get an app for your phone; mess around with a gym buddy, etc.
…yea, but really it’s the money. If you’re gonna spend 6+ hours filming a scene while straight porn plays in the background so you can stay hard, then it’s probably for the money.
After he bottomed I lost interest in him. He was my fave then before Brandon. But I admit he still a charmer, my white guy fantasy.
Brodie is a hot guy and a good performer. Glad he joined SC to engage in some of his fantasies. I sure enjoy watching them. I like Brodie.
G4P str8 guys are queer. ‘Queer’ as in the all-encompassing umbrella term for alt-sexuality. They’re not necessarily bisexual and likely not gay…they’re still str8 but queer str8.
Queen — that’s exactly the term performer/director Seb Keys uses to describe himself.