It seems like it’s been years and years since we last heard from Steven Daigle. It’s been so quiet. No twitter meltdowns, no mugshots … for most people, that’s a good thing! But for Steven Daigle …




He’s decided to star in a bareback movie for Treasure Island Media called Max Sohl’s CUM WHORE.

And it’s not one of those times where it turns out it’s really just sucking dick.

And it’s not one of those “just the tip” cases …


He’s going whole-hog bareback here. Like, pass-around-bareback-party-bottom here:

He even tweeted about it today, because he’s #confident and #proud of this decision.


According to Max Sohl, the director of Cum Whore:

I admit to being dubious when reality TV porn rodeo cowboy STEVEN DAIGLE contacted us to see if we were interested in doing something. Skepticism quickly faded the second he arrived in New York and sent me a text message declaring himself a nasty pig and that he was up for any and all fluids I could get for him. Convinced of his authenticity I gathered up the most notorious powerhouse breeding tops in my arsenal.


Is this a good career move for Steven? Is he just doing this for publicity? Who is the next “big star” to go bareback? Does this make you like him more or less? What can he do to top this?


  1. Dave, u said Jackson Taylor is Neg…wait a minute. I remeber very well Jackson bottoming for John Dahl (who has bottomed for Jack Allen, wich is Poz) and dont u guys remeber Jacksons scene with Ethan Wolfe and his huge Bio hazard tat ??? If Taylor is Neg, well…its a miracle

  2. Everytime a pornstar decides to go all the way and do bareback, everyone cries about HIV. This gets old. Everyone bitches but I damn sure everyone is going to watch the video which happens to be extremely HOT and Stephen Daigle does go all the way and even flips. This was Stephen Daigle’s decision and he states he is comfortable with his decision. I think its hot he wants to be a pig and just goes for it. At least he is HONEST about it. I support Treasure Island Media for sticking to their guns and letting the guys go at it naturally and the way its really supposed to be with no bullshit.

  3. I thought this movie was incredibly hot, with at cute Texan butch rodeo-stud Steven Daigle taking loads of cum up his ass. I think it’s hot that he probably wouldn’t be taking loads up the ass if it wasn’t for this movie. I hope he does more!

  4. With the comments its wrong to assume a person doing bareback is HIV+, I would say that the performers in TIM films must be or do not care if they become HIV +. If you were to track those who have admitted to being HIV+ in these films you can pair up them up and decide for yourself. Some its clear just by looking at them they are positive, I have seen enough faces over 30 years to see the signs of what the disease does as it advances. It takes a toll on ones appearance and the wasting in ones face can not be denied.
    As someone who has lived through the dark days of the 80’s and still tests negative I get very sad for those who are the younger generation that do not get tested, have unprotected sex, because they do not have the experience of watching ones friends drop one by one. With the 20 somethings I have spoken to it seems they think the drugs that now keep a person alive are a “cure”, its like the days of going the Health Department for a shot to get rid of the clap. They have no concept of what they will be like in 20 years once the drugs have done their damage to other organs and what they will be like at 40.
    When I talk to those half my age and try to make a point they seem to think I am from the generation that died from AIDS and they are not.
    I know its a persons choice to have the sex they want, but I wish those who perform in porn would admit to their status so it would be clear that they are not being irresponsible with someones elses health and life.
    I only hope Steven is making the right choice for him, money is not worth a life of pills and sickness. I have been a fan of Steven since his film “Steven Daigle Exposed”, his bottom scene is one I watch a few times a week and is my favorite one to get off with.
    For those who will say I am HIV+ phobic this is untrue, I have been with my husband of 10 years who is positive, we are only safe and I am still tested every 6 months.
    If you choose bareback sex please get tested on a regular basis!

  5. Well I admire Steve for doing what HE wants. He doesn’t have to answer to anyone….just brought the DVD. Can’t wait to rub some put to it!!! Wooof!!!

  6. Thanks for all the comments, both negative and positive, LOL… I am happy, confident and living my life for me, but it’s nice to know I can still get people talking about current issues and be in a story that generates more comments then most stories on the sword to date!

  7. One can only assume Steven is already HIV+ and doesnt care. Why would anyone in this day and age let HIV+ knowingly feed you bare loads.

  8. I know for a fact one of the “Top” performers in this video is HIV+ because I have talked with him on another site, he’s an escort as well this being Tony Bishop. So not all Top performers are HIV-. Now haven’t seen this video yet so I’m not sure who he’s paired with. My hope is that the studio would have let that bottom performer know of Tonys status, I said that’s my “hope”. I have also talked with Jackson Taylor another pornstar that has worked for them and no longer does and he says he will NEVER work for them again. He says the studio is shady and lied to him about a performers status. Fortunately for Jackson he hasn’t been diagnosed HIV+. This goes to show you the type of studio these performers put their “trust” in.

    1. That’s the down side of the industry and one of the hazards that comes with it. They are providing this forbidden taboo of this raw sex lust that some people do in their private life but the risk comes with does the studio test their models and if so is their scene partner made aware of their status. If the studio is very active in making sure their models are tested, is the model your working with who tested negative a week ago had risky sex with someone who may be positive within those 7 days. Its kind of the ugly side of the industry that no one really talks about. It’s only brought up when something happens.

  9. It’s one thing to have a preference for going bareback…it’s another thing entirely to fetishize it. But to each his own, I guess.
    Odd though, how so many go on about porn being all about the fantasy, then complain that what they see onscreen isn’t authentic enough.
    Like I said, I understand the preference thing, we all have our preferences. But some take to too far and create a kind of cult around it. There was a guy who did a blog devoted to barebacking with random people-I haven’t looked to see if it’s still up, it made me sad to read it- but this was a driving force behind this guy’s life, the finding and having unprotected sex with as many guys as possible…rolling the dice again and again, and I couldn’t help but think that sex was not really the ultimate goal here, that there was something else going on, and that sex was just the vehicle this guy chose to express it.
    I’m not being judgmental, like I said, to each his own. But that means I have a right to “my own” as well, so I should be able to express my thoughts (respectfully) without upsetting any BB enthusiasts here…:-)

    1. Linda I completely agree with everything you just said. My parents bareback and that’s how I got here and they are HIV-. As a young gay closeted Catholic I barebacked a lot including full anal creampie as a teenager before educating myself about sex. Fast forward 900 years(I will never reveal my age) I am still negative. I think your fetish is your thing. Its the responsibility of the performers involved to be responsible for themselves. HIV/AIDS is singled out a lot in the gay community because sometimes I feel that is the only thing we try to protect ourselves from. Straights are more concerned with not getting pregnant and so when it happens to them, they immediately assume somehow its associated with the gays. Guess what people being gay isn’t going to make you poz. Would I bare back again someday? Maybe. Would we have to be monogamous and after I’ve gone through your emails, text, and internet history for 1 to 2 years before that happens and we have regularly tested negative in that time period and I know I’m the only one, absolutely. Cum in what ever hole you see fit. Till then I am going to be more responsible sexually. I enjoy bareback porn but I don’t let that influence my actions in my personal life nor do I think every actor that participates in it is poz(I think this recent HIV incident proves that gay sex doesn’t necessarily make you poz cause straight sex caused that)

  10. Maybe I saw incorrectly but one of the guys topping Sean Storm in the trailer looks a lot like a major porn star of a few years ago named Diego Alvarez. He is balding now, but still looks hot. It can’t be him though, right? Otherwise his name would have been mentioned. He was a big deal 10 or so years ago.

    1. I am from Bloomington IL and I was going to Illinois State University at the same time Sean Storm was going to ISU and I can tell you for a fact I have seen him in risques adult bookstore getting fucked raw(thru the crack in the door) to the booth he was in long before he was doing bareback porn movies. And I know from friends who also went to the bookstores in Peoria IL he was there too doing these same anticts! Not a shock he is poz. But you have to assume if you do a movie for Treasure Island Media your gonna have sex with at least one guy is gonna be poz. I mean do most guys in the gay community not know that if guy has a biohazard tattoo on his body he is advertising he is biohazardous and has hiv? Come on guys and grow up and smell the coffee figure this out. But also dont shame guys who are poz it can happen to anyone of us. I mean go on xtube there are videos of guys stealthing who diliberately rip condoms so they dump a load in your ass and claim the condom broke. Your incharge of your actions and prevention or lack of prevention. This is a free country and guys are allowed to do as they please. Who am I to judge them I worry me and me only.

  11. Well said Lind.. i was hinting at that in my previous post….I think Ms Larue has a lot to answer for…. of course Everybody Must take responsibility for their own actions and informed choices and i doubt that Cji Chi held a gun to their head but She and others like her make alot of money from these guys and what happens when it all goes wrong?
    her stance on Safe sex is so hypocritical its un true all she cares about is $$$$$$ which is fine but don”t pretend you really care …. because like i said…..Not one of these guys would have said in kindergarten ” I wanna be a Porn star when im older ……”
    and yes im a Hypocrite as i watch it….. too much …..

  12. It is really disappointing to come to a site like The Sword and see the ever so subtle dis against bareback porn, whether it be the article itself or the always full comments forum. Lets be blatantly honest here, The Sword is owned by AEBN, the world leader in VOD adult entertainment and a HUGE portion of their revenue comes from bareback porn, both on the heterosexual side of the industry as well as the gay side of the industry.

    There is a TON of misinformation in the comments posted here and it is done repeatedly every time the topic of bareback porn is brought up. Everything from assumptions that because an actor performs in bareback porn that automatically must make them poz to horrible perpetuation of myths like 50% of gay men are poz by the time they are 50 years old. All it does is to serve to feed into prejudice and intolerance, of both someone’s HIV status and what it means to be a gay man.

    It would be really honorable if The Sword and AEBN as a company would make it a personal goal to STOP the insanity of perpetuated untruths about HIV/AIDS via their multiple online businesses, especially forums like this. Clearly in many parts of our country there continues to be a complete lack of education and training in our schools, colleges and health care facilities about HIV/AIDS and the porn industry could go a long way to making a difference in this regard. Maybe then when people understand the FACTS about HIV in 2013 will we then be able to stop a lot of the prejudice and ignorance that is so easily hashed out in forums like this.

  13. Some gay men stance on barebacking is enough to make me straight. If you bareback with 50 men who are negative YOU WILL NOT GET HIV. Barebacking transmits it, it does not cause it. If that were the case there would be a lot of straight people with it cause guess what, they bareback way more than we gays do cause for them HIV . I really wish gay men would

    1. Ignore the part of that last part. Accidentally hit enter before I finished. As I was ranting straight people bareback a lot and treat HIV as its only a gay thing and that we only need to worry if someone gets pregnant. This is about making responsible choices as an adult when being sexually active. Wearing a condom while getting fucked and then taking your partners load in your mouth will give you as much of an std as barebacking. Barebacking with a cast of negative men is about as likely to make you HIV+ as having sex with a condom. On that note bareback sex does not cause HIV it is merely one of many ways to transmit it is someone is positive.

  14. The moral of the story is this. If you have any association with ChiChi Larue, you are making a deal with the devil. Almost literally. The shadiness of that person is beyond.

  15. Why….all this constant debate about BB porn etc….. Its Porn…. Its not exactly Healthy in any shape or form… Physically Emotionally or Spiritually …. so stop all the Crap and judgements …im a porn addict However it dosent mean that i think its really a great thing to do with your life…. Most of these guys and girls have real problems going on in their lives like the rest of us….. i never thought id say this but ive noticed on alot of these sites … american s are pretty judgemental…..even though i love them … if you watch porn lighten up… stop the Mother Teresa thing ……

  16. I definitely only care to see the Steven scene and I hope Antonio is fucking Marc Isaacs aswell.Better yet,I hope someone is eating Peto Coast’s fat ass.

  17. Why didn’t you guys post about Harley Everett’s bareback scene with Ben Statham? Or did I just miss it? Especially since he and Dean Monroe denied it. Anyway, Steven is hot and can’t wait to watch him in action.

    1. freaking true! Not a peep squeak of them when Harley went the bareback route as well. Add to that, where is the recent Lucas Entertainment also deciding to go bareback in its history post? Why the indifference? Why the onslaught of clampdowns when it is Treasure Island Media? Why are Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher enjoy almost next-to-nothing sleight of loathe when in fact, the genre, is the same(bareback)?

      1. Probably the same reason why Rafael Carreras and Antonio Biaggi don’t get as much hell for going bareback either, because they only top bareback and topping bareback poses a much lower risk of being infected with HIV. Still, the risk is there.

        As far as duckface’s studio goes, so far the only scene they have released as bareback is between a married couple. It’s about as controversial as when Daniel Marvin and Pedro Andreas. People should be more outraged that he continues to do business with Rafael Carreras since he flip flops in working with condom and bareback studios, especially when duckface himself considers himself such an advocate in safe sex policies.

        Also Sean Cody and Corbin Fisher get a pass usually because they do extensive testing with their models, but I think another reason why they get a pass is for their use of mostly g4p models. I always felt theses studios make the decision of using these type of models because they believe they are less likely to engage in more risky sexual behavior outside of the studio.

  18. On the positive side, I do love this more meaty look from Steven Daigle! Definitely looks more manly! And for a TIM film, glad to see this one doesn’t look so nightmarish as many others from the studio.

    Now onto the negative side: Seriously couldn’t Steven Daigle have worked for another studio besides a bareback studio? I’m sure that sites like Men over 30, Butch Dixon, and even would have been more than happy to welcome him back. Maybe he didn’t leave on such good terms with the condom porn industry.

    Granted I do like bareback porn, but I expected a bit more from him. I expected him to be a bit smarter about making these type of personal choices. I can only wish him all the best though.

    I think we’re becoming too lenient in our support for HIV+ victims. First of all, there seems to be less and less of them that are genuinely victims since it seems like they’re out looking for it. I can understand situations like the condom breaking, contracting it through other means like oral sex, but if you make the choice of not wrapping it up, or having the guy you’re bottoming for wrapping it up without being 100% sure about his status, and without having written proof that he is in fact HIV-, then you really have yourself to blame. And no one should be held responsible for the payment of all of the prescription drugs you have to take from that ignorant decision. I’m beginning to think that less and less people are scared about catching it since there is someone else who will be paying for all your drugs. I’m starting to think that should change.

    1. “HIV+ Victims?” — whether or not someone is “looking” for HIV (which in and of itself was an idiotic comment), I wouldn’t condescend or belittle a person who is positive by calling them a “victim.” Check your ignorance at the door, please.

    1. Have you watched the trailer, dumbfuck? It starts with someone riding a cock.

      Look, I think TIM’s as sensationalist and shameless as anyone else on this comment thread, but this trailer’s hot as fuck.

  19. What I really don’t get is how bareback should be hotter than condom sex.
    Is it for the fantasy? is it because seeing cum coming out of an asshole is arousing? or perhaps it is more exciting BECAUSE OF the danger of STDs? the fascination of danger?

    Personally, if the performers are enthusiastic, involved and put energy in the scene, I couldn’t care less if one dick is wrapped in a condom, I enjoy the scene anyway.

    1. >Personally, if the performers are enthusiastic, involved and put energy in the scene, I couldn’t care less if one dick is wrapped in a condom, I enjoy the scene anyway.<

      That's been my position forever. It can't just be the absence of condom that makes TIM performers so uninhibited and enthusiastic, can it?

      1. TIM orients much of its marketing in glorifying bareback, so yes, I think it can.

        I don’t find TIM that appealing, just because I do not give any added value to BB.

    2. Not only is it more visually appealing, it is just plain hotter to watch in a way I can’t explain. But, I can tell you for sure it has nothing to do with dangerousness or STDs. I highly doubt everyone who watches straight porn and seeing those girls get flooded with cum in every hole is thinking “ooh hot STDS, danger, disease, virus, plague”.

      1. well, it could be… forbidden things, the adrenaline of risk, attract, and can give to some people that plus that make them prefer to watch bareback porn.

  20. If he’s HIV positive (and what fool would say he isn’t?), I don’t see why he needs to stop doing porn, as long as he’s only barebacking with other performers who are informed and who can make their own decisions. He looks like he is clearly on drugs, as is the tradition with TIM, so it’s no surprise that he’s behaving this way. Also, I literally gave no fucks about him before this post. I forgot that he even existed if we’re being honest. This busted (allegedly) meth addict queen isn’t hot to me, so a video of the aftermath of a meth binge isn’t worth shelling out $60.

    On the other hand, TIM seems to be really stepping up their production value. The title sequence interspersed with the clips from the movie make it pretty exciting. That is, if you don’t take the health of the performers into consideration. If they don’t, why should you?

  21. What really bugs me is this. I don’t disapprove of bareback porn in fact much of it can be hot and its free country. There is nothing wrong with being HIV positive nor should you be exiled for it. I am myself. But what I don’t approve of is how TIM glorifies things like HIV and drug use. They make it look so glamourous. Having HIV is still a very serious health issue and its nothing to take lightly. But TIm just goes around making it look so fun and encouraging people to be reckless. They have taken it to far on many occasion including their movie “Slammed” and “1000 load fuck.
    What pisses me off about Steven Daigle is here goes another hypocrite. Another one of chi chi’s former boys who was so against bareback and shunned it before but not that his career is in the gutter he’s right their being a gangbang btm. you know he is tweaked out of his mind and TIM is loving it. So yes i think this whole thing is just sickening. Shame on Daigle for being a hypocrite but more importantly shame on TIM for continuing to be reckless and only caring about the almighty dollar.

    1. Sorry, I think I missed something… what’s shameless about informed adult men consenting to have unprotected sex on camera? Are you about to tackle Sean Cody, Michael Lucas, and Randy Blue for their bareback scenes too? Or does it just bother you that potentially poz guys are depicted doing what they do anyway?

      1. Or even know anything about the companies you are talking about. Randy Blue has never done a barebacking scene, and according to the owner, he never will. That stance could certainly change in the future.

        The owner of Randy Blue takes it serious too. Not only does he do condom-only duo scenes, he also screens every model for any type of stds and HIV out there. And if they come out to have some sort of infection, or worse HIV, then they will not work for that studio. They are, however, allowed to film a solo scene. But that is as far as it goes. They are also allowed to do camming too. That takes it a step above from Falcon, Titan, and probably most of the condom-only studios, since the majority of them feel that the condom is a good enough protection against most stds.

        1. He does not use people who have HIV. Why? If they use a condom there really is no chance he could infect anybody else. That is very discriminating but then again I never liked Randy Blue. I spend a lot of money on porn but have never subscribed to their site once in my life and probably never will. Boring site!

          1. Randy Blue is AWFUL. Their models never seem interested. Chris Rockway is the most unconvincing star I’ve seen yet, nearly as bad as Brodie Sinclair.

    2. Very well said. I am also not a huge Treasure Island Media fan for the same reasons: They glorify getting infected with HIV and they glorify drug abuse to boost their sales. The fact that many performers bash bareback porn and later do bareback porn obviously shows that the anti-bb people secretly want to do bb themselves. Come on, everyone knows it’s hotter to fuck without a condom. But you can still be responsible and there is no need to bash other people constantly for the choices in their lives. Just live your own life as best as you can.

  22. Hey, hey, give ’em what they want

    If lust and hate is the candy
    If blood and love tastes so sweet
    Then we give ’em what they want

    So their eyes are growing hazy
    ‘Cause they wanna turn it on
    So their minds are soft and lazy
    Well who do, who do you wanna blame?

  23. So what if he’s poz? And he may have been poz the entire time he’s been in porn. I dunno and I don’t care. I just want hot porn and this looks like it could be hot.

    1. Freddie, the commenter

      Yes, we know. They are all sane, all clean…Dawson, DJ…and don’t forget the biohazard tattoo of Ethan Wolfe…

    2. Brad McGuire actually IS negative. Antonio Biaggi & Peto Coast may be as well, but I’m not sure. Everyone else, I’m probably gonna bet are not though.

      1. I think you are right, and not a joke. I have read that Antonio requires testing, and I’ve read that Brad (I love you Brad) is/was negative. So maybe.

  24. What can you expect from a guy who threw a temper tantrum when he declared that the Fleshjack company used his candidacy as Fleshjack spokesperson to get attention for their product and then have the audacity to not pick him?

    Quite honestly I don’t get why there is such a rise in HIV transmitions these days. The knowledge to prevent HIV transmition is out there easily available for everybody. Do young gay guys really want to prove their bullies, tormentors, and ill advised authority figures right by getting AIDS and die? Why should they become the drug companies’ bitch and pay for their drug cocktails with nasty side effects or force themselves to live poor so the government can pay it for them?

    Prove the homophobic jerks from your past wrong and live an HIV negative and prospering life. Really, people live better lives being HIV negative than HIV positive. It’s not rocket science after all.

    Daigle doing bareback porn is just sad, because he proves that you still can go lower than being famous for being a reality TV ‘star’ who makes ChiChi LaRue porn to hold on to his 15 minutes of fame. Apparently dignity and self preservation is a hindrance when you seek fame and fortunes.

  25. Yay! Peto Coast and Brad McGuire are going to be in this movie. Two of my favorite tops.
    Have never heard of Steven Daigle by the way.

  26. Was never a fan of him at all, but I’m looking forward to seeing him do gay bareback here in this movie! To me, he’s nothing but an attention whore, but I don’t really care.

  27. I can understand everyone’s assumptions …. I had the same reaction when Josh Weston popped up in a few bareback movies and then disappeared …. turned out that one was correct. It’s up to Daigle if and when he discloses anything. Not all porn stars reveal their status because of doing bareback porn. Recently Gus Maddox did it in a Huffington Post op-ed piece.

  28. So my instant assumption is that at some point he tested positive and this is the inevitable next step after that result. The diagnosis always affects a paradigm shift but it’s a concern when it’s so radical that all notions of self respect and self preservation go out the window. Not to mention the message it sends to the audience that it’s ok to get bareback bred by five guys who are probably poz. Or maybe he’s neg and on some self destructive bender and wants to contract HIV. This stuff always makes me feel guilty as a consumer, the idea that most of the performers are probably depressed, drug addicted and want to kill themselves.

    It’s interesting how post Big Brother the shift into vanilla porn wasn’t deemed that radical, indicating just how mainstream porn has become. Cum Whores 10 or whatever it’s called however is a significant departure from Prime Time.

      1. I said it was an assumption, not a judgment. I also qualified it with ‘maybe’ indicating that it wasn’t an absolute statement. Nevertheless it looks like self destructive behaviour. And duh I’m in therapy. Isn’t everyone in therapy? Jesus.

  29. Steve is a good guy, and media savvy. He will get the PR that has been lacking recently, for better or worse. I happen to think it is a questionable/controversial choice, but I do not walk in his shoes.

    I thought that Chi-Chi and perhaps LUCAS shot him in a far more flattering fashion, but…he is well-known to be a pretty much “try anything” performer. I LOVED the stuff he did with Tony Buff, for example.

    Any suggestion that he “had” to do this, is absurd. From reality TV stardom,to porn, Steve has been in control of his image and persona,for YEARS.

    I have only met him twice, but he always seemed focused, and very smart. I am sure he elected to work with TIM with a good deal, as he a top-line, box-cover star.

    Easily, one example of a guy looking BETTER in-person, if you can imagine. I am SURE he will comment on why he made the choice to do this scene, be it here or on Twitter.

    1. Top line box cover star and good deal? Bwahahaha. Sweetie TIM doesn’t pay shit, box covers are all but dead and his persona? Honey he’s a never was reality star that did porn as a last ditch effort to get attention.

      1. We can agree to disagree. He was a well known reality personality from Big Brother. As for pay, he is probably well known enough to drive sales of the product, which is why he is on the cover/PR material.

        I would agree that talent compensation ( which was never HUGE in most cases) is down across the board, but I suspect he did okay on this. As I mentioned, he is savvy in promoting himself, always has been. He is well educated, and smart. Calculating, in a way.

        The only thing he did that did not exactly work perfectly was the St8 for pay scene, but I do get the motivation – he was goofing on the plethora of gay for pay guys out there. He got PR, but probably not what he had hoped for.

        Porn consumers were pretty nasty with the backlash on that effort. I don’t think he deserved the abject hate that some showed over that issue.

        He has always been very open about what he has done, or for that matter, what he is willing to do.

        Electing to work with TIM is a choice, and it will either work for him or not. Maybe he wants to be “notorious”, or did it on a lark. As for his look or “looks” I think he continues to be stunning. In the adult industry there are not that many of his vintage who look so good.

        Judging by the number of comments, I would venture to guess people remain interested in him, and probably will support any of his efforts.

        I certainly do.

        1. “…a well known reality personality from Big Brother.”

          Did you really type that? That thought puts him about two rungs below any random Kardashian (that’s about where he belongs, but that’s beside the point).

          Let’s parse this for a moment, shall we?

          “Well known.” Maybe to people who watch “Big Brother,” anyway. Big Brother only pulls about 5.2 million viewers, and as such, only runs during the summer when the networks know that ratings matter less because fewer people are at home in general. The population of the United States is 319.2 million people, and not all of them have televisions. Given those numbers, only a little more than one percent of the American population would have even the vaguest idea of who this guy is at all DURING HIS SEASON (2008, five years ago). That kind of number is statistically insignificant to most TV advertisers, to say nothing of any but the show’s most rabid fans in online TV forums.

          A “well known” personality is someone that a large percentage of the population can readily identify on sight. Oprah is “well known.” Julia Roberts is “well known” (unfortunately so, in my highly biased opinion). Steven Daigle will be “well known” when he runs for president or engages in some such other activities that would grant him some degree of notoreity, if not fame.

          HUNDREDS of reality shows out there, millions of people have been on them. Richard Hatch isn’t so much “well known” as he is “notorious,” because people who don’t/didn’t watch Survivor don’t give two shits about him. He’s about the fame equivalent of Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth, only because both of them refuse to stop famewhoring to flog every last drop of notoreity out of their initial “reality personality” spotlights.

          As far was being “well known enough to push the product,” that’s probably accurate, considering the size of the market that he’s being commodified for, gay men who watch porn (believe what you want, but that is a distinct subset of gay men, albeit a fairly large one). Something in me says that a significant number of gay porn consumers couldn’t recognize more than a few gay porn stars were those stars clothed, so perhaps name recognition isn’t the premium you believe it to be, and non-gay people who would recognize him in any state don’t contribute to sales numbers…

          “Judging by the number of comments, I would venture to guess people remain interested in him, and probably will support any of his efforts.”

          Hmmm. The number of comments here, you mean? As a pecentage of the internet traffic to a blog of a fairly narrow band of interest (namely, gay porn) goes? Dude, sometimes people just comment to say something impolite, as they would on any other blog, and that’s in no way indicative of a general or specific level of interest in any single topic or even. There were a lot of tweets about the Miss America pageant Sunday night too, and another two weeks from now there won’t be, and Nina Davuluri will go back to being another pretty girl with a sparkly tiara on her head, like 88 other women before her, most of whom are virtual unknowns outside of the pageant world.

          1. You are proving my point. He was well known WELL ENOUGH from Big Brother to be booked by most studios, who would not have booked him unless there was a hope for a good financial return.

            He created an over-the-top personality that sparked interest in the marketplace that follow porn efforts. ( Granted a small-ish market compared to legit entertainment).

            His reality tv background gave him a bit of advantage over others and he is an expert at playing to the camera, and using social media. He is happy to be “notorious”, as you mention.

            While there were actual Porn Stars 20 or 30 years ago, most are ( at best ) adult performers now. Steve is, at a minimum, an actual “Porn PERSONALITY”. Not bad for a person who has been in the industry for a while.

            He is a great self-promoter, and well educated. Who knows why he elected to do a TIM video? A swan-song, or the start of something new?

            I am sure he will tell us!

      2. Lets also not forget here Treasure Island sells the most porn movies period. They are making a killing in money and sales. They started as a small company and now are huge. But people who do their movies are made fully aware that ehy are on set with guys who are neg and who are poz and are taking a risk. But I have their movies and they are fucking hot!Some of their gangbang scenes are very not rehearesed and staged like so many others which personally makes me go soft! Kinda like when you go to a cruisey area or adultbookstore and hook up with a married guy with a wedding ring and he fucks you. Unplanned and way fun and most gay men would admit they would do it. End of discussion.

      3. Lets also not forget here Treasure Island sells the most porn movies period. They are making a killing in money and sales. They started as a small company and now are huge. But people who do their movies are made fully aware that ehy are on set with guys who are neg and who are poz and are taking a risk. But I have their movies and they are fucking hot!Some of their gangbang scenes are very not rehearesed and staged like so many others which personally makes me go soft! Kinda like when you go to a cruisey area or adultbookstore and hook up with a married guy with a wedding ring and he fucks you. Unplanned and way fun and most gay men would admit they would do it. And also the Porn companies that use condoms on set have poz gay porn actors doing their movies along side neg guys but not much is said since they are using condoms. Watch the movies Sex/Life in L.A. 1 and 2. In it the the director shows people who like sex in different lives and several gay porn stars are shown and there are several that in it that say they were poz when they were starring in movies like Cole Tucker. They just wore condoms during shoots. So lets not get to high on the horse boys! Every porn company that produces condom porn also produces bareback porn under their studio name or under a different studio name to cash in on the craze since it sells like hotcakes.

  30. Perez Hilton is Ron Perlman

    Bareback porn is so irresponsible and do gay men not realize this could create a super drug resistant form of HIV? I think there might be druid resistant strains already but this can’t help. This makes me really sad. You would think people would remember all the people who suffered through the beginning of the AIDS crisis and how hard they worked to educate people.

      1. I don’t know if it was here or on another gay porn blog but some commenter described a drug resistant strain of HIV as a form of natural selection.

        1. As terrible as it sounds, I would actually welcome it. I mean when HIV and AIDS first came to light, we blamed our own government for it spreading so rapidly because they didn’t acknowledge it as a threat nor did they do anything to prevent this. And I do agree their negligence did play a huge part in it

          But now, who are we to blame? Do we blame our government? We really only have ourselves to blame. The information is out there freely. You can google it and it will pop up. Do a bunch of us have to die in order to realize that HIV is still an issue that affects our community greatly? It seems the answer to that question will be yes.

    1. They have been saying there is going to be a super strain of HIV for more than 10 years and it still hasn’t happened. It is equivalent to last year’s meningitis outbreak that never happened. It’s called fear mongering.

      1. there is currently a gonorrhea or chlamydia strain that is drug resistant. So it seems it’s only a matter of time that an HIV strain evolves into something that is resistant to drugs.

  31. To be fair, we are taking liberties with the story.

    1. we don’t know his status.
    2. we don’t know if he was doing this for financial gain, or just simple sexual appetite. I think the latter since he has a career. He wants to have sex this way- and we should acknowledge he has the right to partake in those activities without judgement or condemnation, much like we would expect of an average gay person.
    3. Keep in mind: his parents shunned him when he came out. so that leaves some lasting rejection and disappointment you have to live with. He is trying to work out his issues through sexuality. Rejection stings and takes awhile to deal with.

    4. Finally, he doesn’t seem to care–so why should we too!?!

    I HONESTLY get it, and I think bareback porn sets an unfair competition between studios who are ethically treating their talent, and those that want a quick buck. It also creates hostility between negative and positive performers–for work and for opportunities within this industry. Also it creates too much workplace risk on the performers. However, I disagree with some of the tactics of people posting online here.

    I feel that we should openly disagree with his choice–but I do not agree with some of the slanderous stuff being said on here.

  32. Damn! I can’t bloody wait for this to be released. TIM is the best. Latex porn is just so last decade and so phucking boring.

    1. Dude Tony Bishop has a biohazard sign on his chest. That’s an advertising statement for his poz status emblazoned with ink on his body. Therefore his participation is the least surprising.

        1. Guys in condom porn =/= HIV Negative. There are an overwhelming number of poz guys in condom porn so I don’t know why everyone is under the assumption these guys are “clean totally safe” guys. And besides the purpose of a condom is to prevent spreading and infection of HIV and other STIs to other people. There weren’t “exposed” to anything.

          1. That is not even remotely correct that only condom scene porn studios have HIV- models. How do you explain the big 3 in gay porn: Bel Ami, Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher having condom free scenes? Are you saying that all those models are HIV+ ??? What a ridiculous statement. However I do agree that there is probably a large amount of HIV+ models working in gay porn, and there should never be a scenario where there is HIV- models having sex on screen with HIV+ models, and that includes condom scenes. Why even take a remote chance of infection? These are real people with lives outside of porn, the risk vs a pay check is too high of a price to pay. That fantasy of wearing a condom prevents infection by 100% is a myth, condoms reduce the risk but do not eliminate the chance of transmission. It only takes that one time as the saying goes..

        2. It’s my understanding that Falcon doesn’t do bareback porn. And if the performer is having protected sex then other performers are not ‘exposed’. There’s no moratorium on pos guys working in the industry. Nor do they all necessarily obigated tell you their status. But that tat is always a give away. I mean it means bio hazard. And from the looks of it he doesn’t have ebola so do the math..

  33. Can’t wait! I’ve only watched 2 of Steven’s scenes, one with Spencer Reed and the other I can’t remember and they were pretty hot. As adult human beings we make our own decisions and live with the consequences whether good or bad so I’m cool with bareback. And seeing Mr. Diagle all buffed up and horny should make for a pretty intense scene(s).

  34. Guess we’ll all have to pay for his nasty ass’ Medicaid anti retrovirals soon enough.
    Or maybe he can OD and save us the expense.

  35. Oh please. This is so hot I can’t wait to watch. You guys sit behind your laptops and judge – when are you going to start judging every pregnant woman on the street for having unprotected sex? He’s obviously poz (like roughly 50% of us ARE in most major cities) and wants to stop lying about the sex he is having. I guarantee you most of you who makes these comments are jerking off to TIM porn – face it, it’s hot, it’s well made and it’s dirty – like porn should be.

    1. That’s a pretty reckless and irresponsible statement to make about someone’s health status that you most likely know nothing about.

      1. jesus, it’s porn. How fucked up do you need to be to do porn in the first place? AGAIN – half of us, if not more – have HIV. We enjoy bareback sex. I am a single man living in a major US city and have been having sex with strangers for a long time and I can count on one or two fingers the number of guys who have asked to wear condoms.

        And yes, TIM is actually responsible and they know what they are getting into – do you think in any realistic spectre some guy thinks “oh I am going to film a porn where 12 guys cum in my ass and they are all negative for sure!”

        Grow up. It’s poz guys on poz guys.

        1. Actually, YUP, YOU are a huge part of the problem. People who can’t OR won’t manage their sexual activities responsibly should be held accountable. YOU, YUP, are contributing to yet another outbreak of this horrific silencer of life. Get a fucking clue and educate yourself.

          1. I hope you are not one of those prissy queens fighting for equality rights for LGBT men/women. If you cannot fathom the equality if the gay society as a whole, we don’t deserve equality in any other way.

            There are men that have bareback sex with eachother. Deal with it. And there are those who are HIV Negative, have taken many unprotected loads, and STILL end up HIV Negative (I have a friend who is most likely the sluttiest man on the planet). HIV is not the worst thing in the world to worry about; there are other risky STIs that people are not placing on the hot chair of these types of discussions.

            You do what you want with your own body, you should admire people for doing just that. Steven made his bed, now he has to get laid in it. He knew the risks, and he’s comfortable with them. I admire that about him, and I don’t judge him for being a dirty slut. We all our dirty sluts, or when given the chance to be, we may become dirty sluts. Anyone who watches Gay Porn, is gay, or whom participates in sexual activity of ANY kind, HAS NO RIGHT TO JUDGE or place BLAME.

    2. “when are you going to start judging every pregnant woman on the street for having unprotected sex?”

      This perfectly illustrates the logical and moral bankruptcy of the “bareback is GREAT!” crowd.

      1. Any gay man who views Gay porn, participates in any king of sexual activity, or anyone who is part of the LGBT community in any way, shape, OR form, has NO RIGHT to place the blame or judge on ANYONE who participates in Bareback Sex.

        Seriously, I don’t know what’s worse about our own community. Prissy queens who incite hate and claim to be against it, or the fact that they would want equality without accepting the idea of equality in our own community.

  36. porn actors are quickly becoming the new ground-zero for the spread of HIV. Given time, they’ll be the main source and carrier of the virus. Bareback porn should be illegal.

    1. You seem to forget that very many gay guys become HIV+ irrespective of bareback gay porn. If you think that the number of new HIV infections drops drastically when you make bareback gay porn illegal you are naive. A part of the gay community is prone to a promiscuous life style with lots of unsafe sex, drugs and alcohol. These guys are not going to use condoms when bareback gay porn is being made illegal.

      1. That might be very true Dutch, however, if you don’t do everything you can to prevent another onslaught of infections, then you will have just that. These bareback videos DO have influence, especially on our youth.

        1. The demand for bareback sex is there and it is not going away. Making bareback gay porn illegal in the USA (even if it would be legally possible)will change little. American gay guys who want to see it will download scenes from non-American companies through torrent sites and other channels. I think it would be more effective and certainly more realistic to start a new national awareness campaign for young American gay guys. Emphasis should be on the fact that HIV is not something of an older generation but ever present among younger gay guys. In addition to this the campaign should stress that, although HIV is not a death sentence it once was, it is no free ride and that medicines can have serious side effects.

          1. I totally agree. Personally I love bareback porn but try to be careful when it comes to my own sex life. I also think that you need to educate people: For example many still think it’s a death sentence when in reality it is not and most people with HIV live as long as people without HIV. Having said that, many people are not aware what living with HIV means: Taking pills, needing a health care plan, extra costs, extra doctor visits, diseases which are more difficult to care than without HIV. As Dutch Courage said: It is not a free ride. The best thing really is to educate young people – in schools. But when I read that a teacher in the US gets suspended for showing the video to “Same Love” in class, we still need to go a looong way until they can talk about HIV in a realistic way.

      1. I dont think he is an idiot at all. And I have to wonder just how many gay men you personally know and interact with all the time that are HIV+? How old are you? Im 40 I know several men that are Hiv+ and it doesnt kill people so quickly like it use to. The cocktail does allow people to live longer. But all dieases and meds have side effects, Im a diabetic which immediately puts me at a higher risk for heart diease. Hiv poz guys have this same risk too the body from meds. But I think the guy your attacking is being resonable your being just not. But just making TIM out to be the villan is ludicris. All the other porn studios put out bareback movies too or they own another studio they put them out under to avoid the negative press. There are guys doing condom porn who are poz but no flack is given cause they are wearing a condom. That is a fact. The company who owns this blod is AEBN and guess what their VOD titles include Treasure Island Media. Go to their website and check it out. Why cant we just be nice to each other as gay men? All this slut/HIV+ shaming makes me sick to see how each other gets treated. Plus check out this news-“Pharmaceutical company Sumagen Canada announced yesterday the successful completion of a Phase 1 Clinical Trial of SAV001-H, a vaccine against HIV and AIDS.” The article can be found here

    2. A porn star lied to me about his involvement in porn until after he passed the virus to me. I also happens to know he has several partners in and out of the industry to whom he is not disclosing his status.

      So in his case, I agree.

    3. Saying that bareback porn will be ground zero seems highly uneducated and crude to me.

      The porn studios put their performers through testing. They have even stated they are testing more regularly than the standard. But somehow that means that the models are at a higher risk? How about the guys that use numerous apps to hook up with random men? Or the guys that go home with someone they just met? And if you go to a bathhouse I am sure that you are completely aware of everyone’s status there, right?

      Seriously, before you sling a comment like “ground zero”, take a minute to gather all the data you can. And realize that there are people who have been living with HIV for years who didn’t take risks, who trusted the people they slept with, who are trying to live their lives with this disease and who don’t deserve the hateful remarks.

    1. Gotta agree. Looks totally hot, I got a boner from watching the trailer already. Although I do not think that TIM is the hottest studio (I think others are better) but this looks like a hot film.

      1. Well said! I saw the trailer and immediately I thought “I can’t wait to see these boys working and get filled up” Plus they managed to pair one of my favorite bottoms ever (Steven Daigle) and one of the hottest tops in the entire TIM roster (Brad McGuire) so I can’t wait to see that and hear Brad’s dirty talk and Steven moaning with pleasure. I may be against bareback on the whole and would never ever have bareback sex in my personal life (unless I went monogamous and knew my lover was too) but I would totally watch this!

  37. Sounds hot, I’ll be watching. I don’t need to know or pass judgment on their personal lives, for me this sounds like a hot film.

  38. Lest, you forget Jack…Max Sohl has also snagged Rafael Carreras in his film. The totem of gay porn has changed. The more put-downs bareback gets, the more strident the stars/studios/porn mafias get to doing it. Goodbye to dictatorship!

  39. I guess he was tired of people not talking about him? Or no other companies were interested in hiring him. The TIM promos always look squalid, with dead-eyed participants robotically going through the motions because it’s all they know how to do, having forgotten how to feel joy and light.

    1. sorry I think just the opposite Treasure Island is one of the rare companies where the guys seem alive and actually enjoying what they are doing. I think you are confusing mainstream porn and gay-for-pay models with the guys at TIM.

      1. TIM is one of the few porn studios where the sex (bareback or not) never seems perfunctory, or overly directed. I have never seen a TIM performer wince or recoil in disgust, when a load of cum is shot toward his face or mouth, unlike many other studios. Say what you will but those guys over at TIM are pure energy. No faked sex. I saw a scene recently with golden boy Johnny rapid being ganged on, and he looked so bored and disinterested, he may as well have been waiting on a taxi to arrive. And then the cumshots came, he would let out a, “mmm yeah..” so unenthusiastically, i wanted to smack him.
        I’m beginning to think that gay men are so accustomed to being spoon fed boring gay4pay pretty boys, that they would not recognize actual sex if it came up and rammed them in the butthole.

      2. I definitely agree. Even if their various bareback scenarios can seem repetitive at times, or desperate to seem new and edgy, I would say that TIM at least comes up with a hotter finished “movie” than most mainstream produced porn. The editing of this promo alone was very well done — the filmmakers know their brand and shamelessly dare to have a fuck load of fun at what they’re doing while also strategically self-aware at how the politics of such a shitshow play out in the pornblog world. Good for them. And not a bad move at all by Daigle, especially if he’s already sowing Pigoates(TM) in his personal life.

        1. As Someone who actually has had conversation with Max Sohl on facebook( we chatted about current videocameras and new digital 5k ones) I can tell you he does have background in filmmaking and theatre. And he is actually a nice down to earth man. Daigle must have either tested poz or decided he wanted to take the risk which is his choice. I also as a 40 something gay man who has friends who are poz am sick and tired of neg guys(im negative by the way) treating hiv infection like a death sentence and the infected like leppers! If you take your protease cocktail and take care of yourself you can live 20 yrs plus. One of my friends was infrected at 19 he is now 47. There is also a study that was done in switzerland that followed couples who are neg/poz who have unprotected sex for 5yrs and found that aslong as poz person takes their meds everyday and doesnt have other stds like herpes or others they didnt infect their partners with hiv. Yes I know in the heat of the moment we all can throw caution to the wind when were horny or drunk and horny , the guy next to you in a bar/bathhouse/cruisey area whatever is looking cute and has a big dick its hard to say no to oral or anal sex cause were men. But do any of these people saying were gonna get aids by 50 ever mention about sexually active gay men who may not practice safe sex can be put on the cocktail drugs for hiv to prevent infection? Michael Lucas porn director has decided to do this to prevent himself from seroconverting. Do any of these fact sayers mention to people that if you have protected anal sex and the condom breaks you can go to a hospital and they can put you on inhibitor cocktail to prevent infection? NO, I know this cause I worked in medical industry… They need to present those facts too. medicine has changed and hiv is rapidily becoming like diabetes in treatment( I have type2 and I have to take drugs daily and count carbs a big pain in the ass). So guys its his choice not yours. And lets lighten up on our gay brothers who have HIV it can happen to anyone. I dont know a gay man alive let alone str8 man that hasn’t acted like a manwhore sometime in their lifetime. Str8 men can act pretty whoreish too, have seen group of guys at party go into a room to all fuck a girl taking on all cummers! Men are wired for sex period end of discussion in my opinion!

          1. The site you sourced is a fundie site what took the CDC data and stretched the truth…by a ten miles. The CDC report says no such thing, they merely twisted the data to push their own anti-gay message. Did you even look at that website or are you just trolling?

          2. Thank you, that’s exactly the statistic I was referring to. It’s certainly alarming, but not false.

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