After suffering heart and respiratory failure at the close of her performance at last weekend’s Charlie Horse, Ms. Warhola was revived several times, rushed to the hospital, and remained in a coma for several days. But miracle of miracles, she has come out of it and is taking visitors–so reports Anna Conda in this week’s Facebook invite.
So Yes, dears, just more proof that if there is a god, he sure loves the gays*: not only did Ann Coulter’s jaw get wired shut, but Anna Warhola lives to stumble and expose herself another day.
Please enjoy this album of Anna’s greatest hits, c/o San Brit.
Drag Queen Anna Warhola Collapses On Stage at Charlie Horse
We Love Anna Warhola (Facebook Album)
* This also reminds us of a certain San Francisco limerick written about a distillery, Hotaling’s Whiskey, that was saved from the flames in the great earthquake and fire of 1906:
“If God had punished all the town
For being over frisky
Why did He burn the churches down
And save Hotaling’s Whiskey?”