Disgraced porn star Billy Santoro is once again in the news! The once-popular porn star, who is now known for buying fake followers, possibly faking a suicide attempt, and telling his followers to shoot Black Americans, is now making headlines for his recent eviction!
The Sydney Morning Herald is reporting that the infamous porn star and his husband Gage Santoro have been kicked out of their Australian apartment for disturbing the peace. A removal van was reportedly seen outside of the couple’s building on Thursday morning and according to the news site, residents saw “the duo packing up their apartment-cum-studio.”
Per The Sydney Morning Herald:
Neighbours were put on edge by the pair’s habit of working from home during the pandemic and producing content for their OnlyFans subscription account. They had gained international notoriety due to racist social comments they blamed on a meth addiction.
Monument residents made noise complaints and the police were called out several times, as was an ambulance on at least one occasion. Recently the strata committee unanimously ruled that the couple breached by-law 4 by “disturbing the peaceful enjoyment of surrounding lots with extreme noise” and ordered the duo comply with the complex’s by-laws or face a penalty notice. Finally, the owners of their seventh-floor apartment, who didn’t like the apartment’s reconfiguration into a home porn studio, served notice on the couple.
The pair had said not a single neighbour had approached them directly to complain.
In addition to their recent eviction, the duo is also catching some heat for the controversial content they’ve been pushing out on their OnlyFans. Described as “taboo” on their Twitter page, it seems that the two have been publishing meth slamming videos on the platform, which is weird considering they have “#killMeth” in their Twitter bio.
Earlier this morning, porn star Steven Lee called out OnlyFans on Twitter earlier this morning and asked why they’re allowing the sale of slam videos on their platform. The company has not yet responded to the tweets or publicly commented on the situation.
We have reached out to OnlyFans for comment and asked them to elaborate on their stance on drug use/simulated drug use and for comment on if Billy and Gage’s page will remain active. We will update this post if we hear back from the company.
UPDATE 12/05/20: An earlier version of this post named “Seth Santoro” as Billy’s current partner. The post has been update to correct this error and reflect that Billy is currently with “Gage Santoro.”
UPDATE 12/07/20: OnlyFans responded to our request for comment and confirmed that they removed Billy’s account from their platform. You can read their response here.
Well this is the closest I’ve come to porn star – my friend lives in the same building he got kicked out of – will have to ask him for any goss.
There once was a point, in the very beginning of his career, when Billy Santoro was SUPER hot. Unfortunately, after all of the stories that have come out about him… thereʻs no hotness left. All that can be seen is ugly. Itʻs one thing for a guy to have a substance abuse problem, but his issues apparently run deeper than that. He just needs to “retire” and straighten out his life – if thatʻs even possible.
Never thought he was much to look at , I guess his inside is as ugly as the outside
Gays are mean to each other.
Is it mean to call out abhorrent behavior?
All it will take is an arrest and conviction or two and he’ll end up in immigration detention and then will be deported back to the U.S. He’s widely seen as a joke on the Sydney scene. No one wants him around, even his so called “friends”. Gage should dump him ASAP, because its clear that Billy has no intention of changing.
using feels incredible and people want to feel better about themselves
and the poor choices they’ve made in their lives
and the people they’ve hurt
and all the times they didn’t have it in them to be better and try harder
and for never being good enough
isn’t his husband Gage? Not Seth?
Thank you for commenting. The post was meant to say Gage. The post has been updated to correct this error!
Now you see why Seth divorced that psychotic nut job? Would not surprise at all to wake up to find out him being dead by way of suicide. This time being successful and not faking his death.
Good for you Steven for calling his ass out and Twitter should be ashamed of Their selves ! Although I don’t do Twitter.