I thought it couldn’t get any worse after FCKH8’s first PSA about gay marriage.
I was wrong.
Who does this appeal to? Who does this convince, and what does it convince them of? It’s easy to appeal to someone who’s supposed to be on your side, and it’s harder to appeal to the people who aren’t. This does neither.
The line between activism and lazy bullshit has been blurred to the extent that nothing means anything anymore, and the difference between being clever and being stupid is clearly defined here. Exploiting suicide in an attempt to sell, what, stickers(?) and make a “cute” video that you want to go viral is to be expected, I guess, in a time when changing your Facebook profile picture to a photo of Scooby Doo is symbolic of your stand against child rape, but that doesn’t mean you’re doing the right thing and that doesn’t mean that what you’re doing isn’t contributing to the hatred people feel towards you by giving these people–who do in fact already hate you very, very much–more ammunition and more very, very offensive evidence to make their case against you. And if you think because your video with dozens of uses of the word “fuck” and substantively nothing else (except for, again, stickers) has attracted hundreds of thousands of views and therefore can be considered effective advocacy and not simply a result of the basest instincts of the multitudes of average idiots on YouTube who think children cursing is awesome, think again. You, I’m sorry, are part of the problem.
Okay, so I wouldn’t have made it, and I bristled at little kids using the F-word, but, its not the worst PSA, I’ve ever seen. The crass/campy/in your face stuff will appeal to some and revolt others–but people will discuss (like they did here) Kids do get brutally bullied with words like FUCKING FAGGOT (I definitely was), so I don’t think “owning” these words in the PSA is totally out of line. For the biggest critics, I ‘d have to ask what you have done to combat homophobia?
Uck, I couldn’t make it through the first minute. Kids cursing like that is utterly offensive. Misguided: Understatement.
Well it certainly was all over all the gay drone blogs like Towleroad and Joe My God. They will publish anything a PR hack sends them or anything that’s googled and contains the term gay, queer or homo. Complete Rubbish! Oh and for the “What’s not to LOVE about this ad? One thing it won’t do is bore you to pieces.” what, wave something shiny in front of your face so you can stay interested? Can’t we do better? LAME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The man responsible for this nonsense is Luke Montgomery. He has been added to my list of people whom I want to punch in the face.
It’s so ridiculous that it’s never going to be seen by the audience it’s directed at. I see 5 dollars from the shirt sales go to the cause and they “start at 13” which surprised me because I expected at least 20 minimum for the doof in the beard.
I love how half way through it turn its a Gap commercial…
i guess we have to spend 13 bucks now, to stop kids from getting bullied…
god… the word fuck is SOOOOOO empowering… i never knew…
They need to get Cindy McCain to do a spot.
And don’t you love that if they’re not using the word “Fuck” they’re using Fag, faggot, homo, queer….. Those are the kind of words that kids get bullied with… Don’t give me that crap “Oh it’s okay for gays to say it because were gay. It’s just like its okay for a black person to say N***** but no one else.” I liked their first video but this one is just WAY too fuckin much for me…
As I pointed out about the first PSA..having kids spewing profanity SUPPORTS the belief that gays lack the ability to raise children properly and that we are all base and vulgar sodomites who just want to corrupt/convert children. I would never condone allowing children to swear like a drunk Jersey Shore guido. I have no problem with the adults (LOL adult implies maturity) saying what ever they want regardless of how stupid it sounds – however, some of them really need to shake the granola out of their underwear because the are entirely to angry to be anything but ridiculous- I mean really do you think the people you are pissed at are going to watch this PSA going you know their vulgarity, irresponisible behaviour around minors, and poorly chosen hairstyles have convinced me- uhm No and if they do they watch are laughing at the silly queers and their ineffectual rage- instead you are just offensive to the people who you claim to support. It makes as much sense as burning the rose garden to get rid of a few aphids when it is much more beneficial in to simply release some lady bugs and watch the roses grow. If I see anyone wearing one of those stupid shirts, bracelets, or buttons I intend to walk up to them and ask them how much money they have donated to The Trevor Project and if they didn’t then I might just have to FCKING Hate them for being total FCKING Posers. How much of that money is really going to help?
This was deep.
What’s not to LOVE about this ad? One thing it won’t do is bore you to pieces.
so spread this thing like herpes?
that’s disgusting. can somebody sue these people please? specifically the person responsible for approving it and the writers.