over the latter’s decision to take an advertising sponsorship from a bareback producer.
Chi Chi herself is currently being attacked by the barebacking
companies who call her a hypocrite for selling pre-condom (movies made
without condoms in the pre-AIDS era). Some have even erroneously
charged her with filming without condoms in her early career. Chi Chi
is having none of it.
“The first feature movie I ever directed, FLEXXX, was in 1987. It was a
condom feature and every single movie that I have directed since then
has also used condoms… When I moved to LA in 1987 and took a job in
promotions at Catalina Video, the AIDS crisis was in full swing. I
lobbied hard to William Higgins and John Travis of Catalina and Chuck
Holmes at Falcon to get condoms on the models “
Chi Chi’s video is one of the first to divorce itself from the safe-sex
advocates reliance on a media-effects argument (i.e., watching bareback
encourages people to bareback), shifting the focus to the health of the models
in the film. “I’m not putting my models at any unnecessary risk on my
set. Why are we putting people at risk for porn?”
LaRue gave up a highly lucrative side career in the straight industry
in 2006 when Vivid Video decided to go condom optional and rely solely
on testing, saying that it’d be hypocritical for her to have two
standards for the two sides of the industry.
Readers can support Chi Chi at SafeSexIsHotSex.com.
New York Unveils New Youth Fad: AIDS
British Bareback Twinks Contract HIV On Set
Message from Chi Chi LaRue (SafeSexIsHotSex.com)
So much to laugh about here, but “longtime safe-sex-advocate Titan Media” is the best. The Kings of Pissing On Each Other…now THAT’s funny. And yet…sad. Emptying waste is not only dangerous…it’s not sex. (It is, however, a character flaw.)
Have you seen LaRue’s movies? They’d be boring even if they WERE bareback…if he (a man in a dress is still a ‘he’) really cared that much he wouldn’t have hosted all-gay ‘porn cruises’ where who knows what went on. Whether he condoned it or not, sex of all kinds, wrapped and not, went on there. Saw it myself. And his “celebrity” (ewww) helped sell the tickets that may have cost some on the ship their future health. Tell ChowChow to eat another doughnut and shut the fuck up until he wipes the blood off his hands.
Don’t you guys just love the way that The Sword mentioned in this article about Chi-Chi’s PSA; “The porn community has come out in strong support for LaRue’s anti-bareback campaign…..”. And then mentions two directors and one model who support the PSA.
Reading the comments posted here makes one wonder who really is in favor of this PSA.
Perhaps one might suggest to The Sword and to the “porn community”, that maybe, just maybe, it is more important what the customers think than it is what Chi-Chi’s peers think.
In the PSA Chi-Chi mentions she will never put anyone at risk. Perhaps someone should mention to her the risks involved in rimming and cock sucking.
It also appears that Chi-Chi has re-edited the PSA since it was first released. In the first version she mentions that she is not in favor of testing due to the “window period” and having no control over what a model does from the time he is tested to time of filming. All of that is now gone from the PSA. Perhaps she should explain why all of a sudden that has been removed from the PSA.
Testing for prevalent STD’s and Serosorting according is a good thing. It is impossible to deny that. At minimum, all gay studios should be testing at least for HIV and Hep C.
NIce try, but…Chi Chi’s PSA is obnoxious, long, and counterproductive. Is there anything less sexy than a screeching drag queen barking orders? Yikes.
She’s also a hypocrite who is more than happy to take her share of profits from “pre-condom classics” while standing on her anti-bb soap box.
I’ll respect her position a little more when she pulls every film from her back catalog with risky behavior in it and pressures all her retail, pay-per-view, online, and neighborhood rental outlets to pull all “pre-condom classics” from availability for sale or rental.
She’s full of it.
Not excatly what it is you are tying to suggest in your post above but if you are attempting to suggest that I wrote the two above posts from “Marc and “John” just because they came from the same internet provider, I would strongly suggest you make it clear to your readers that many people use the same Internet Provider and that does not mean that since the IP addesses are the same that they are written by the same person.
As you can see by this post and the only other comment I’ve made on your site but on a different subject, I always include by name, email address and url.
Is this an attempt by you to slander me with your readers?
The two previous posts — by “Marc” and “John” — are coming from the same IP address, and by the same IP address as Bill Gardner of HDK, a producer of bareback porn.
While we at the Sword reserve the right to delete or edit comments for different reasons — including things that constitute slander or divulge non-public personal information such as phone numbers or real names of performers — we have not removed these posts. But we think you should know that their provenance isn’t exactly neutral.
Mike Stabile
Nice edited PSA, but who the hell are you to preach to me as a member of the general public when you don’t do anything to provide as safe as possible working environment for your models by testing! You really are a hypocrite!
Chi Chi you want no one to take unnessary risks when they are having sex and that is a great thing! The EXACT SAME thing can be said of many other condom studios also such as Titan who promote the same message but I won’t buy from them or you any more because neither of you test your models!!!
Chi Chi, and Titan your both attacking “bareback studios” for taking “UNNECESSARY RISKS”, that is like the kettle calling the pot black.
When one of yours or Titans models is rimming another model or shooting cum on another models face and mouth, etc, your model is at risk from Hep C and so many other STD’s. A condom is only good for protecting someone against STD’s during anal sex,PERIOD!!! And then it’s not 100%.
It’s like riding a bike and wearing knee pads but NO Crash Helmet, how stupid is that. A condom only goes part way to protect a model, testing is the crash helmet to REALLY ensure their safety, not a condom! GET REAL.
And how can you attack Bareback Studios, when you yourself have allowed it on your set before the cameras roll or after, what a hypocrite you are!!!
Chi Chi you stated “I’m not putting my models at any unnecessary risk on my set.” That is NOT true and you know it!
If you spent less money on trying to make yourself look good as a drag queen and instead put that money into making it a safer environment for your models to work in with TESTING! People might then actually start and take you seriously. Your a pathetic excuse for a business man or industry leader. Why don’t you start by cleaning up your “act” as it were before preaching to others. I am sure your PSA was done with best intentions but it falls WAY short, when YOU won’t even provide your models with a safe working environment.
Same goes for Keith Webb and Bruce Cam at Titan, they should not be preaching to others either when they do not do everything in their power to provide a safe as possible working environment for their models. Their “back yard” may be dirtier than yours Chi Chi, as they just put a movie out called “Breakers” with men urinating in each others mouth! How is that supposed to be looking after the models health, when they did not do testing either?
You know the SHOCKING thing is Chi Chi YOU only recognize and promote HIV as being the ONLY harmful thing their is to catch, you seem completely naive to the existance of other STD’s and how they can be transmitted. All I can say is I will not be recommending you to anyone and definately not be buying any of your crap. You just told the whole world in your PSA that testing is not worth while, how down right irresponsible was that!!! Testing is VERY important! Your supposed to look after your models DUMB ASS!
WAKE-UP MODELS, their is a LOT more than just HIV and Chi Chi is ignoring it at your expense by not testing. If you are a model, start demanding that they start testing everyone, it is for your protection.
Chi-Chi’s PSA was outstanding as far as it being professionally done. But her message DID NOT ring true and she the worst sort of hypocrite.
Damnit, she re-edits and re-masters pre-condom films and then spends tens of thousands of dollars advertising them. Does anyone really think that some 19 kid really gives a shit when the film was made? All he sees is guys having unprotected sex. Chi-Chi has said many times in the past that bareback sex movies are bad because guys watch them and then think it’s ok to have that type of sex. And that Rob guy who works for Chi-Chi has also made that statement many times.
I don’t know if Chi-Chi ever made a film with no condoms or not. But I know damn well that he/she has seen unprotected sex happening on her sets BEFORE the cameras were turned on and he/she did nothing about it. She needs to get off this holier than thou shit because there are a hell of a lot of models who can blast her big drag queen ass out of the water if they ever decide to. I’m one of them.
If Chi-Chi doesn’t start testing her models and continues to allow her models to be exposed to STD’s on set, when testing is so cheaply and readily available, then she proves to everyone that she really is nothing more than a hypocrital fat old drag queen who will soon be a hypocrital fat old drag queen who is out of business.
Chi-Chi, until you start testing you models and protecting them to the best of your ability, AND START ENFORCING A NO DRUG USE POLICY on your sets, you have lost my business!
Where is the Josh Weston PSA?
“Hi I’m Josh Weston and I’m about to get fucked in the ass without a condom and have 4 loads shot down my throat… But please don’t try this at home. Remember, I’m a professional.”
NO, Registered User. The proper analogy would be someone running off a bridge with a seat belt on when the bridge was avoidable in the first place. More than likely, taking a shortcut was the root of the problem. The rationalization that “oh this is different, there is a cure or there WILL be a cure” is an argument devoid of any conception of principle. What if something comes along that spreads as easily as most STD’s (some even in the presence of a condom) that is as horrible as HIV, but likewise does not have a cure? Then what? Already, there is the HP virus that spreads so easily by sexual contact, but for which a vaccine is STILL not ready for men. Meanwhile the people are dying of various cancers that it causes.
But whatever. At the end of the day, porn is not a teacher. It’s just a reflection of the shit already going on in the world. There is no moral issue to it at all. Next time you (general) got a problem with what you see in porn, see what your very own neighbor is doing.
The point would be that HIV is a totally different beast than say, syphillis or gonorrhea which have cures, or at least are not life-threatening. There are other diseases, including hepatitis, but none are both as virulent and preventable as HIV/AIDS. Your argument holds some water, but is like saying you won’t wear a seatbelt because it wouldn’t help if you drove your car off a bridge.
I think you are ALL missing the point. Don’t you think it’s just a tiny bit hypocritical to soapbox on the evils of barebacking when your company exposes models on a daily basis to a host of other STD’s? Will ANYONE from a studio address this??? No, probably not. But just because they won’t address it doesn’t mean it’s not there people. WAKE UP EVERYONE. These people who soapbox – their message to potential sex partners should be, “Know Your Status – Reveal Your Status – Know The Risks”. PERIOD. Anything less than that is irresponsible and borders on self-promotion.
Chi Chi,
Thank you for being the voice of reason. With all the barebacking films today, I was beginning to think the porn community was handing out crazy pills instead of condoms. Stupid stupid stupid. the HIV drugs that are available today have made people blind, deaf and dumb to the horror of the disease.
To tell you the truth, my favorite porns are bareback porn. They turn me on the most. But I will 100% agree with ChiChi. Although I love watching bareback, I never will and will ever bareback. If I wanna be so safe about it, shouldn’t the porn star be also? Does that make me selfish? ChiChi I love you and glad of what you’re doing.
The gay community as a whole has fought strongly to keep government intrusion out of our personal and private lives. The last thing we want is any porn producer – irregardless of which side of the condom debate they’re on – telling us what kind of porn to buy, rent or watch. If Chi Chi is concerned for the safety of the models having unsafe sex on film, maybe Chi Chi should speak to those models individually and not showboat and grandstand by proclaiming he’s above the slime and will never make a bareback movie. This is nothing more than propaganda by Chi Chi for her to say she’s better and ‘those people’ are scum. Perhaps, instead of the fleeting images of pretty boys she showed sick people on their deathbeds in the last throws of full-blown AIDS, it would have had stronger resonance than screaming and crocodile tears.
So what happens when a model on one of Chi Chi’s sets contracts Hepatitis from rimming or Herpes from sucking a dick with no condom on it? Chi Chi needs to get herself to WASHINGTON, DC and LOBBY for a ban on bareback movies, also, if she or anyone else is going to preach RISK…then stop ALL risky contact and that means rimming and sucking dik without a condom.
When a person buys or rents a movie, it’s a tool to either aid in getting off by oneself or enhance performance with a partner(s). If porn companies and producers like LaRue want to educate or encourage the consumer to use condoms, showing the models actually putting it on and the many ways it can be hot to use a condom would be a great service. Many times, porn movies seem to consider condom application a bother to cutting straight to the sex and the result on screen often looks like the models ‘hook-up’ and start screwing, technicalities like putting on the condom is edited out. A lot of times people simply fast forward or skip to the parts in the movie that will get them off anyway. The plots, dialogue and advocacy is often irrelevant to the viewer.
There’s a fleeting reference to Chi Chi being criticized for selling pre-condom movies but there’s no address or follow-up from LaRue. Aside from the hairstyles, music and age of the footage, there’s often little difference between a pre-condom and bareback movie. All the viewer will see is the raw sex in either genre. If a person is ignorant enough to take their cues from what they see in porn, then pre-condom movies are no different than bareback movies. Selling a Matt Gunther or Joey Stefano pre-condom movie is akin to selling a Jarod Steele or TIM-Damon movie.
It would serve Chi Chi’s cause more if condoms and AIDS awareness pamphlets were included free of charge in every pre-condom movie LaRue sells and distributes. Then maybe LaRue can absolve himself from putting people at risk when they watch a couple models in a pre-condom movie have unprotected sex that LaRue sold them.
I agree. That was a very passionate, heartfelt plea. But, if you really want to protect the models. Have them all tested too. Then you would have the correct sero connections and a condom.
THAT and only THAT will truly protect all these models.
When will Chi Chi test all the models in the movies too? Straight porn companies do it don’t they?