The site, Movieguide, “is a ministry dedicated to redeeming the values of the mass media according to biblical principles, by influencing entertainment industry executives and helping families make wise media choices.” They rate movies on an awkwardly contradictory system based both on their “quality” and their “acceptibility”–the site gives Milk 4 stars for quality, calling it “extremely well made and brilliantly acted by Sean Penn” and gives it an acceptability rating of -4 for “abhorrent.”
Last week some evil, possibly homosexual “criminals” sent out an email under the name of Movieguide founder Ted Baehr which redirected users to a gay porn site.
We hope this little prank caused at least one closeted homo Christian husband to get a very guilty hard-on and purchase a membership.
The Fundies Are Drunk on the Blood of Christ Again
She-Man Greta Van Susteren Grills Palin Re: Gay Thing, Church Fire
Readers of Christian Movie Site Directed to Gay Porn (Edge Boston)
Internet Criminals Attack MOVIEGUIDE® and Ted Baehr; Bogus Email Sends People to Porn Site (Movieguide)