Transgender activist and writer Kate Bornstein was asked by sci-fi blog io9 to share her thoughts on the show, in particular the character of Eileen (a.k.a. Abraham), a UFO blogger who was just introduced in the new episode.
Long story short, Kate, and likely most trans activists, are thrilled–most of all because the character isn’t some kind of joke or deranged serial killer. Of course, the character does end up dead.
“It was a huge step forward,” [Bornstein said]. Eileen wasn’t crazier than anyone else on that show, and “she turned out to be a brilliant scientist,” which is a plus. “We did have Dead Tranny Syndrome,” she added, “but they do that to a lot of people. They kill a lot of people in an episode, so it’s not like she was singled out… If the [actor] was not transsexual, it was one of the best jobs I’ve ever seen.”
Well, congrats guys, gals and otherwise self-defined. The audience of sci-fi geeks who watch this show will surely be discussing gender complexities and transgender rights at the next WonderCon.
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