Three of these things are hot. One of these things is not the like the other. Any guesses?
Let’s see. The Autoblow is like a beer stein for dick. Blake Mitchell is like candy for your eyes. Tantric sex is a slow journey to a mind-blowing release. Then we have Davey Wavey. Next to the freshness of Blake Mitchell, Davey’s “youthful exuberance” gets knocked a peg or two. If only the same thing could happen to his decibel level.
No, it’s not your imagination. We’ve been here before. But unlike last time Blake, Davey, and the Autoblow got together, the growl of the Autoblow has gotten quieter. I wish I could say the same for Davey. Is it cute to see him fawning over Blake Mitchell? For about thirty seconds it is. Fortunately, you can turn the sound down for the other four.
Davey Wavey makes heterosexuality fashionable again.
Davey Wavey’s biggest fan is, well … Davey Wavey!
I have practiced tantric both the sexaual and non sexual aspects of it for 10 years, if davey is invovled im sure its not accurate at all.