Rocco Reed may have left high and dry when he abruptly announced his retirement and sent their production schedule into a tailspin earlier this year, but is that any excuse for the mega studio to publish photos like this?
To be sure, Rocco’s exit from gay porn was cause for big celebration around here, but even The Sword—the internet’s #1 gay porn bullying blog—can’t support something this cruel and mean-spirited.
The affiliate content for today’s update includes multiple photos of Rocco Reed lying on his back, deliberately showing off rolls of flabby belly fat and a flaccid penis resting limp atop his FUPA (fat upper pubic area). Did’s photo editors simply forget to take care of Rocco’s roly-poly belly?
Why is bullying Rocco Reed by knowingly distributing such incredibly unflattering and highly embarrassing photos of the slightly overweight former gay-for-pay porn star’s unbelievably rotund pot belly?
With all the Photoshopping tools available, why didn’t Photoshop out Rocco Reed’s belly fat?
Is this’s subtle way of paying back the star who abandoned them?
Has finally gone too far, or is turnabout fair play when it comes to retired gay-for-pay porn stars’ belly rolls?
estoy buscando a un hombre pa cachar
alguien pa cachar español
I think the real bully here is zack. He certainly isn’t “fat” or have a fupa.
And I seriously doubt you have a better body than that anyway. I know this article is 6 months old but
I wanted to point out that zack must have been ill informed or just making up total bullshit
Because I just saw a really hot gang bang video with Rocco Reed produced four months after
This mean spirited article was published. I think a lot of it has to do with the fact that a lot of stuck
Up queens don’t like gay for pay actors. Here’s the thing, it’s fucking acting! Even the real homos
Getting pounded twenty times a day end up having flaccid dicks every now and then.
I can’t stand people like this writer. He claim’s is bullying when he is clearly
The one calling him fat. Just because you mask your bigotry in some “breaking news” article
By making false claims doesn’t negate the fact that YOU of all the fairies in gay porn land are the only
one who brought up this bogus claim. Seriously I despise queens like you. Queens that think they’re
some sort of martyr to the community casting judgements down from person to person because they are
Scared insecure little boys. This article is a joke.
I don’t mind it. I think Rocco is a good looking man. Most men don’t have a 6 pack. It’s a non factor in the str8 world.
For all y’all who are mad at Zach for pointing out his FUPA… I don’t think it’s his fat rolls alone that are really the problem. For me, it’s that awful facial expression that seems to say “Stuff my mouf with Twinkies!” and “Derp!” plus said FUPA that sort of kills the moment for me.
Zach, here’s what I like:
Your job, such as it is, is to promote this scene (something that, judging from the tone of all the above comments, quite a few people seem to have missed). You’ve chosen a left-handed way of going about it, but still, you’ve included the company that produced the scene and named one of the two performers. Page hit one, done.
You’ve brought it up in such a way that to this point there have been 44 comments to the post. Page hits plus, done and done. People stopped on this entry long enough to comment on it.
If even a few people haul their clicking fingers over to buy the scene, done, done, and done.
So very subversive. It’s no wonder so many people haven’t caught on yet.
Love Rocco Reed …. a lot … miss him so much!
What are you talking about, “miss him”? As this video attests, he hasn’t gone anywhere that concerns most porn consumers. He may have interrupted the shooting schedule at the studio by quitting, but there are still enough scenes in the can that this one’s here RIGHT NOW, even though he “quit” gay porn weeks ago. You haven’t even had time to miss him yet.
I was like… and what’s wrong with this pic? lol I thought it’d be something about his facial expression.
I love both of these guys, and i’m just happy to see them together…
I don’t get what’s the big deal about fupa’s.
It doesn’t look that bad, and it doesn’t really say much about him being out of shape.
Even in my teens, when I was far too skinny I still had one.
Holy crap, I wish I had a body like Rocco Reed. THAT’S fat? Lord almighty, you guys are such bitches sometimes.
This Rocco Reed belly still OK for me.
Hate that body of Colby Jansen. Not sexy at all and major TURN OFF !!
I actually prefer Colby Jansen’s body better, actually I prefer everything about Colby Jansen better. He doesn’t tan and groom his body hair like this orange queen does. And Colby comes in, does his own thing, then leaves the studio. He doesn’t go out there and do a lot of social media stuff that involves him putting his foot in his mouth like this guy does.
And in the real world, there is physically nothing wrong with Rocco Reed. With the exception of the excessive tanning, he would be a handsome IRL man. But this is porn people, and has mostly hired models with a physically fit body. Rocco Reed does not really fit that. Sure he could look like a person who does crossfit training, but I don’t believe for one second that he is an actual crossfit personal trainer at all, unless he used to weight 300 lbs.
The top is not Colby Jansen here, though.
Bullying? You’re the ones being bullies by making such a minor element the focus of one of your posts. Shame. If that guy is “slightly overweight”, then most of us are clinically obese.
It would’ve been better if they had Photoshopped out the ugly tattoos on the other model; they are far more offensive than a little roll around the middle.
I don’t mind the meanness. It’s the boring writing that’s getting to be too much.
Finally gone too far… Bullying… Blah, blah, blah
Every snarky post has the same cliches.
Zach writes only about 500 words a day and repeats about 20% of the content. Is his vocabulary that limited?
I would hazard to guess that this is the fault of the director/producer not the editor. Someone on set could have told him to flex and flatten his core. However, given the poor lighting, sets, and sound in most videos I am not surprised by the poor productions values of this video.
That being said I think Rocco is sexy but his partner is a total turnoff. What self respecting gay man wants to watch a fantasy of a gay guy “having” to serve a married man in order to have sex with him? 99.9% of gay men I know would be flattered to be noticed by Rocco and wouldn’t make him suck us off while we’re watching a football game. videos seem to carry a common theme – attractive men being humiliated for wanting to have sex with other men. I am far more interested by stories of sexual freedom than’s fantasy world.
I assumed that the incessant vitriol was a phase. If that’s not the case then I suspect all this bile will be your undoing. You can’t walk around feeling good when you’re this negative, regardless of the target. And speaking of the target, most of the time it’s some half witted hick pornographic actor muscled up to the eyeballs. Some of them even ex cons whom you love to lampoon! What happens if one of these people decides to unleash their temper on you? Another gay porn murder? Heaven forbid.
He looks hot on that photo.
Better than bitter betty Zach on his best day for sure.
I guess this type of body type while still fit is more in line with the average man. Not all men are ripped and buff. I don’t think he looks that bad to tell you the truth. I’m sure most of the people commenting on Rocco Reed would agree he has an average body certainly not obese in any sense.
Zach is just not a nice person.
I mean for heaven’s sake, the guy has left porn, yet Zach has to rake up supposedly derogatory material about Rocco Reed to make him look bad.
I do think that Rocco must have refused an interview with Zach or something… and little Zach just CANNOT let it go.
Soooo sad !!
I think he looks GREAT, ‘cept he’s shaved from head o toe.
I have lots of love for Zach because I enjoy his blog and reading his articles. Keep them coming, Zach.
I find Rocco Reed to be a very sexy, hot, and attractive man. He doesn’t have a big gut. LOL My stomach looks like Rocco Reed and most men have stomachs like this. Everybody can’t have a wash board stomach. You should have seem my father’s stomach. Now that was a pot belly. My Dad’s stomach was so huge, the man looked as if he was 9 months pregnant. LOL Rocco Reed is the only gay porn star or ex porn star I would like to meet and be friends with. The top guy is somewhat chubby. I wouldn’t kick him out of my bed. Everybody can’t be slim and toned like Jason Stackhouse. LOL Looking at Rocco makes my cock hard. The man is so damn sexy to me and no I’m not blind like Stevie Wonder and Ray Charles. LOL
do you know rocco reed’s instagarm?
There must be something I am missing about Rocco Reid and if so, please tell me. But with that said, I just gotta say:
He is certainly an exception for me but a definite stand-out exception. He personality, his smile, his eyes, his demeanor. . . I was impressed by all of that from the moment I heard he would start doing gay porn. I think he is adorable. Butt of course I thought all of this when Connor Kline came on the scene.
So if there is something I am missing, please tell me now! Is there something I don’t know about Rocco Reid that’s causing all of these comments ???
His eyes? You mean those big fish-eyes that look like they’re about to pop out of his head?
I wouldn’t worry about it. I can only imagine what some of these commentators look like. People who criticize in such a way usually don’t look like much of anything themselves. Trolls. Rocco is sexy and gets laid more than they do.
Well, I have to say. I don’t mind the “fupa.” It looks normal to me.
And if given the right circumstances, I’d take my gay dick and shove it up his “straight” ass. Which is something more than I can say for some of the other G4P’yers in town. :D
Rocco has always been proud of being a CrossFit trainer. I go to CrossFit and have never seen a trainer at any of the gyms as flabby as he is. I never got that
I know plenty of guys who do CrossFit, and they are equally flabby.
There’s nothing wrong with his stomach. He’s not “fat”. Zach, you’re getting really defensive.
I’d kill for his body. You’re scraping here, Zach.
One of the reasons more men should seriously practice bulimia. This guy is morbidly obese and the image is memorialized on the net. If he’d heaved just a few meals a week, he’d be perfectly svelte. Yes, you can have your cake and heave it, too.
So you’re a crusader for racial equality but a big time fat shamer. You’re just not a decent person, Zach.
Good point, well put.
I dunno how someone like Rocco Reed got past the casting office. What’s even more shocking than hiring him to begin with, is the fact that they inserted him into so many scenes, after seeing his lackluster performances and negative feedback from viewers. He musta been sucking the right dick, in that office.
What’s a decent person? Talk about moral relativism, and on a porn blog, no less…
Zach can you post a picture of your abs? It would only be fair :-)
Because a fat porn actor is supposed to be outside of the norm (unless it’s a fetish piece I guess). Being a racist anything, however, is a universal no-no. Perspective please.
Bigotry is bigotry wherever you find it. It’s not a top 10 with racism and the top, sexism second, homophobia third and body fascism a bit further down the list. All types of hatred and discrimination cause the victim hurt and pain. Racism isn’t the 53rd card in the pack that trumps all the aces.
“Body fascism?” Bitch please. This guy is putting himself out there as an example of someone whose body is supposed to be iconically desirable. He’s not some ordinary person people are calling chubby and laughing at out of pure spite. The standards for the industry he works in require him to be in better shape than your average person, and he is clearly not. Calling that “body fascism” is nothing but the grossest form of overreaction and gutlessness.
And as mentioned, one of these things is not like the other. Judging someone for their weight is mean, but a far cry from being a racist. For one thing, *you can change how much you weigh or how fat you are.*
Certain groups of society are obviously deserving of your respect, support and sympathy. Certain groups are not. If you can change how you are then the discrimination you suffer isn’t as bad as if you can’t change. We will have to agree to disagree.
Making fun of a homophobic jerk’s belly vs. perpetuating 500 years of systemic, institutionalized, and often brutal/violent discrimination.
One of these things is not like the other, but nice try.
I agree…Zach you perpetuate the stereotype of a bitchy blogger…just like Perez Hilton who came before you. There is nothing wrong with Rocco’s body. I’d kill to have a body like his.
NOTHING about the fugly top ?? They should’ve photoshopped him OUT OF IT TOTALLY.
I never bitch about porn stars (HE!) but I was thinking the exact same thing!
Will never understand the interest for that guy.
Better yet, why didn’t they just photoshop a hard cock?
LOL this was funny I want to see more!! Bully some cockyboys I’d love that drama rotfl
Is that belly really a big deal? I mean, have you seen some of the guys in the stable? Isn’t this just the norm? Or am I missing the point of this entry?
It’s hard to say what’s the norm at They’ve hired such models with amazing bodies like Race Cooper, Robert Van Damme, and Trenton Ducati. Then they have these two, major FUPA models.