You heard it here first: That’s Duncan Black sitting in the upper right corner of Dominic Ford’s “So You Think You Can Fuck” cast photo. Enlarged version:
Shamefully, they’ve Photoshopped the infamous SWORD tattoo off of his left arm in order to keep people guessing, but, sorry, you can’t fool me. Everything from his posture, his skin tone, and even the amount of hair on his forearms is a dead giveaway that it’s Duncan. Nice try, Dominic Ford!
I’m pretty sure that Bryan Cole is among the cast, too…but where? I’m thinking he’s second from the left sitting on the tree, but who knows. As far as everyone else: No clue. Recognize any tattoos or muscles? The 3rd season starts next week on
UPDATE 11/1:
As I accurately predicted, here’s Duncan (with his tattoo intact, thank god) with the rest of the cast. From left to right: Mitch Vaughn and Topher DiMaggio (both of whom already won, but every reality show needs a twist), Derek Parker, Topher’s real-life boyfriend Lance Luciano, and Sean Duran. Hopefully Topher DiMaggio’s eyebrow can replace Matthew Rush as host.
I follow most of these guys on twitter which means my twitter wall will be flooded with 10-15 tweets a day with”go vote for me” “help me win SYTYCF” and another dozen “be sure to vote for me guys!”. Kind of annoying. Especially considering this “show” looks dreadful.
There’s absolutely no diversity here. C’mon seriously ?
Sexy & Sad all at the same time!!!! Black & Asian guys must not know how to fuck right? Love you guys but really!!!!?
Well, at least they’re all gay.
They are all gay (a first for the series), and Lance is Mexican. Sorry if that’s enough diversity for you. People had a full year to apply to be contestants to the show. Absolutely 0 Asians applied and very few African Americans applied, and of those we liked, none were able to fill the remaining slots we had open for their own reasons. I hope you will encourage minorities to apply for next season.
One Mexican who looks identical to Topher? Like I said there’s absolutely NO diversity. Maybe Diesel Washington should have applied?
This show should go international!
What do the winners get ? And who remembers who won the previous years ?
let’s hope this one isn’t as poorly produced as the last two! The production values and editing were embarrassing.
Duncan and bryan are my 2 goto guys for hot pics and scenes. 2 very hot newcomers
agree, they must flip fuck each other on camera!!!
Wake me up when its over! BTW- Is this really an update!? One pic with NO skin and No faces. About as exciting as his recent promos where you can see any thing but flickering candles.
Another SYTYCF? Wasn’t the last one bad enough. People never learn.