19-year-old Justin Goble became an overnight gay weblebrity after his highly (self-)publicized relationship with Chris Crocker. Now, he’s something of an accidental porn star thanks to his bareback fourgy with (now ex-boyfriend) Crocker and the Maverick Men. Why did he do it, and will he ever do it again?
The Sword: Hi Justin! Explain how you came to the decision to make the porn.
Justin Goble: Chris and I had always talked about doing porn together. Even last year when he was going to work with Chi Chi, we were going to do it together. I think that’s when our photos were first exposed. He had talked to [Channel One] and several other companies, and he had several other offers, but he didn’t want to jump the gun. He wanted to wait until he felt everything was right. Chris and the Maverick Men have been friends for years, and he had been talking to them for a couple of months about making the porn. As everyone knows now, he decided to do the video with them as his debut, before his own site comes out.
But as far as your involvement, did Chris have to convince you to do it?
Chris didn’t convince me. Porn is something that I wanted to do as much as him.
If you had never been with Chris, do you think you still would have done it? Is this something you’ve always wanted to do even before you met him?
Doing porn has always crossed my mind, ever since I was young. I’ve been thinking about it since I use to jack off on cam years ago. If I had never dated Chris, I still would be thinking about doing it.
Does your family know? How did they react?
Yes, they know. I consider my dad to be like one of my friends. We have a very open relationship, and I can tell him everything. He supports me 100%. My mom on the other hand…she found out I had some pics online–one of her friends told her–and she didn’t take it so well at first. But, I’m her son. She still loves me no matter what.
Did you watch any gay porn to prepare?
Yes, I watch gay porn all the time! I don’t particularly have, like, a “favorite” performer, but I would have to say that I love the Cocky Boys. Jake Bass, Max Ryder, Austin Wilde, and Anthony Romero are great.
Will you ever do another gay porn, or was this just a one time thing?
Maybe in the future I’ll do it again, but I’m not sure. I don’t know who I’d like to work with if I was to ever do it again.
So then what are you doing now? Do you have a regular job?
In my spare time I’ve just been hanging out with friends, trying to enjoy life. I’m actually unemployed at the moment and looking for jobs. I plan to attend school, probably in the spring.
Now that you’re single, what kind of guys are you going for?
Yes I’m single, but I don’t actually have a particular “type” of guy. I like all types.
For those who don’t know, how did you and Chris meet?
We met online a couple of years ago and became friends. Once we started hanging out, we fell in love. I was aware of his fame, but I looked at Chris as just a normal person. I fell in love with him, the real person, not who he was “online.”
And can you please shed some light on why you and Chris broke up?
Me and Chris…we are two totally different people. Yes, opposites attract, but we’re in two different parts of life right now and it was a mutual agreement. But, I know we will always love one another, and I wish him the best in everything in life.
[photos via Justin Goble; MaverickMen.com]
[Related: Maverick Men, Chris Crocker, and Justin Goble’s Bareback Fourgy]
I love me some Justin.
Justin is way cuter than I thought him to be before. I would totally watch him in another porn or xtube whatever. Fucking cute…
if he toned up a bit he would be dead sexy. I’m really not here for naturally skinny twink types.
He would be PERFECT at COCKY BOYS!
Justin is definitely sexy…..
Happy to read that it’s all good with Justin and he feels fine about his decisions, etc. He seems like a nice kid. I feel ancient about a 19 year old saying he’s been considering porn ‘since I was young’ (Ugh !!) …. and a little concerned that he says he jacked off on cam a ‘years ago’ (YIKES !!.
But he’s a cutie and if he ever decides to do more porn, I might have to check it out (unlike this travesty with the Michelin Men …. I mean the Maverick Men)
Speak of the devil. Chris Crocker is now on RB Live :(
Honestly listening to this guy is hilarious so long as you can tolerate his extremely feminine voice and mannerisms lol
Chris Crocker is a worthless piece of shit, and Justin is better off without that whore.
100 percent dead-on in both respects.
justin is reaaaaaally cute, i feel bad for saying this, but if he loses his feminine acting ways he could be a major star.
I like them a little delicate and dainty. He seems nice and sweet. Cuddles for Justin :)
Very softball interview. Why is he no longer in the military? They threw him out? Does he not feel used in the relationship? Hurting his military life? If you are going to do porn, is bareback the best first option? Lets get real questions and real answers please!!!
Who are YOU? The next Barbara Walters? This isn’t 60 minutes or Frontline.
One more question…… was Chris Crocker the 100% Top he claimed to be?
Do Tell!
YES! MORE JUSTIN PLEASE!!! He’ll have a bigger porn career than Chris could ever even imagine. Justin is the real pornstar here. He belongs at CockyBoys and would fit in well with Jake Bass, Max Ryder and Seth Knight.
The Bel Ami Kinky Angels need to move over because now we got the 4 Kinky Twinkies.
Justin is so cute!
Do you guys always need to bash other people in your posts ?
Even when you wanna come up with a compliment you HAVE to say a bad thing about someone .
Chris Crocker happens to be the easiest target on the internet, if you think he’s just a “Britney boy” with no mind of his own , you are a sheep .
I think Justin knows he looks good , and they did not separate in bad terms so you’re not scoring any points here , bitch.
“Do you guys always need to bash other people in your posts ?
Even when you wanna come up with a compliment you HAVE to say a bad thing about someone.”
Pot/kettle bitch! You’ve been just as equally hateful, if not more, as the rest of us on a number of other pornstars on here. It looks completely stupid when you get hypocritical because we’re talking negatively about a person you supposedly admire.
You are wrong , I am a nice person . If I say something about someone it is because it’s true .
The attacks on Chris Crocker are baseless and just too easy. Only a low life would do that!!
Justin is 10,000 times better looking in that (ex)duo.
Chris isn’t bad looking at all its just that Justin is on an entirely different plane.