Flashback: Raging Stallion/Falcon President Chris Ward When He Was A Fisting Porn Star

Raging Stallion/Falcon studio head Chris Ward, who recently acquired the Hot House brand, just gave an interview to Hot House’s blog and talked about how he first got into the porn business.

For those who are curious, it’s a pretty good story. Basically, he helped get himself recruited for the Club Inferno fisting line back in 1997, appearing in Fist For Hire Part 1, all because he had a bunch of fuck buddies who decided they all wanted to do porn together.

Also, Ward talks about the “ugly separation” he had when he left Hot House to launch Raging Stallion, and how he and retired studio head Steven Scarborough became pals again.

From Ward:

I got started as an actor/director for Steven Scarborough’s Club Inferno line of fisting films. I honestly think the main reason he gave me a chance (remember, I had ZERO experience in porn or in film) was because I had a group of five or six fuck buddies who wanted to be in a fisting movie, myself included. It’s very, very difficult to cast fisting movies, so having a whole cast of actors at the ready was the door opener. My first movie did well—I realized quickly that wow, finally I had found something I was really good at. That movie turned into another dozen films I made for Hot House. I was given an incredible amount of freedom to develop my own style. I think Steven gave me this freedom because the product was really good. At some point in those early years I decided to go full porn—so I quit my day job and started Raging Stallion with my business partner, J.D. Slater. After that I had an ugly separation from Hot House, something that troubled me for many years. Finally, about five years ago, Steven and I had a reconciliation (time heals all wounds….it really does). He and I have been close ever since. When Steven decided to retire, he came to me to ask if I was interested in taking over Hot House. He told me that he trusted me with his legacy. That is the finest complement I have ever had.

Below, another model shot of Ward.


[Hot House Blog]

10 thoughts on “Flashback: Raging Stallion/Falcon President Chris Ward When He Was A Fisting Porn Star”

  1. He’s NOT only a man he is riddled with with charisma ..Omg what he sees through his eyes I can only imagine. And the final product speaks for itself..I must admit the models he uses are unbelievable…thank you Chris ward the best..

  2. “That is the finest complement [sic] I have ever had.”

    He means “compliment” (an expression of praise or admiration).

    A “complement” is something that completes or matches something else.

    Chris Ward doesn’t look anything like what I had imagined.

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