Which do you prefer: The scrawny, less tattooed Phenix, or the beefy, inked up Phenix? Both versions come with a Prince Albert.
Can you believe Phenix Saint has been doing gay porn since early 2006? Time flies when you’re jacking off. Like Dayton O’Connor, Phenix Saint has kind of flown under the gay porn radar, which isn’t fair because look at him. He started on MikeHancock.com, then fucked his way over to Randy Blue, Chaos Men, Extra Big Dicks, Next Door Studios, and more.
Phenix’s biggest role to date was in Raging Stallion’s recent blockbuster, Brutal, and here’s a before and after shot of Phenix from Randy Blue and Phenix in Brutal. Whenever I do these B&A posts I always say I like the guy “either way,” which makes me a pussy. So this time I’m going to stop being wishy-washy and say that I definitely prefer the “after” version.
His first ever scene for Mike Hancock:
Phenix’s early work for Next Door (a solo); his last job at Next Door (blowing Samuel O’Toole):
He was also in a recent fourgy for Next Door, bottoming for Rod Daily while Parker London fucked Paul Wagner:
[Next Door Buddies: Phenix Saint, Rod Daily, Paul Wagner, Parker London]
Phenix fucked and got fucked on Cocky Boys with Jesse Santana, Bobby Clark, and more:
His best web scene was, I think, when he fucked Tommy Defendi a couple years ago for Extra Big Dicks:
[Extra Big Dicks: Phenix Saint & Tommy Defendi]
Finally, more recent shots from Suite 703 and a clip of Phenix with Dayton O’Connor:
Hi, Michael here, all the way from the Philippines. How are you guys doin’ huh? nice conversation. I just love so much having friends on the net, while browsing, well I accidentally found this site. I was actually browsing a tattoo to put on, and I found Sir Phenix’s tattoo in his lower belly. lol. I find it very cool so I browse around, and found out that you are a porn star. hahaha sorry for I don’t know what was goin’ on here for couple of years already. Also I have red everything here, now I know lol. thank you so much for the idea Sir Phenix. May you guys all have a good one.
I agree with Phenix here I am a Slim guy from
Edmonton Alberta Canada and love sex
With both sexes. And attracted 2 both this stereotype label is ridiculous
I Mean we were created equal with our own beauty god made us that way ,
So it does not matter who you fuck sexy guy or girl
As long as your true yourself is what matters
Btw Phenix you look hot in both pics I am a sucker for tattoos though
Your one of my top 5 in ten favorite pornstars of all time
I agree with Phenix here I amfavoritelim guy from.
Edmonton Alberta Canada and love sex
With both sexes. And attracted 2 both this stereotype label is ridiculous
I Mean we were created equal with our own beauty god made us that way ,
So it does not matter who you fuck sexy guy or girl
As long as your true yourself is what matters
Btw Phenix you look hot in both pics I am a sucker for tattoos though
Your one of my top 5 in ten favorite pornstars of all time
I need u phoenix
U make me siper horny phoenix
wish u had fucked me day and night
Who gives 2 shits about what he labels himself as? Quite frankly I find it pretty sad that from gay men who have had to fight in society to be accepted for who they are and who they were born to be have the audacity to try and label this guy as something that he doesn’t recognize himself to be. Why does he have to come out as gay? So it makes you more comfortable? Or is bisexuality just a myth and a “choice” that people make so they don’t have to officially come out? Seems backwards to me personally coming from a community who is fighting the same injustice everyday.
“If you are going to do gay porn then you should not act like you are to straight to do it”. Excuse me? I find this statement horribly bigoted and hateful. Who are you to decide how a gay man should act? Are they all suppose to be the stereotype are they? Wow. So not only must he be a closeted homosexual who has no right to be doing gay porn, but he cant “act straight” to do it either.
What makes you think that gay porn is totally marketed for just the gay male community anyhows? Lesbian porn isn’t. You are kidding yourself if you think there isn’t a small percentage of marketing being geared towards female fans. You dont think gay for pay has its rewards within the industry? that woman arent watching porn like this and buying it? because as a woman, I can assure you…gay porn is just as much a turn on for us as it is for you. Especially when its “straight” men. Theres a level of sexual gratification that we as women get from seeing men being dominated.
Sexuality is not the same as race or gender. Its not something that you just are. If you are totally 100% gay and proud of it,then great for you. But dont expect people to have to take ownership and label themselves as one or the other because that suits your needs better. I relate to being bisexual, I could easily have sex with a woman.Sexually I know that I could play both fields. I’ve never had sex with a woman though. Am i only allowed to label myself heterosexual because of that? Or do I have to pick lesbian because I have those tendencies? Why cant I just be a sexual person who relates to both? Why does phenix have to label himself gay because he likes to have sex with men? Its his job. I’m sure if he got paid the same for straight porn, he’d probably do more of that. And even if he does play both fields in his private life…what business is it of yours what he identifies as? dont watch his work if he offends your precious sensibilities. At this point in his life,he is bisexual and he can be proud of that just the same as you can be about your sexuality because that is who HE is. Keep your own ideals to yourself and stop trying to project it onto him. He is who he is and that’s okay.
Go back to the kitchen.
Hi Phenix Saint, besides about ur physical looks, did u realize or people ever praised that that u r havin’ a beautiful set of teeth when u smile?!
Hi Phenix Saint, u seem to be having weight loss recently.
Hi Phenix, I have enjoyed the few samples of your work that I was lucky enough to find in my roaming the net. Your look was captivating from the start over at Next Door Buddies with TommyDD. Reading your responses here has only served to solidify my impression that you were more than just a handsome face, there intellect going on there too. Labels are not the be all and end all that they once were thought to be. Being a sexually open person describes your mindset well. I can relate to that. I found some of the criticisms here quite trite- your dick is too black?? WTF is that about??? I hope to enjoy more of your work history and future efforts. Intelligent expression is definitely a positive turn on. Guess I have to break sown and learn how to work twitter now! Hope to chat with you later.
You did good work. Thank you.
Dear Phenix,
I found you on xvideos.com last year when I got my first smart phone. While I usually like blond/blue, there’s just something about all that goes into making you who you are that is extremely sensual and exciting. Yes, including your dark hair. You ooze sexuality without any bravado, just being youself. I’m a huge fan of yours. I just hope I can find more places where I can find your DVDs ’cause my laptop (an old one from a friend) and phone won’t download. Least I haven’t figured how yet. As for the “Before & After” thing, I like both but lean more to the “After”, muscles do it for me. Cockpiercings (ouch!) don’t though, so can I please take that out first? HAHAHA!
It looks like I’m coming into this conversation rather late so I hope you get this Phenix. To be honest I was hoping, when I first heard of the debate, that you were totally gay because I am. But being a little of both, nothing wrong with that either. Sexuality doesn’t live in a box. I’m really impressed with how you handle ALL your feedback here. Very down to earth and well-spoken, which only makes you sexier in my book: honesty. And when I first saw a smile of yours, ’cause lets face it you can look stern & very like a top (they’re not necessarily the same)–all of which turned me on by the way–I could only say “Oh my god!” for several minutes with a huge grin on my face. It was a behind the scenes moment and it dazzled me. So glad to see you enjoy your work. I will keep watching as long as you keep making movies. Do more for the big studios though (I like to buy DVDs). More accessability, more sales! And I hope that’s for a very long time.
P.S. I don’t know anything about twitter or facebook, computers are very frustrating to me, so if you reply, reply here. If not, let me know and I’ll leave my email here for you.
Hai phenix…this is chandan from india.iam a great fan of yours..you have awesome body which makes you a sex god…i love your all videos and want you to do top role only….you can make guys your slave with your hotness…you are my fav pornstar in past and also will be in future..reply me if you can at chandan.dkmr@gmail.com good bye phenix……….
Phenix–I’m in the minority here but I much prefer the “before” version. They’re both steaming hot–you’re a beautiful guy–but the leaner body is more sexual to me that the intimidating buffed version. I admire you for all the work that it took to become so muscular. Donal
Spin, spin, spin, twist, twist, twist…….
AustinZane no one gives a shit about you coming home to your girlfriends or your lame website. G4P is on the decline THANK GOD!
Phenix, I’ve been a fan of yours for awhile now. If you’re still reading and if you don’t mind my asking, I have a few questions for you.
1. I’ve noticed in your videos, you seem to top more often than bottom. Is it because you prefer topping, or does it matter to you at all? I haven’t seen all of your videos, but the majority of the ones I’ve seen, you’ve topped.
2. Of all the videos you’ve done and actors you’ve worked with, do you have any favorites? Are there any actors you would like to be paired with that you haven’t been paired with so far? Personally, I’d like to see you paired with Zeb Atlas or Brad Star, but I like pretty much all of your videos so it’s all good!
I won’t jump in on all the labels/sexuality conversation going on here, because people are just going to believe what they want to anyway. It’s like talking to a brick wall. But nice to see you commenting here and hope you’re in the biz for at least several more years!
Thank you Mark I appreciate the support :)
Well I do prefer to top but every once in a while I do bottom. I enjoy topping MUCH better to tell you the truth lol.
Honestly I have really enjoyed all of my scene partners. My favorite site I’ve shot for was cockyboys.com we were like a big happy horny family who couldn’t get enough of each other. Honestly I thing that site helped me grow into the person I am now.
Thank you again for the support, I’ll do my best to stick around for a while. It’s up to you guys (the fans) to keep my alive in this industry.
Phenix Saint
Hey guys, Zane here from AustinZane.com. Austin and I have been doing gay4pay porn for several years now and we still get that same question non-stop so we can relate to you Phenix. We’re not against labels, the friction we usually encounter is from people that see what we do and think that we can’t possibly be straight. I think the main issue is that people have different ideas about what determines a persons sexuality.
To us, there is a big difference in what we do in private and what we are willing to do to put out a great product. We do admit that if we were an outsider looking in, we would say that there is no way that someone that does what we do could possibly be straight so we understand when people think that way. but yea i think everyone has different ideas of what determines a persons sexuality but for us its what we fantasize about and what we want to come home to, and for us, thats our girlfriends. For me personally, my dick just works no matter whats on it… it could be someone that i don’t even find 1 ounce of attraction towards- it could be a wildebeast- but if they touch my dick, it gets hard. Not a bad handicap to have in my opinion lol. So getting hard has never been a problem for me during shoots, but sometimes it is really difficult for me to bust which sometimes leads to killer migraines but thanks to editing, you’ve never had to see that side.
If people wanna call us gay or whatever, we don’t really care. We have gay sex for a living so we’re kinda asking for it in a way. If we cared too much about how people judged us, then we’re probably in the wrong industry ya know what i mean?
@Phenix, we figured out a long time ago that if someone already has there mind made up on who/what we are, then we are wasting our time trying to convince them otherwise. Instead, we focus our energy on putting out a great product and we know that even if we made the hottest video of the year, we would still have haters and naysayers, thats just human nature- someone always wants to rain on your parade. So keep doing what you love to do and someday we’d love to have ya do a video on AustinZane.com
I appreciate the support Zane. It’s nice to have someone who can relate to what I’m saying. I checked out the preview of your site, I’ll think it over and let you know. Contact me on twitter with an email so i can get some more info from you and we’ll see what we can make happen. Thanks again!
Phenix Saint
Hi Zane,
Love the work you and Austin are doing at AustinZane. Such chemistry and passion is truly awesome. If Phenix does decide to work with you guys, it’ll be universal destruction!! That’s a scene that would be so explosive it might threaten the time continuum as we know it.
Have followed you and Austin from 2SCM days and love that you have stepped up your game with your own site. Can’t subscribe now and feel bad grabbing previews and news clips but want to know what you guys are doing. When funds improve, I’m coming on board, for sure. Heard your Valentine Day shoot was way-y-y-y off the chain!! Can’t wait to see for myself.
Also must commend you for your own display of some intelligent expression. Apparently folks think you are all just dumb hicks hustling for whatever cash you can grab. As Phenix has demonstrated, and you with your post, there are more than a few brain cells at work in your individual heads. I love what you. Yes it inspires fantasy but that just what it is- fantasy. Getting to know the real person behind that fantasy is usually so much exciting and intense so I aim for that possibility. Best wishes to you, Austin, and the entire AustinZane Crew! Phenix, if you do extend your career, give theswe guys a try! WOW!!!
Thank you for your input but please don’t accuse me of insulting you in any way shape or form. You say that calling me bisexual is not labeling me but by definition (included below) It is just that. My responses are not Image driven, never have been and never will be. If you have ever read any interview I have done or met me at a bar or trade event or talked with me online you would know that’s not the way I do things. I like to have fun and make people happy. I’m honest and straight forward. I have nothing to hide and I don’t sugar coat things so that it makes everyone happy. I know that not everyone is going to be happy with me. That’s part of life. Again I thank you for the input and wish you the best.
Definitions of label on the Web:
* assign a label to; designate with a label; “These students were labeled `learning disabled'”
* a brief description given for purposes of identification; “the label Modern is applied to many different kinds of architecture”
* pronounce: pronounce judgment on; “They labeled him unfit to work here”
(the ones below here have nothing to do with the conversation but are still none the less definitions of the word label)
* trade name of a company that produces musical recordings; “the artists and repertoire department of a recording label is responsible for finding new talent”
* distinguish (as a compound or molecule) by introducing a labeled atom
* a radioactive isotope that is used in a compound in order to trace the mechanism of a chemical reaction
* distinguish (an element or atom) by using a radioactive isotope or an isotope of unusual mass for tracing through chemical reactions
* an identifying or descriptive marker that is attached to an object
Here you can find exactly where I got what I posted
Phenix Saint
i totally agree with you phenix! and by the way you are soo cutte! :)
Phenix, I totally prefer the before, but I have to say that defining a behavior isn’t labeling. Labeling connotes that you cannot change, whereas defining a behavior is merely stating a fact. In the above comments, you state that you “like” both men and women. It’s not labeling to call you bisexual, it’s simply the fact of the matter. You don’t have to try and insult our collective intelligence in an effort to support your image.
DEREK, are you sugesting by not identifying or labelling ourselves as gay, we musn’t assume we cannot change our homosexual orientation?
From Twink to Man. Each have their place. I’m always happy to see you pop up on one of the sites I belong to, and I love it when you take on a more dominating role. Keep up the good work.
You don’t do the whole bullshit label thing? The last time I checked, you were a human being not a box of cereal. It’s these people who think that your sexuality defines you that say this dumb shit. You can’t give people a straight forward answer because you’re afraid of the stigma that comes with the label. Well, guess what?! If you think about women and men when you go at night, that’s a label…and it’s called bisexual whether you want to address it or not. And when you say you don’t believe in labels, people automatically assume that you’re playing for the other team. lol I don’t have to believe in “labels” to know that I’m gay. If it’s a crime, arrest me.
Yes I don’t do the bullshit label thing, I don’t agree with it. Why do we need to have a label? I am attracted to someone through a connection not because that person is a man or a woman but because we have chemistry and a bond that draws us to each other. Like you said Rudeboy, we’re human not a box of cereal, So why the need for a label? Honestly I don’t know How I can give any more of a straight answer then that? What gives you me or anyone else the right to cast judgment on anyone? You want to call me Bisexual or Straight or whatever fine, I don’t have to agree with you. I do appreciate your input though. It will help me grow and understand a little more then I did before I went to sleep. So thank you for that.
Phenix Saint
Phenix, is there an email address or a place where we can contact you directly for questions, comments, opportunities, etc.? Please respond.
Feel free to contact me via my twitter account
can you please follow me so I can message you…I’m melmore777
so can you follow me pleaes so we can email directly? I’m @melmore777 on twitter.
Phenix, can you email me at melmore777@yahoo.com? I can’t send you a message on twitter if you don’t follow me. Thanks!
You said it right, RUDEBOY. Can’t stand all the no-label sexual runarounds. Ugh.
Phenix Saint here… I appreciate the input and I respect your comments. But I DO want to touch base on 2 things here.
1 I DID NOT USE ANY TYPE OF GROWTH HORMONE. If you actually go to a gym and bust your ass for 2 hours a day 5 days a week, not talk to every person in the gym and actually stick to some type of a decent diet your body will have no choice but to produce results. Try it and I promise you will see results. For example the whole P90X craze, that shit works and that’s only 90 days!
2. This one is probably the biggest one i get so I’ll leave you with this as the last thing you read. As far as my sexuality goes, I don’t do the whole bullshit label thing. I am a sexual person. I LOVE SEX ! Do I like women yes. Do I like guys YES. Would be kinda hard for me to do this if i didn’t don’t you think? I Don’t really understand the need for people to push this label of being gay or straight or Bi or whatever and then cast some bullshit judgment on them for the choice they made because it’s different then what you chose for YOUR life. We are all unique beautiful creatures in our own way. Honestly I could go on with this forever and I know that some people are going to agree and others are not. I am fine with that. We all just need to Live LOVE and be Happy.
I would like to thank all of my past present and future fans for all of your support, I owe this all to you and I couldn’t ask for anything else. Also a special thank you to all the studios and websites that I’ve been on over the years, I have grown not only as a person but as a performer and I couldn’t have done it without you all. Thank you to Howard at Fabscout.com for everything and last but not least a thank you to TheSword.com for taking the time to put this all together.
Phenix Saint
You don’t believe in labels? I guess you don’t believe in relationships neither. It’s hard not to label yourself or have other people not label you when you’re in a gay relationship. That brings me to my next question. Do you date men?
I do believe in relationship actually. I feel it should be your choice who you want to be with and I think it’s bullshit that someone else can have control over it. Have I dated a man, simple answer is no. Am I against the idea, not at all. Does this make me a bad person or go against everything I’ve said. I personally would say no not at all but I know others will not agree with me. I’m fine with that. I’m going to continue to be me and do what makes me happy. If this in turn makes other happy in the process great! if it doesn’t and I catch some type of negative backlash then so be it. The point of all this was not to stir up an argument or cause waves just to express my opinions and try to clear up ongoing rumors. Nick I appreciate your input and your feedback, thank you.
Phenix Saint
This conversation never goes well for the performers. I don’t exactly know what it is — it just doesn’t, in my observation.
Frankly, I’d be satisfied to know that you show up sober, are respectful to the other performers, and do your work to the best of your ability. That’s all anyone can ask for, is to know their porn is being produced in an ethical and safe(r) environment.
Well like I said if I catch some backlash on it then so be it. I’m okay with it and it’s something that I deal with and will continue to deal with being in this industry. Rest at ease knowing that I do show up sober I do respect my fellow performer as well as director/camera person/PA/whoever else happens to be on set that day. I show up and I do my job to the best of my ability. In the end you the consumer decide if I get to continue on or not. Thank you for the input.
Phenix Saint
Phenix I agree with what u said about labels. I live in LA and fuck girls all the time and enjoy it. But I also like gay porn and would be open to guy on guy if I met right guy. I saw u in a straight porn and then saw some of your gay stuff. The way u handle guys is intense and dominant. I’m in great shape and an alpha male but then when seeing a big dude like you it makes me want to submit.
What’s your opinion on issues of manhood? Do you think its natural? Like I love nailing a girl but then a guy thats big like u i feel intimidated by and watching u take those guys over makes me bone up. Do you have an email that fans can write u too cause my twitter I’m “str8” on?
I was just wondering when did u first get your prince albert and do u still have your pa and wouldu pierce your nipples
At one point he always looked dirty (and not in a good way), but he’s certainly improved as he’s got older. That said, I wouldn’t kick either before or after out of my bed.
I think I liked him better “before”. He’s still hot, though. I just don’t like the tattoos. I liked when he bottomed for Nash Lawler and when he topped RC from Cockyboys. Speaking of which, whatever happened to RC? He just seemed to vanish into thin air.
Went tacky tattoo crazy.
Is it just me or does he look a little bit like Natalie Portman?
after after after. thank you for the one solitary butt shot. he has one of the most juicy mouthwatering butts, and from the scenes i’ve seen a butt that deserves more closer inspections and more attention paid! along the lines of a tj cummings butt!
I prefer the after but I feel bad about it. You don’t get muscle growth like that in eight months without using some growth hormones. That won’t be pretty when he stops. Once he got away from Next Door and allowed to expand what he did sexually he became much hotter. I think he, Rod Daily, and Marcus Mojo should be used as examples of how to be Gay4pay. If you are going to do gay porn then you should not act like you are to straight to do it all.
It’s called being a closet case or a biseuxal, dear. Real straight men do have limits. I admire them for that.
If they are THAT straight that they can’t do the job then they should get the hell out of gay porn. To be honest most of them aren’t that straight they just listen to bad advice about retaining their “straightness” to pander to the self loathers.
After! Definitely!
Have him washed, and send him to my bed.
I totally prefer the after, but I wouldn’t kick either out of bed.