This survey follows on The Sword’s own completely unscientific survey of the tops-to-bottoms ratio in 10 U.S. cities — in which, interestingly, Houston also came up having the most bottoms! Trojan is pimping their new sex data to promote the release of a new condom called Trojan Ecstasy — which undoubtedly is just a regular condom with some fancy lube on it that stimulates ladyparts and will be of no use to us anyway.
So once again, Mason Wyler‘s hometown wins out, with their claim that they all have sex an average of 101 times a year. We’re a little suspicious of the results, if only because of all the sluts and deviants we know around San Francisco. But who can argue with a random survey of a 100 people per city, done on behalf of a condom manufacturer whose goal is to shame people into buying more condoms and having more sex?
The full results, complete with Thumbs Up! and Saddy Face emoticons, below, as well as the Trojan Ecstasy ad, in which a mime puts a condom on an imaginary, enormous horse cock.
Survey: New Yorkers Most Likely to Top
The Night Mason Wyler Took The Sword Bowling
Manhunt Computes Their Own Tops and Bottoms Survey
Worst in Gay Marketing: Condom Ads