Let’s face it: The pandemic and our bouts with social distancing can make us lazy. Have you given up on landscaping? Just how out of control are your pubes?
Months ago, I mentioned how long it had been since I had sucked a dick. And guess what? The streak is still going—nearly nine months now. I’m not looking for applause or a prize (I mean, other than a cock in my mouth). Just stating the horrible truth.
COVID has made us lazy in a lot of respects. I have been too scared to go to the gym, and that has hampered my physical activity. While I manage some outdoor cardio, I haven’t been as proactive as I would like with creating innovative workout routines at home (I mean, there’s no one to drool over, and I don’t want to watch myself in a mirror as I struggle with previously simple exercises).
My eating also isn’t as healthy as it could be. And because I’m not inviting anyone over (no one has been at my place since my Oscar party in February!), I don’t care as much if my place becomes a little messier. (A pile of junk mail here, some laundry there…)
That messiness carries over to my body. I haven’t had a real haircut since February, and am frightened to know what the back of my head looks like after the amateur effort with my Norelco body groomer from Costco (I feel there might be a mini-mullet in the making).
With the dreaded new uptick of COVID cases now a reality due to the cold weather pushing more people indoors, all of my paranoia has intensified. But at least my groin is staying warm. Why? Because in addition to not having a real haircut, I also haven’t trimmed.

But first, a little backstory. I’m a relatively smooth guy anyway, my genes not lending themselves to explosive bursts of body hair. I don’t groom much during “normal” times, typically just aiming for a smooth-ish sac and a trimmed bush every few weeks—often right before a hookup just to touch myself up. But with no hooking up, why bother?

Initially, it was laziness—but as each month has ticked away, I’ve realized that it serves as a second layer of defense should my resolve temporarily weaken:
“Just do it. Get on Scruff and find a big dick and suck it!” says the devil on my shoulder.
“Ugh, but you’re so unkempt down there and it’s going to take like 5 hours to trim it and make yourself presentable,” says the angel on the other shoulder. “It’s not even worth it.”
When the time does come, I fear I’ll need to start with a haircut guard first to trim it down one level, then use the smaller trimmer for a closer shave. Otherwise, I’ll probably get the gadget all tangled up in a mass of hair, then have to use scissors to cut it out. Or just leave it in there because, well, you know…I’m lazy. As of now, I’m at over an inch…and given how long it takes my hair to grow in general, that’s like three inches for regular humans.

How lazy have you been? What has your bush been like since the pandemic started? How many inches has it grown? Do you love it big anyway and don’t care? Do you trim at your typical frequency? Or, like myself, have you temporarily given up and angrily acquiesced for the greater good? Tell us in our poll! And in the meantime, head to NakedSword if you love Hairy Naughty Bits.
I’m kind of lucky. Live in Palm Springs most times at a nude resort. My neighbor has offered to trim, shave, & manscape me and the others both guys and girls. Works for tips and does an excellent job. also offers a wonderful full body scrub like you get in a Korean Spa. My ass sparkels. Every 2 weeks I see him cause he gets busy. We thru him a birthday party with lot’s of gifts and gave him the works as well.
I stopped trimming and shaving about 4 years ago. I absolutely love my bush. It’s full and soft and I think some of the hair on my balls is longer than my penis. LOL. I’ve actually found it’s a turn on the play with my bush before jacking! I say stop trimming guys. Try it!!
And i thought i was the only one remorseful and feeling guilty at not going to the gym. As someone who at one time tipped the scale at over 300lb and over the years have lost over 200lb through regular gym workouts and watching what I eat, after 8 months of the gyms being closed, then opened for a few days and then closed up again, I’m still scared and my body’s starting to feel the effects of not working out. As for manscaping, get a set of barber clippers with the removable comb attachments that allow you to cut hair in various lengths without the actual clippers touching your skin. These clipper sets usually have comb attachments of various sizes that allow you to just trim on inch or two off your beard or head (if you’re doing self haircuts) down to less than a half inch or so on your sac and pubes
Yeah. Some fake pandemic isn’t stopping smarter gays from hooking up. It’s just moved to people hosting in their houses instead of bath houses. I miss the baths but the breed-fest continues. I personally shave everything because I like to be licked everywhere but I don’t begrudge anyone their choice of body hair. Lots of people like lots of things, including variety.
Is this article for women or just drag queens, DAN? REAL MEN don’t shave their body or trim anything except the front and back of their neck. GEEEZ ! Stop trying to turn men into teenage girls. If a man’s bush is gone, I WON’T GO DOWN THERE. Eeewww _ Gross.
I have never shaved or trimmed and I’m naturally hairy. I can’t tell you how many times when my dick comes out and guys see the hair, they say “OMG! That is amazing don’t ever trim that.” I laugh as it never occurred to me to waste my time doing that.
Well, I guess I’ll “give myself away” with this comment: The bushy pix in this article got me hard as a rock! LOLOL…I guess I’m just old-fashioned (and a bear).
Yeah Richard; ME TOO! My favorite spot on a man’s body is a big, thick bush. Those pics are big turn-on. That’s where you bury your nose when you suck his meat. _ Wonderful ! If the bush is gone, so am I.
EvanX: We’re on the same page, brother…LOL…and I would add to your, …”where you bury your nose when you suck his meat…” comment, that I always love “just a hint of sweet/smoky/sweaty musk” down there too! WOOF!
Although I haven’t actually hooked up since March, I still hold out hope to find someone safe with similar interests. I’ve kept my balls pretty smooth and my bush trimmed because I like doing it and it looks sexy and feels good to me. Besides: I used to be a boy scout and learned to always be prepared.