Ben Masters

Jake Jaxson Terminates Ben Masters’ CockyBoys Contract After Racist Post from Performer

The Cocky Boy posted—and then deleted and tried to walk back—a racist video today, but not before it was captured and shared on Twitter. Jake Jaxson quickly terminated the performer’s contract, while Max Adonis noted he was always “a punk.”

Is Ben Masters about to be cancelled? It started with a story about a trip to the liquor store, and quickly escalated with statements like this during a jaw-dropping video that went on for (are you kidding?!) TWO…WHOLE…MINUTES:

  • “I know that it sucks that not everyone is treated equal, but also like, I’m not treated equal, either. “
  • “I’m not going to go and risk being injured or in pain or hurt or anything right now outside because I’m told I’m supposed to using my body as a barrier for the black people in these parades. And I don’t feel I should be using my body as a barrier.”

And it keeps…on…going, like a train wreck in slow motion. Have a look, courtesy of Brock Banks‘ tweet…

Ben deleted it and posted this reply:

Ben Masters

Ben Masters


…but not before others took note, including Jake Jaxson, CEO of CockyBoys (where Masters is signed on as an exclusive model). Jaxson commented on the situation on Twitter. Jaxson made his stance clear saying that Masters’ video was “UNACCEPTABLE!” and that he will not “defend any part of this statement,” then followed it up with a tweet that the performer’s CockyBoys contract had been terminated:

Other performers also chimed in, including Max Adonis, who wrote that Masters was “uninvited” from the 2019 GayVN Awards for “bullying a fellow CockyBoy. He’s a punk”:

Max Adonis, Ben Masters

Ben Masters

Ben Masters

Ben Masters

Ben Masters

What do you think…is Ben’s apology enough?

Post compiled by Dan Carrington and Cameron Greer.


23 thoughts on “Jake Jaxson Terminates Ben Masters’ CockyBoys Contract After Racist Post from Performer”

  1. He didn’t say anything wrong. MOST black guys are EXTREMELY homophobic, more than the average white guy. They can’t spend other minorities to support them when they have been a-holes to some of those communities.

    1. Tell me, when have you met ‘most black guys?’ And if you haven’t, what the fuck are you talking about!? What you’re doing is generalizing – because I’m pretty certain you know few if any black people at all – based on the nonsense you’re picking up somewhere.

      It’s just a racist version of telephone and somehow you’re not embarrassed because of your profound ignorance.

  2. No! I can understand being called a Faggot is not right. But it doesn’t mean that one should then claim to be just as deserving of the attention that Mr. Floyd’s murder is getting. He wasn’t just called a name, he was killed. Ben’s video clearly showed he has some growing up to do still.

  3. There is no doubt that the gay community has been oppressed. But this isn’t about playing the who-was-oppressed-more game; that’s pointless. To be blunt, we aren’t discriminated against simply by the tone of our skin or the sound of our names. The key thing that Ben misses here is that as humans, we need to take the oppression we have experienced and empathize with the African American community because it brings us a little closer to understanding the wide spread oppression they have endured for centuries. Standing with them shoulder to shoulder at this time is the right thing to do and in the process, may even convert a few of those that have also looked down on the gay community to see the humanity in all of us.

  4. Oh spare me this bullshit! Ben is rightfully being called out for his racism ans the consequences of his actions.

    Ignorance is NOT bliss and if you REALLY can’t understand or empathize with the anger and frustration of black people in this country being treated unfairly and being KILLED by police…then there is NO HOPE for you and talking is a waste of time.

    1. Have black people empathized with the anger and frustration of gay people? NO. They’re the most homophobic people in the world. So why should we help them when they’ve done nothing but hurt us? They should fight their own fights just like we’ve done.

      1. Can you be more of an ignorant dumbass like a few others on this blog post? Just a bit of RECENT history so your small brain doesn’t explode, READ salient sources about the Stonewall Riot!

  5. I wouldn’t want to go out and about when rioters are on the streets either. There’s nothing ‘racist’ about his tweet. Peaceful protest is fine. Rioting is not.

    Jake Jaxson make crap porn anyway. I’m sure he could start an Onlyfans and be fine.

    Max Adonis is a dumb Socialist anyway so I wouldn’t li.sten to him

  6. Xavier O Sanchez

    The fact is that many attitudes and beliefs are UNPOPULAR and trying to “punish” everyone for expressing their silly opinions will do nothing to improve their insensitivity in the long run. Start by apologizing and trying to be better people rather than to simply hate and punish them. We are talking about the problems at hand and we can do something about them. There is to be nothing gained from social extrication as so many choose to do. Consider being the bigger person and forgiving them. Just a thought from someone who has lived and seen what true Christian values can accomplish.

  7. What is really frightening to me is that you post something stupid or drunk or by mistake, you take it down and it can still haunt you forever. How is this right? What Ben did was questionable and he realized it. How “his so called family and community” jump up to hate him and delete him isn’t a good look on them either.

    1. No it wasn’t a mistake. He carefully thought of his words coming from his mind and heart and he carefully got his phone and he carefully pressed record and he carefully called the protests a parade and carefully spewed his hatred.

      Don’t sit there and try to compare a few times you were called a “faggot” to all the instances where black people like myself have been beaten, raped, shot, choked, and ostracized simply because of our skin tone. Don’t sit there and try to compare a few instances of being called a derogatory term to the movement that’s trying to keep young men and women of color from being video taped whole screaming out for their mothers while taking their initial last breath.

      Ben knew exactly what he was doing. He made it clear, he doesn’t want to help because his feelings were hurt because he was called a faggot by a single black man As a gay black man, I’ve been called that and much more many times by white men but if I saw a white man in distress, I wouldn’t sit back and watch him being hurt and simply say “well a white guy who this man doesn’t even know called me a faggot or the n**ger”. NO I would get off my ass and help him because he’s a human.

      So Ben showed his true colors and retracted the minute he got heat from his words. Then when the cancellation began, he tried to delete and backup and miraculously change his ways in a few hours. Like he was born again. Tramp please, you just don’t wanna loose your luster. If no one would’ve called him out, that damn vid would’ve stayed there and his ass would’ve stayed home, sipped his tea while watching Drag Race and uploading on his OF page. He deserved to get his contract terminated. You don’t care about helping us but you wanna have sex with us for a studio. He’s cancelled for sure.

      1. Universal Potentate

        As a mixed white and black man, I don’t have the audacity to speak for anyone’s feelings but my own. I also think anyone who says “As a ___ I know what I’m talking about.” has no idea what they’re talking about.
        Ben was talking about the commerce of relationships, quid pro quo. The black community has historically been very anti-gay mostly because of their religion. It’s like they absorbed THE worst aspects of their oppressors starting with their religion and including their homophobia.
        Ben was saying what many on the left are thinking “If you want my support, you better support me.” He stated his own terms. He didn’t tell anyone else what to do. He never said the cause was unjust or even unworthy. He said he felt unsupported and ergo wouldn’t risk himself. That’s what he said.
        That’s not hateful whatsoever! That’s called self-respect. His mistake was taking the statement down instead of defending it.
        And let’s not miss the important lesson: If you want people’s help, help them first. That’s the basis of community.

  8. He is correct… it is sad, but the country discriminates on race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, etc. That is why All Lives Matters… black, brown, white, gay, trans, etc.

    1. Oh yea. Sure. You’re so correct. But let me thro this out here towards you and then let’s see your response.

      According to your statement this would mean that we’ve seen countless white men, women and gay men and women
      shot in the back,
      paralyzed in a patty wagon
      -shot for wearing a hoodie
      -hung in their jail cells with a garbage bag
      shot in the stomach point blank range while selling a CD
      -kneeled in the neck till their air capacity is cut off/while screaming that they can’t breath and begging for their mother to help
      -shot during a traffic stop while reaching for license and proof of insurance
      -shot while waiting for their kids to get out of school
      -shot because “oops I ran into the wrong apartment, -shot because they’re a teenager playing with a toy gun at the park
      -shot during church services and hung by the neck on trees
      -shot by water hoses while protesting
      -lynched because of their skin color
      -beaten with whips while being enslaved.

      So remember all these instances when you speak of “All Lives Matter”. This reminder comes from a GAY BLACK man to you.

      1. It’s funny that BlackLivesMatter isn’t mentioned when black people are for example, stabbing each other on the streets of my home city London, or shooting each other almost every day in Baltimore.

    2. Yeah, because it not like black and brown people are seemingly killed by police for things like selling loose cigarettes, walking, breathing and so on? Of course all lives matter though it goes without saying you’re entirely missing the point.

  9. Universal Potentate

    I think Ben was talking about a common theme people experience: community exclusion. He was 100% correct in his analysis. Until women march for men’s rights. Until blacks march with gays. Until Muslims march with Atheists. Until the left stops trying to win the oppression Olympics and unites, he nor anyone else must feel obligated or pressured to risk any part of themselves for communities which actively ostracize them. I never understood this moral masochism. It’s completely unhealthy.

    1. and this is what’s wrong with the usa, it’s all about ‘ WHAT ABOUT ME!!’ Pathetic human garbage go back and crawl to your mom’s basement

    2. As a gay black man, this was insulting and in bad taste. He obviously does not understand his own privilege at all.

      He made it all about himself and then tried to back track. Here’s the common lesson think before you act.

      This is the time for everyone to join in solidarity over a life that was lost and not make it about some other bullshit.

      I stand 100% behind jake jaxson decision to terminate him.

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