New American Bel Ami Model Says And Does Some Fun Things

You know what kind of gay porn stars we need more of? Bi-curious breakdancing gay porn stars. Video below.

Austin Merrick is a hot, mixed race California boy who does “the worm”(??), does some flips, scares a dog, and freestyles about “passing the blunt.” It’s great. (Watch out though, Chris Porter.) Also, Austin Merrick thanks the half of him who is black for his big black dick. You can see it this weekend when his hardcore scene debuts. Until then, uhhhh…


Is Austin Merrick the new Chris Porter or the new Austin Wilde?
Would you rather have a “white personality” and a “black body” or a “black personality” and a “white body”?
Should gay porn stars “stick to fucking and sucking” and leave the rapping and dancing to Puff Daddy and Michael Jackson, or should they be allowed to “follow their dreams”?


[Bel Ami: Austin Merrick]

31 thoughts on “New American Bel Ami Model Says And Does Some Fun Things”

  1. That video interview is kind of freaky. (And not in a good way). Also, the interviewer sounded creepy…..I felt like this was the opening to one of the SAW movies.

  2. “The new Austin Wilde”? Remind me to slash your bicycle tires next time I see you, Zach. And the penis situation here. Let’s just say, mine was highly offended by that comment. ha

  3. He looks better in his pictures than in his introduction video. And thank god (Small G), not a tattoo in sight. Weak ass flow? Have you seen him in sexual action already?

  4. Oh, I see you’ve updated with pictures.

    So, uh, where’s this “black body” he was talking about? All I see is a donkey dick hooked up to some white boy with a tan. Seriously, if he hadn’t said he was biracial, I’d never have guessed it. Which make him perfect for Bel Ami I suppose…

    1. “All I see is a donkey dick hooked up to some white boy with a tan. Seriously, if he hadn’t said he was biracial, I’d never have guessed it.”

      I see you really “dislike” “bogus labels.” LOL. Perhaps some time off your high horse would do wonders for your vocabulary.

      1. OK, looking for the bogus word in that quote… uh, are you referring to “biracial”? Yeah, because that’s just something someone made up. Or is it “white boy”??

          1. Oh, that’s so not a clichéd response, but I’ll bite…

            Quite frankly, I’d rather dip my dick in a vat of battery acid; I’m sure it’d be the more enjoyable experience.

    2. I knew he was biracial from his first photo. Probably because you have a pre-conceived view of BA which renders you incapable of sound judgment.

      1. I might’ve been exaggerating with “never have guessed it”. Looking at his photo, I get a Wentworth Miller (multiethnic actor, passes for white in The Human Stain)… vibe, I guess would be the word.

        And does one need to be possessed of “sound judgment” to watch porn? I’ve seen BA scenes and come away unimpressed.

    1. If anyone answers the “white personality” and a “black body” or a “black personality” and a “white body” question, PLEASE no mention of friends/lovers of color and their opinions. Thank you.

  5. I’ll wait ’til I see this “black body” of his… :|

    Oh, BTW, you no longer get to call yourself “bi-curious” (ugh, more bullshit labels) after you’ve done a hardcore scene. After that, it’s decision-makin’ time. So what is it? You like or you no like? If you don’t, you “need to get to steppin’, dawg.”

      1. And that has no bearing on my remark.

        It’s funny… I was as virginal as a Vestal and yet those straight jocks in high school insisted on calling me “faggot”. I wonder if I should’ve come back with, “But I’m just curious.” Yeah, that would’ve worked… LOL!

        1. Tired of the bullshit

          Actually it does have a bearing on your remark: “after you’ve done a hardcore scene. After that, it’s decision-makin’ time.”

          If he hadn’t done a hardcore scene before this was filmed he definately could still have been on the “bi-curious” side.

          If that interview was done now, then bi-curious would be incorrect.

          1. My remark holds true regardless of when he was interviewed. The antecedent for “you” here is not (necessarily) “Austin Merrick”, it’s referring to anyone in a similar circumstance.

      1. And the détente comes to an end…

        I’m not threatened by “watery sexuality”, I have a problem with bogus, bullshit labels.

      2. @Asenath – Hazarding a guess: Loki is probably just pissed over the fact that his vocabulary needs to be updated. The man seems to love throwing words around. It’s funny considering his negative view of “bogus labels.”

    1. “Oh, BTW, you no longer get to call yourself “bi-curious” (ugh, more bullshit labels) after you’ve done a hardcore scene. After that, it’s decision-makin’ time.”

      False. It is possible for a person to remain undecided even after a hardcore scene considering the fact that the label “hardcore,” as far as pornography is concerned, doesn’t entail all the pros and cons of a particular act. One of the two may have a “bearing” (as far as your usage is concerned) on the so called decision making.

      “I’m not threatened by “watery sexuality”, I have a problem with bogus, bullshit labels.”

      Unfortunately for you, the term itself was coined primarily because of the reality that there are people who are in fact curious or uncertain of their sexuality. Labels and definitions aren’t exactly that detached from one another. But then again, considering your idea of “bearing,” I’m not surprised.

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