Steven Paul is the mastermind behind DEFEC8, and he would like you to stop trying to pass off your stupid lemming glamour shots as activism.
One day last week I was on Facebook and I came across another fucking (NOH8) picture and I’m like, ‘Ahhhhh! I’m sick of seeing it. I get it guys, I get it. I wanted to come up with something that was a slap in the face to this fucking campaign.
This New Equality Campaign Is Fucking Retarded
After Celebrating Prop 8, Brent Everett Celebrated Prop A Drunk Stud in a Sling
Someone Scrawls ‘U R Gay’ On A Minnesota Frathouse, Andy Towle Reports On It
Aw Crap… (Queerty)
yes!!!! i AM SO SICK of all the fake fags with their headshots from adam bouska. He and they need a dose of STFU.
Oh god, I love it… Finally, I want one of these pics!!
Gross. Appropriate. Still gross.