OK, one comment. At the 29-second mark: A “revert” on kinky? Also: Everything from 0:36–4:39. Vibe out.
And: Why is this man working in gay porn?!? Why bother? What is even going on?
AND: Does he think he’s black? Earth to James Huntsman: You are not black.
James Huntsman is the hottest new guy in gay porn. I could care less that he is straight. From his feet all the way up his muscular body to his beautiful face he is awesome. He has kind of a James Dean vibe going, except he is way sexier. After listening to his interview, I realize that he is also real smart. Watch this guy develop as a porn star in gay vids. He is going to be GREAT.
Don’t everybody yell at me at all at once, but I LOVE what James Huntsman, Cody Cummings, Tyler Torro and Tristan Bull do on the nextdoor studio sites. They do the hot straight stud getting serviced by a horny gay guy thing and I’m a big fan of that. Yeah, it’s total fantasy. No question — in the real world gay on gay is best, but hey… this is porno and and its fantasy and it works swell for me when I’m in the mood for that sort of thing.
Yoyoyo, actually watched it; hilarios
I think a big reason why NDS gets such a negative response from many gay guys is that the a lot of the models who work for them continue to say things like:
“I’m straight”
“I like women/pussy/tits”
“Not really into guys that much”
“I prefer to work with women”
With remarks like that, isn’t any wonder why a lot of gay men find it insulting not to mention a turn off.
If this is true, then you all need to get over to straight side of the adult business because this is gay porn. Gay consumers want to see a male performer who are willing to interact (FULLY) with another guy. Not just behave like straight trade during sex and give very little in return. When you look at NDS models like James Huntsman, Cody Cummings, Tyler Torro, Tristan Bull and others, it’s clear in their performances that being sexual with another guy really isn’t their thing. There is no connection, passion or enjoyment in their work. It very much going through the motions. Sure they get hard and cum during a scene, but that’s it really.
Compared to other sites like Sean Cody, Corbin Fisher, Cocky Boys & Chaosmen, there is excitement and genuine passion/intensity during the sex scenes with the models who work for those companies. Qualities which are by and large are absent over at NDS.
That being said however, I am willing to admit that not all of the NDS performers are like that. Rod Daily, Marcus Mojo, Austin Wilde & Samuel O’Toole are among the best models on the NDS roster. These boys can get down and have fun with both male and female partners and it shows in their work. Even James Jamesson has picked up his game of late and turned in good performances. Whilst the production values over at NDS are solid and the models are good looking with hot bods, it’s the mentality and mindset that needs to change over there. The whole “straight boys doing gay sex for money vibe” is getting way long in the tooth.
Time to re-evaluate your thinking NDS!
Next Door Buddies is a shitty pathetic boring company hiring shitty low life trash that aren’t even worth viewing. That last video I bought from these jackass was a year ago, it bored me such much that I burn the dvd disc to ashes. This company sucks and any woman that care to date these rejects or either drugged or desperate.
Interesting that he was wearing a pair of UMOTV.com glasses. What’s that about?
Four spelling errors in Tucker Scott’s short comment. What’s he in charge of?
Oh bother, I missed “Your” for “You’re.” I’ll never be a proofreader. But nobody could do all that in two sentences. He’s having fun with us.
Your all just jealous that you are to ugly too be Next Door models. Leave our professional models alone and let them do there jobs!
Tucker Scott in a Chris Crocker voice: “LEAVE NDS MODELS ALONE!!!”
I would get a proofreader if I were you. I wouldn’t want you to come off sounding ignorant. Just sayin’.
The easiest thing to claim when you are on the defensive is jealousy. It is usually bullshit. Just because you don’t like th reflection doesn’t mean the person holding the mirror is to blame.
Clearly, if they are getting negative reactions from the public that they are then they ARE NOT DOING THEIR JOBS.
It’s called marketing feedback and if your studio wasn’t so fucking arrogant and focused on pampering the straight boys then you would actually LISTEN. This has been building for awhile and still your studio goes out of its way to actually RECRUIT these douchebags. Why the hell would Next Door need any more trade performers? Why doesn’t your studio ever seem to reprimand the models when they are caught with their homophobia showing? When is it ever acceptable for a straight performer working in gay porn to call another “faggot”? How can you post a video of Cody talking about “safe sex” and then less than 48 hours later allow him to post a video of himself having condomless sex with Britany Amber?
Maybe you wouldn’t have to spend so much time defending your models’ bullshit or acting like people are just haters for calling it out IF your company would STOP HIRING STRAIGHT ENTITLED DOUCHEBAG ASSHOLES THAT ONLY DO TRADE OR STRAIGHT SCENES. Maybe that business model worked at one time but now all it does is show the gay community how much contempt Next Door actually has for them.
If your company still insists on hiring these kinds of men then perhaps instead of spending all the money on photoshoping, and covering their flaws in photos, you give them some media training BEFORE you swell their heads and throw money at them to sign them as exclusives.
That’s rich coming from a 30 year old balding Brian Peppers lookalike midget who can’t even douche properly. I guess the Next Door Studios sock puppets will be back soon enough.
Tucker you should use this guys unique talents more often… he could maybe do a few more stand-up comedy videos for you, watching that video is the hardest I’ve laughed in ages! – he’s too funny to be wasting his time just standing there getting serviced… perhaps he could get sucked off in character talking about the vibes he’s getting from his dawg…
You’re right I am jealous, but I’m also jealous of Michael Buble for being such a damn good singer, David Beckham for being such a damned good, gorgeous athlete AND has stated his love for his gay fans and support for gay issues. And many others. Even my neighbor who is undoubtably the best auto mechanic around here.
But What I’m not jealous of, is the rampant disrespect for gay men that seems to permeate the adult industry from gay, str8, bi performers and studios. Which your comment so blatantly expresses.
I actually thought the interview was quite entertaining. I laughed at him and the fans who love this crap! I really don’t know who thought that posting this interview was a good idea. Maybe it is. It’s generated buzz about him and NDS.
My New Years resolution was not to get involved in the heated debates about certain issues. So I’ll not comment on g4p.
O dear, no need to throw a temper tantrum.
1. It’s “too ugly.”
2. It’s “to be Next Door models.”
3. It’s “their jobs.”
4. It is better to be a hot wigger than to be an ugly wigger…if those are the options.
This can’t be a real Tucker Scott post, can it? Really?
Zach wouldn’t post it as “Tucker Scott” if it wasn’t. He’s posted here before.
Wow, that is really an asshole response. This is your attempt at Public Relations slash marketing? I thought YOU were better than that but maybe I just gave you too much credit because you are actually gay. My fault.
It’s always easy to blame jealousy and “haters” because it then allows you to happily invalidate anything they say and go on your merry way. Best of LUCK with that.
James Huntsman is a guy that should just stand there and shut up. When he opens his mouth he sounds ridiculous. Not sure if that is just him trying to be someone he is not or if he really talks like that all the time. If it is the latter he can’t have many friends who understand and damn thing he is trying to say. And as for his work at NDS he is obviously there for the money since they have done like four scenes with him with a woman? The three or four scenes that he has done with guys are a joke to watch. But the joke is really on those that pay to watch them and he is the one laughing all the way to the bank knowing there are those that will always watch as well. James is good looking no doubt but his looks go completely out the window when he opens his mouth as sad as that is.
So, do all the guys from next door act this way? Are they all straight? Isn’t Anthony Romero with this company? That sucks, I would literally die for that man..
This dude is a in the closet nelly fag and I wouldn’t anything Next Door Buddies make cause their porn is shitty with pathetic gay4pay performers that don’t even look believable
Sh*t I thought wiggers became history about 5 years ago..damn, I almost want to slap this ass hole silly,but scared I might get my hands covered with pancake make-up..just saying..lmfao
I have NEVER heard a gay man talk about all the dudes he’s going to “score” and such the way I’ve heard this from str8 men. I don’t think they’re any more sexual than gay men, but they seem to hang their masculinity on how many “bitches” they can bang, and how many babies they can make. James is a douche of the worst order, and I’m sorry I had the unfortunate chance to hear him speak. I’m certain now he is def str8 trade and is officially NOT sexy. Btw, he has adopted the hip-hop culture and this doesn’t necessarily mean he’s trying to be or sound black; something that makes me cringe whenever someone says that, as if all black people speak that way, which we don’t.
Of course all black people don’t speak that way. But I’m pretty sure James Huntsman thinks they do, and he’s trying to do his impression in the video above.
Zach I wouldn’t even applied that he was trying to “speak black” I would say he’s trying to sound “Ghetto” or try to base himself on a hip hop lingo, just to say for future reference. Thank you Steve454 for bring that up I was going to mention that myself. :)
what a douche nozzle.
You learn to ignore everything he says.
Oh no.
I regret I’m unfamiliar with this particular brand of hood rat vernacular. I do wish I hadn’t watched this though. Once I find out someone is intellectually inert, my attraction to him plummets. Or as James might say: “I’m finta bounce u 2 da curb dawg cuz u keepin it to rizzzzeeeel fuh me yo. PUH-EACE”.
OH SHIT SON.. yo James this muh fucka just skool’d yo ass dog.. Weak ass toy bitch.. you couldnt even rack a can uh fizz from da 711 homie
“Weak ass toy bitch” made me lol like crazy. Good job on making my day, child.
It’s called redneck ebonics! I’ve heard it many times on TV and a few times from the actual ppl. It’s pretty funny that they don’t realize how urban black they sound.
As far as wiggers go, so long as there are sadass white rappers like Eminem who are really trailor trash but pretend to be hood, it will always be “cool” to be a wigger, but only to wiggers themselves. The rest of us will just laugh at them.
Or “Double Dose”
yo. this dude is hilarious.. But he ain’t tryin to be, which just makes it that much more funny.. You “flow with guys better”? Sorry homie, you a full blown faggot. LOL.
I couldn’t understand a THING he was saying. Sorry!
Maybe I’ve been OD’ing on Iowa this week, but I read the headline as “Jon Huntsman’s NextDoor Interview”
I was kinda disappointed I didn’t get to hear the Morman Republican talk for 5 min to a gay porn company. That would’ve made good TV!
Damn I hate when I upchuck in my mouth at work.
How about in 2012 gay men show a little self-respect for themselves and let the porn companies know we are over gay for pay models.
When will a studio bill a movie as “for gay men made by gay men featuring gay men”. There is PLENTY of amazing looking masculine sexy GAY men in the world.
Stop serving up retarded self-serving arrogant straight men often having sex with other straight men directed by a straight person and calling it gay porn.
Just vote with your wallets then they will feel our vibe.
I don’t think that many gay men would actually want to, or be remotely interested in, entering the porn world. It must take a very particular kind of person (an extreme exhibitionist? A Narcissist?) to do so, given the enormous social stigma that accompanies the profession. I would assume that studios take whatever they can from among the people they deem “appealing enough” to generate profits. As for the lack of quality in their work, it’s important to note that, if consumers are willing to accept sub-standard material, companies will not be compelled to produce anything minimum amount of quality.
Regarding the famous “gay-for-pay” debate, I find it peculiar how many people often bypass bisexuality. It would be very difficult for these men to perform if they were straight – their emotional and sexual preferences must be mainly geared towards women but, since they are able to function (especially with their clients when they escort, as we know that porn scenes are heavily edited), they must at least be able to interact sexually with other men; there must be some form of attraction, even if it’s purely physical.
Finally, how many gay men have we heard say that “straight-acting” is their ideal, while blamign the lack of acceptance of the gay community on effeminate gay men, drag queens and so on? Also, how many gay men seem desperate to “convert” straight men, and are willing to enter rather unhealthy relationships with their “curious” friends? Obviously, there is a huge market of gay men for these performers, even if it’s incomprehensible for many of us.
Most businesses have Employee of the Month but Next Door has a Douchebag of the Month. It rotates between all the gay4payers over there, although Cody has the most overall, Tyler Torro, James Huntsman, Johnny Torque, and Kevin Crowes, have all held the title over the last year.
It’s the whole “straight is better” mentality they encourage over there and it IS hurting their bottom line. They are just to arrogant to even address it. They allow their models to spew ingorance and often out right homophobia over Twitter, without even so much as a Twitter apology. Any other business would have fired them all by now. They just keep the party line of “haters gonna hate”, “you can’t make everyone happy”.
While that is true, if you are big enough to have over a dozen exvlusives(with only two being gay), your own award show, and promote you self with models attending live events, then maybe you need to put these straight boys through some “media training” instead of dismissing the public’s opinion once your models open their mouths and reveal themselves to be arrogant douche bags.
Also a personal note to James- no one buys you as a thug, the “street talk” sounds silly coming from you. You tweet about ignorant people while attempting to act dumber than you actually are….grow up…your closer to 30 than you are to 15 at this point-which is the only place that “fake ghetto” gets a pass. Drop the act and it will make you much more attractive to those women, you know the ones you can’t seem to vibe with.
Meh. No one buys you as a rainbow warrior either. Tackling the same skin deep issue of straight vs gay, with all this high school drivel about the non-existence of subjectivity makes you look more like the float on a pride parade in Europe than the people who are actually moving that float.
“…you look more like the float on a pride parade in Europe than the people who are actually moving that float.”
Wh-huh? I’ve read that perhaps five times now and it still doesn’t make sense…
Are you ESL? I notice you have a tendency to use the wrong prepositions (e.g. “on a pride parade” instead of “in a pride parade”).
I just ignore him at this point since seems to have an unhealthy crush on me …it is usually best not to engage the sociopathic.
At least Kevin Crowes and Johnny Torque have sucked dick and kissed guys….not sure how they departmentalize those two issues in their head? But those two are obviously the closest to doing everything with a guy. I know some gay guys to this day that will not bottom and probably never will but the identify as being gay. Johnny and Kevin should at least admit they are bi-sexual because the way I have seen them in some videos they seem to enjoy what they are doing with a guy way too much to be 100% straight. But hey, they have to be the ones that realize and not us, maybe they will some day?
@GMan You are right they did those things ….but they did them somewhere else before they did them at Next Door. They both filmed with other studios that encourage interaction and since they broke that rather weak barrier else where they couldn’t very well go back. Much like James Jamesson sucked cock with other studios but refuses to at Next Door. It seems silly to refuse to do so now. I like crazy James and he seems willing to do other things but models like Tyler Torro, Cody Cummings, and James Huntsman, who will only do the minimum they have to do to get a paycheck are insulting and outdated. No one wants to see straight trade performers anymore. Certainly they don’t want to see them enough to justify giving them exclusives over gay models who will go all out.
Does NDS think that gay guys are even remotely interested in this straight dude talk? C’mon, its 2012 (even in the USA)!
Wigger. I haven’t heard that term since the days of Vanilla Ice and Marky Mark. I thought white boys co-opting black culture fell out of favor ages ago.
I never really considered Marky Mark a wigger mainly because unlike Vanilla Ice he did come from the working class of Mass. Plus he was cute then and he gets hunkier as he gets even older.
Whats with the over-sized Clown novelty sunglasses? Is his head too small or are the sunglasses too big?
Oh, god. Stop talking and take off your pants, or something. . .
Too much secondhand embarrassment.
He can’t get a “vibe” with females. (Chuckle.)
What are these “vibes”? I’d watch the vid, but white boys speaking ebonics have been known to rupture my eardrums…
Kind of hard to parse, but his interests seem to be sex (with chicks) and professional body buildying, in that order. He does not get a vibe or a flow with chicks. Too much “diva action.” I thinking “diva action” translates to “James, lets talk about something else besides whores and abs.”