“Male-male competition persists even after animals have mated,” concludes Harvard biologist Heidi Fisher. She already knew that sperm cells often clump together, as clumped-together sperm swim faster than sperm swimming on their own. What she wanted to know was whether sperm cells clumped together indiscriminately or whether they would seek out other sperm from the same male source.
To see whether sperm from one male would cooperate with sperm from another male, Fisher dyed one male deer mouse’s sperm green and dyed the other mouse’s sperm red. Then she watched as one male’s sperm cells were like, “Heeey Bitch!” with each other but were all “Unh-unh grrrl, hold my shit” with sperm cells from the other male. It’s not clear how sperm cells know who’s who, but aren’t these little guys just full of surprises? I wanna go swallow a bunch of cum right now, in fact.
Below is a fun video demonstration.
Scientists To Pregnant Women: ‘Suck Lots of Cock’
Study: Suck All the Poz Dick You Can
Fancy Day Spa’s $250 Sperm Facial Does Not Include Dick
This was the first thing I heard when I woke up this morning and I seriously thought I was dreaming. Sperm cells have such interesting social lives. bwahahahahaha!