My comments, in list form.
1. The creator of these clips, Ryan James Yezak, is a talented director and editor, but that doesn’t preclude him from having horrible taste in music and, apparently, a desire to propagate the stereotype that gay men are flaming, sex-obsessed queens who wear make-up.
2. Several underwear-clad men dry hump each other, pull down each other’s pants, dance with each other, and repeatedly ask to see each other’s cocks, yet the clip features no man-on-man kissing.
3. Compare this to Cazwell’s Ice Cream Truck. Both feature nearly naked men making sexual puns, and yet only one of them actually succeeds at being sexy.
4. On a slow news day, is it better to post videos like this, or to post nothing at all?
Its upsetting that people can be so judgemental and uninformed. Guess they like being ignorant. Its just a bunch of guys dancing to a soon to be popular song. (Its a healthy and fun way to release some stress in these difficult times.) Katy Perry is a talented singer so I guess all of her tens of thousands of fans have “horrible taste in music.” Back to the music video, boys kissing boys? Come on you don’t have to have sex to be sexy, same thing for kissing. Another thing, he never said he was representing the whole gay community in his video. There are “flaming” guys to and I don’t know what world you’re living in but yes they really are the majority, some more than others but mostly the majority. And finally, for TJ Johnson (see above) I happen to know some of these guys and who says they don’t already volunteer some of their free time at certain organizations?! I have participated right beside some of them so shut it.
Is this what un-employed waiters/hairdressers/dancers due in their spare time??
Just think of how much time you queens wasted on this piece of crap when you could have done some volunteering down at the Gay & Lesbian center or something?
Note to Miss Beasley — u might not want to put ANY of this footage or the previous vid’s footage on your choreography reel!
It’s just not the same without Cameron Adams and Guy Branum.