Remember his first one? Yeah, well after all the attention he received, “biggzizback” pulled his clip down and deleted his entire profile. What a pussy. And, oh my god, what a cock.
Luckily, some sneaky ho on XTube kept that original video and re-uploaded it. But even better, this same user (who I’m assuming is not the real “biggzizback” since his profile contains a random mix of videos from various masturbating men) has a second clip of biggzizback stroking, dirty-talking, and shooting one of his signature loads. Jesus fucking christ.
To be honest, I’m having a hard time believing that this person actually EXISTS. More likely, he is just an XTube robot or gay porn star simulacrum who possesses all of the physical attributes that gay men look for in their jerk off material. WHO IS THIS PERSON AND IS HE EVEN REAL? I’m skeptical.
And, here is the old video that’s now been re-uploaded. If you’ve got the software to download these both to your hard drive where they can live on forever, I trust you’ve already done so.
I want to request the videos as well this guy looks attractive and from what I’ve read his cumshots are big.
Aaaaand they’re gone again. :C
Anyone possibly able to upload them someplace a bit more reliable? Mediafire maybe? (At least until ACTA or something like that kills it too)
Those are slightly odd facial expressions in the context. It’s like he’s thinking “What was that actor called who used to be on that program? What the hell was his name? Gahhhhhhhhh. This is doing my head in.”
Oh shit. I’ve been trying to leave that comment (and others) since the 18th of January and got a
“500 – Internal server error.
There is a problem with the resource you are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.”
every time. I tried putting my name as “J2” instead of my usual “J” and it’s finally worked! Apparently you’re not allowed a one letter name any more. I’m so pleased I’ve figured this out!
Apparently someone thought this was the section for guys into hairless bony twinks. That is WAY OVER THERE [pointing far in the distance]. Kthxbi.
anyone able to tell me how to download these??
I’d suck the nut out of his pubes.
Let’s see the back view please.
Will someone at FleshJack grab him and get him to promote for Fleshjack!!! There’s money to be made with this guy.
Who cares he hasn’t got abs you could grate cheese on, I’d still suck him dry.
….A lot of shallow, simple-minded narcissistic queens who will probably live long enough to wallow in the shallowness of their existence.
That chest hair looks super snuggle-able. As do other bits of him. Yum.
And after you’re done snuggling, you can lend him one of your camisoles; it looks like he could use some “support”.
too fat and too hairy
I’m sorry you feel that way about yourself…but please understand that we love you!!
Honey, even Helen Keller knows it.
HOLY SHIT! He is so damn sexy.. Want him to shoot that load in my ass. Is he gay??
Do you even have to ask? NO.
Really? You don’t think so?
Well, that’s what it said on his profile before he took it down. However, people claim to be straight on XTube all the time; it’s the best way to get high ratings/views (MARRIED MAN FUCKS ME, SUCKING STR8 COCK, that sort of thing).
STOP fucking posting under my name you stupid faggot!!!! I would never let somebody cum in my ass!
omfgggggrgrghregherbinerboerbh SO FUCKING HOT.
downloaded ;)
Hottest person in the entire world? Where is he?
*lifts up the carpet*
Where ya hidin’ him?
Oh, you mean this guy? All I’m seein’ is man boobies, a paunch, an admittedly sizeable dick, and a larger than average cumshot. Guys like him are a dime a dozen on XTube. Sure, half don’t show their faces, but if you’re looking for big dicks and voluminous cumshots, you’ll be spoilt for choice.
he is good looking, but a lil’ chubby
Bruce you need glasses or to post pics of yourself for US to understand your catty comment…so either back it up or shut it up…the illusion and quest of “perfection” has created many body images issues that are destroying the mental state of a variety of gay men…
Christ … nothing is every good enough for some faggots!
Agreed…some guys are NEVER happy…but use the internet to hide behind and make silly one sided comments…
I’d say cuddly.
ok cuddly is better word. I’d still DO HIM. talk about fagoots…
Personally I kinda prefer softer bodies, there’s also the fact that cheese-grater guys are probably really narcissistic :P
Bruce is right, the guy is very doughy. I said before, I wouldn’t be surprised if that was pure Cinnabon icing.
Chubby wtf? You must be blind.