This year, with sunny weather and better-than-usual entertainment, the fair commemorated the the 35th anniversary of Milk’s original inspiration, and featured the usual street fair fare of artisinal t-shirts, gaybie clothes, candles, mustards, gay mortgages (great time to buy!), and lesbian-made, rainbow-colored tchotchkes.
We spent most of the afternoon drunk and standing around the 18th Street stage, enjoying the work of MCs Jake Deckard (see some of his more naked work here) and Metal Patricia, local wonders Younger Lovers and Ejector, and mash-up cover band, Smash-up Derby.
A few photos, below.
Man with Parrot.
Scary villain advertising a stage makeup concern. Photo by rdmsf on Flickr.
Primadonna Reed doing Cher.
One artisinal t-shirt, among a selection of shirts for gaybies.
Metal Patricia snoozing backstage…
The scene afterwards at the Bar on Castro.
A Gratuitous Shirtless Twink Gallery from LoveFest SF
Porn Stars at Folsom 08
Love Me Tender: Hidden Romantic Folsom!
Sarah at Folsom! (NSFW)
Castro Street Fair (Official Site)