San Francisco Votes To Ban Public Nudity; Conner Habib Has Epic Twitter Meltdown

In a narrow 6-5 vote, the San Francisco Board of Supervisors voted yesterday to ban public nudity throughout the city, causing gay porn star Conner Habib to lash out against them on Twitter.

Conner Habib is right to call out a liberal bastion like San Francisco for its hypocrisy. At the same time, the city of San Francisco is also right to stop gross weirdos from waving around their erect penises in front of Girl Scouts’ faces. (Remember, the idea of the ban came up after so-called nudists weren’t just being nude, they were putting on cock rings and walking around with boners in front of children.) If not, what’s the point of having any laws or any order?

How far would someone have to go to have gone too far for Conner Habib? The nudists (many of whom I don’t think are authentic nudists if they’re wearing cock rings) finally went too far.

Casting aside complaints that forcing people to cover up would undermine San Francisco’s reputation as a city without inhibitions, the Board of Supervisors voted 6-5 on Tuesday in favor of an ordinance that prohibits exposed genitals in most public places, including streets, sidewalks and public transit.

Exemptions would be made for participants at permitted street fairs and parades, such as the city’s annual gay pride event and the Bay-to-Breakers street run, which often draws participants in costumes or various states of undress.

The AP goes on to note that people who violate the ban (once it’s signed into law by the mayor and in effect next year) will be fined $100. And Conner Habib was not happy:

Isn’t part of the “thrill” of being a nudist (gay or straight) getting into trouble? Well, now’s their chance! Now all the nudists have a chance to be true revolutionaries. Go out naked and break the law! Get fined $100! If you believe in nudity, you better do it. What’s $100 when your personal expression is at stake? Or, you could just go and be nude somewhere more private, where there aren’t as many people around to make uncomfortable. But then, what would be the point of that?




26 thoughts on “San Francisco Votes To Ban Public Nudity; Conner Habib Has Epic Twitter Meltdown”

  1. what Chris said.
    and Connor really makes no sense. just because the nudity ban lost by a small margin he’s acting like ALL of the rights of people in SF are being taken away. but it’s like… not THAT many people want to walk around naked, and not THAT many people are all in awe of guys and gals that do. plus Folsom St. Fair and alot of the other fairs where people DO go out nude are not affected by this ban. and they have those kind of fairs like every other month.
    I think Connor is extremely self-absorbed and just has to take the “ANTI” approach on any hot button issue to get attention. but he makes no sense. he basically supported Romney who is after gay rights, so who is HE to judge other peoples votes in other areas!? #DOUCHEBAG

  2. I love the naked people!!! I recently moved back to san francisco & live across the street from where the nudists hang out. It’s fabulous & fun. A little sprinkle of craziness that reminds me daily of why I love the Castro.
    The 6 supervisors who voted to ban nudity SUCK! They voted to restrict public freedom & are helping to chip away at one of the many aspects that give san francisco it’s unique character & diversity. Conner, I’m on your side & will help fight this restriction of freedom & celebration of intolerance.

    Why are the supervisors & police commissioners wasting their time on banning 3 guys from being naked (yes usually there are only 3 people) when there are HUNDREDS OF OBNOXIOUS HOMELESS PEOPLE pissing & shitting on the streets, hassassing people for money & giving san francisco a bad reputation. Let’s address the real problems of san francisco & leave the harmless nudists alone.

    Celebrate your body!!! Yay!!

    1. Exposing yourself in front of a kid isn’t harmless. I don’t think most of the nudists are doing it in the spirit of San Francisco’s long history of freedom of expression. It’s not out of line to theorize that most of them are probably exhibitionists and not real nudists. As has been pointed out, nudists don’t wear cockrings nor do they feel the need to walk around in Costco nude to make a point. Another sign that these people weren’t nudists in the traditional sense was that for most part, you wouldn’t see them carrying a towel to sit on in a public place (a big no no in the nudist community is to sit bare assed on a table, chair, or couch without setting a towel on the seat first).

      San Francisco, like many other cities have in recent decades will see more generification of the city. Yeah it sucks but there really isn’t much that can be done to stop. Like a lot things in life in regards to the nudity bill, a few people fucked it up and ruined it for everyone.

      Look at the people it had that were in support of keeping the current nudity laws on the books. They weren’t articulate, they didn’t explain their position or points well at all, and the attitude of fuck you I will do what I want doesn’t get you very far. Just ask the inept group that ran the No on 8 campaign.

  3. This is pretty sad news, Folsom Street Fair is like one of my favorite holidays, some of those guys are really hot,
    OMG and does this go for Marshall beach? Ooh no!

    Well people won’t appreciate what they have until they lose it!

    And what kind of parent would bring their kid around a SF nudist Street Festival anyway?

    1. There are explicit exceptions for Bay to Breakers, the Folsom Street Fair and the other Street fairs. You don’t have to worry for those events. They will go on just the same.

  4. Who cares about this? Really who wants to pull their dicks out in public? Awkward moments when the seniors and families stroll by lol or even other adults! Is there some undertone about this law that I am missing?

  5. San Francisco is conservative? lolol! then what, pray tell, is a liberal city?

    West Hollywood must feel like Nazi Germany to this idiot.

  6. This whole controversy is so gay! Why anyone regardless of how hot they are wants to parade around in assless chaps or nude in public is bizarre.

  7. “Naked men with boners showing them for little girls ( girl scouts…LOL )”: That’s why people call all of us perverts. Mankind ‘ decided’ to live clothed since the beguining of its civilization. For those who decided to live disrobed like savages there are nude camps and beaches apart of the rest. Cities are made by civilized people for civilized ones.

  8. For someone supposedly very smart, not being able to see the difference between a nudist and a breastfeeding mother is quite worrisome.Thankfully, while they may not use four-syllable words as generously as Mr Habib, our local cops will be able to assess the different types of situations just fine.

    And while I sometimes do worry our city of San Francisco is on the verge of losing its free spirit edge, I don’t see at all why this should be a straight or gay issue. Many many many of the Castro residents who complained of the behavior of a small minority were, indeed, just as gay and proud of it as our lecturing porn star.
    Yes, it is too bad the bad behavior of a small group of irresponsible idiots ruined what was one quirky and engaging side of San Francisco but I am sure they will find plenty of public spaces to be nude at – Baker Beach for instance.

    And finally, I hope a man who thought that voting does not matter and was indifferent to whether Mitt Romney or Barack Obama was elected President would have the decency not to lecture anyone on who is or is not a progressive. But at least, with this Board of Supervisor vote, this literate dumb-ass may have learned the relevance of, yes, going to vote to choose who leads our city or our country. If he is unhappy about the vote taken by the Board, I encourage him, if he is a local resident, to go vote next time.

    1. Conner Habib sucks

      “I hope a man who thought that voting does not matter and was indifferent to whether Mitt Romney or Barack Obama was elected President would have the decency not to lecture anyone on who is or is not a progressive. But at least, with this Board of Supervisor vote, this literate dumb-ass may have learned the relevance of, yes, going to vote to choose who leads our city or our country. If he is unhappy about the vote taken by the Board, I encourage him, if he is a local resident, to go vote next time.”

      This is my choice for quote of the week!

  9. The sexuality of the naked people is not the issue. It’s that they’re unattractive and have no business being naked in public in the first place.

    1. It is not even that they are unattractive. They could be gorgeous for all we care.
      It is that they took the tolerance people chose to have for their quirky lifestyle to be a green light to behave in ways that were disrespectful of the whole community and crossed many unacceptable lines.
      If you are given a freedom and you abuse it, that’s what happens.

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