Attacked In Amsterdam: Twink Porn Star Philippe Delvaux

This is what former porn star Philippe Delvaux looked like after a brawl with some of his Facebook friends Saturday night.

The drama unfolded inside and then outside of an Amsterdam nightclub where Delvaux and two Facebook friends (whom Delvaux had known, apparently, for less than a week) had spent most the evening. According to Delvaux, the two friends (Andre and Philip) “suddenly” beat him when they became jealous of the attention he was receiving up in the club.

Gay Socialites has translated Delvaux’s police statement from Dutch:

On Saturday, March 12 around 02.30 am I was at Roque Club in Amsterdam. I was here with Philip and a friend of his. I don’t know this friend, but Philip called him Andre. We were partying in the club and I got a lot of attention from the men there. Philip saw this and became jealous. I’ve known Philip since last week via Facebook. Suddenly Philip gave me a blow. This he did with his middle-finger hard against my nose. Then I felt a shooting pain through my nose. My nose began to bleed. Philip then pulled me by my shirt. Philip then let go. I then immediately went outside behind Philip and his friend because I wanted no drama in the club.When we were outside Philip grabbed me by my shirt down again. His friend held me down. I saw Philip’s right fist clenched and I saw that he took towards my nose. Then again I felt a stab of pain through my nose and it started to bleed more. I saw Philip‘s friend bring his fist towards my mouth. I felt pain in my lip because of the hit. My lip started to bleed then also. I tried to ward myself off bringing my arms to my head. In total I was beaten about 4 times. I then fell to the ground.

Philippe Delvaux, who is still hot even with the bloody face, retired from porn last year to pursue mainstream modeling and acting. In the states, he worked for Next Door Buddies, Hot House, Colt, and more.

Delvaux’s alleged attacker, Philip, tells that Philippe hit him first. Yes, they both have the same first name.

The story that Philippe Delvaux gave the media is in many respects inaccurate. I have no desire to respond to the illusion that I fell in love with him in 7 days via Facebook. It is true that on that eventful night I have given a blow. What Mr. Delvaux did not mention is that he first gave me a blow. So it was a reaction to his choice to use force. More hits are not the case. My friend Andre just kept apart didn’t give any blow. The scuffle happened outside Club Roque. There was no violence at the club. Following an altercation I left the club with Andre to go home. Mr. Delvaux ran after me and hit me. My hit was a reaction to his. As for me, everyone would have gone home. By Delvaux’s declaration and the fact that he is now looking for media attention, I feel compelled also to declare the blow he gave me. Andre is making a report of false declaration against Delvaux. I find it unfortunate that this article violates my privacy based on a very biased and partially inaccurate story of someone who seems very happy to appear in the media.

I really hope they work this all out. Here’s Philippe Delvaux and Kyle King flip-fucking.

[Hot House]

6 thoughts on “Attacked In Amsterdam: Twink Porn Star Philippe Delvaux”

  1. My thought on reading the reports was, “With all tht blowing going on why were they pissed off?”. I couldn’t help laughing at the “lost in translation” vocabulary. I don’t excuse violence but this is clearly a two sided story.

  2. I hate violence and don’t condone it at all. But, come on, the kid has a bloody nose and a split lip. worth going to the police over? Around here that’s just a bad friday night.

  3. There’s plenty of real gay bashing stories out there, some ending in murder, without having to sensationalize another gay porn performer’s hissy-slap fight. Interesting that this dude and Steven Daigle and Jayden Grey all brung the dudes that did them wrong (but got them press) to their parties.

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