Corbin Fisher “Select” Launches With New Bareback Content

Not quite a micro site because there are dozens of scenes already available for download, but not a mega site like the long-running original,, the new “Corbin Fisher Select” launched this week, and if you like bareback and cum eating, you’ll just love it. Preview below.

The main difference with CF Select is that there aren’t monthly recurring membership fees. Instead, each scene is available for individual purchase and download. Most are just $5 a pop. Pun intended!!

A lot of the scenes are previously unreleased clips featuring exclusives like Ethan and Josh (my favorites) bottoming bareback, as well as other exclusives Dru, Connor, Dawson, and Cain eating cum.

As mentioned and seen (obviously) above and below, there aren’t a lot of condoms on CF Select, so clutch your pearls if this offends you; clutch your cock if you’re into it.

[Corbin Fisher Select]


57 thoughts on “Corbin Fisher “Select” Launches With New Bareback Content”

  1. There are plenty of sites that offer bareback with hot guys (chaosmen, randyblue, seancody to name a few) that are included in the regular subscription rates. So its not like its a ground breaking concept of porn sites. I dont want to pay extra to see something that is already offered by the competition. But ill gladly subscribe to CF as soon as its included in the ACM site.

  2. I don’t see what the big deal is!

    I’m 22 years old (so part of the “Young Generation” mentioned in a few sites) and have cum (pun intended) across MANY websites during my “growth”. Some use protection; some don’t. From the first time I remember popping one due to a dude, I started watching Corbin Fisher videos; the safe-sex kind. The CF Select Bareback concept is VERY appealing to me. When I find a model on there who I think is hot, I always pray that at the end of the video there will be some cum-swallowing. Likewise, the bareback scenes are a huge turn on because the idea of avoiding that layer between two hot guys, is an arousing idea.

    That being said, I’m not about to go out and start having bareback sex. Those commenting on here about the “bad role modelling” give people NO credit! People still have the freedom to choose. Why does entertainment need to provide role models when the news constantly contradicts them? People will say “Don’t make video games where you need to blow people up” and “Don’t allow Rihanna to dress like that on prime-time TV”, yet they won’t say “Don’t show that news story because it involves a suicide bomber” or “Don’t show that news story because it involves a raped former escort”.

    The majority of our news is comprised of BAD people doing BAD things; BAD role models. Yet people don’t censor it. So WHY censor singers, actresses, video games, and now ADULT Entertainment – because they’re “bad” role models?

    Like somebody else said, you can’t escape HIV/AIDS campaigns these days; you get the education drummed in to you from an early age. People learn during childhood: Murder is WRONG, theft is WRONG. And for the majority of people; they’ll stay away from “wrong” acts. It’s the same with bareback. People are taught that it’s WRONG and DANGEROUS. The majority of people will have safe-sex. Those that don’t; won’t – and not because they’ve viewed bareback porn, but because the thrill of doing WRONG consumes them.

    Corbin is doing nothing immoral. Merely entertaining a different part of society. Leave them be, because at the end of the day, if you don’t like it, you don’t watch it. You keep watching their safe-sex videos on the original Corbin Fisher site.

  3. Forgive me if I’m wrong but wasn’t it a big issue for everyone that Straight performers where never tested and practice unprotected sex on screen; while gay performers where treated as a big giant disease you had to suit up for before going to town.
    I’m not really sure how much of an affect CF boys will have on gay youth especially sense most of the models claim to be straight. It’s entertainment at one of its most extreme forms but entertainment nonetheless. It’s up to you if you want to pay they’re light bill, so I don’t see much point in complaining about something you have already decided you don’t want to support.
    One other thing, for guys who say that they are straight the degree of sexual intercourse these men display reads right through that bullshit. It just goes to show you that porn industry sees it’s viewers as very unintelligent.

  4. During 2001–2004, in the 33 states with long-term, confidential name-based HIV reporting, 62% of the 17,824 persons 13–24 years of age given a diagnoses of HIV/AIDS were males, and 38% were females.

    Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

  5. The despicable lengths these smut peddlers go to to make another dollar. The bareback fetishing, and growing backlash against condoms in gay porn, is *truly* startling. I could forgive the ignorance of porn that did it in 1980, but in 2011 it’s just shocking. Sad.

  6. As a current Corbin Fisher subscriber, I really feel we are the losers in this situation and agree with some of the posters above. Our membership no longer guarantees best or exclusive access to content. We must pay extra for material that we could easily have viewed on the main site, which would have been easier to swallow if it wasn’t so obvious that CF has been saving bareback videos starring top models for the new site while posting very uneven updates on the main site.

    The a la carte purchase of scenes certainly has business savvy, though it’s not really that new (for example, Falcon charges $9.50 per scene for non-members, though it’s two-something for members). Charging for each download can result in much higher revenue than collecting flat-fee memberships, since currently a subscriber can have unlimited access to the catalog and download any and all videos. Charging by scene also attracts those who do not want to be tied down with a membership and hidden clauses. Who knows? Maybe very soon Cain and Trey will become household names.

    I hope this is not the beginning of the end of the membership system. I enjoy variety in my porn and oftentimes even if an update isn’t particularly good, I still watch and make the most of it. I also enjoy BTS and any extra content – I’ve kept my Randy Blue subscription because I like the chats, live shows, and interviews, even though the actual updates are, yes, sometimes very poorly directed and edited and drive me absolutely crazy. But to me porn is so much more than buying a single 20 minute scene and getting off.

    In all fairness, I would say $6-7 is an OK price for the best CF scene (not every scene). The models, editing, and production values are top-drawer. I can only hope if other sites follow suit, they produce higher quality scenes because some of what other sites put out now definitely do not merit this price.

  7. Former HIV educator here. Condomless sex is the natural and normal kind… impulsive… and emotional.

    All the effort educators spend is to get people to do something that isn’t first nature to them. To stop for a minute. To put on something that you otherwise wouldn’t. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn’t.

    CF and the rest of the bareback films aren’t “making” people engage in raw sex. While I don’t think it’s wise to be a bareback porn star, it’s not the porn that’s making people fuck without condoms — it’s human nature.

  8. Sorry, Guillermo3…that’s your opinion, and please get your eyes checked. These extremely handsome models are why Corbin Fisher is so popular.

  9. You know guys, this is the most ridiculous crap I’ve seen these days. BB or NOT..CUT THE CARP don’t watch it, don’t buy it. Go somewhere else and see your rabbits mating. No one force them to do so. Is money, from CF or anyone else, is all about money. Is really funny read some of the arguments here, from ppl who are watching porn, cause they are here for porn or they just were surfing and found TS by accident? IF THEY WANT TO DO SO, THEY WILL DO SO. Will die young or old? is their prerogative not ours. I am not an US citizen and DAMN I am glad I’m not cause all of these false belief on ” we are better than you” is what really stand up for some of you.

  10. Haven’t watched Corbin Fisher in so long, because membership is too expensive. However, I love Conner..I never get tied of watching him. Gives 100 percent in his performances.

  11. Serious question here, how much do CF pay their models? It must be a whole lot because I wonder how the CF guy can do almost ANYTHING on film(fisting is probably on their plans) and still honestly claim to be “straight”. I’m curious about how much can get a “straight” guy to eat cum and go bareback with a guy knowing the risks.

  12. I really loathe the gay voyeurs who love to watch beautiful young men engage in the riskest form of sex for their viewing pleasure. If you find unprotected anal sex titilating, practice it in your own life. Don’t tell me that if i don’t like it, don’t buy it, i won’t. The real problem here is that they are sending a message to young gay men that it is beautiful, healthy and fun to engage in condomless sex. Stop being enablers. Send a message to CF. Don’t buy this stuff.

  13. I’m really not trying to argue with you. But, adult material does have mainstream distribution. The On Demand Video service from my cable company (Charter) shows 15 different adult studios available. (No gay content however) So, I still think it’s mostly supply and demand.

    1. There’s definitely a greater variety of very limited distribution, but it’s very limited. For instance don’t let anyone fool you in to thinking Colt actually makes any money off of their branded sex toys all over the place. The retail store selling them makes some money, the manufacturer/distributor makes some, and that’s about it. The branded company on them might make, no joke, a few cents off of a unit (no pun intended) that sells for dozens of dollars.

      Same is true for cable and even hotel PPV. Retail establishment (in this case either the cable company or the hotel) makes some, the distributor does (the company that inks the deal with the cable provider or hotel chain), but the producer might actually only make pennies per transaction.

      But again, arguing cost and then bringing cable and hotel PPV in to it is sorta odd because your cable provider might charge you $10-$15 to *rent* the movie… one time… with a time limit that expires so even if you don’t finish it, the movie goes away. You can’t save it or keep it and if you want to watch it again, that’s another $10-$15. So a $5 price tag on a video you can keep forever looks even better.

      Definitely not trying to argue either but I think it’s a bit unfair to assume there’s no other reason for the prices we see in adult beyond just a producer trying to make as much money as possible. Adult producers also have to pay higher transaction fees with banks and credit card companies than traditional retailers, so now you gotta take in to consideration a decent chunk of whatever you pay for a video might get taken away by the banks, processors and CC companies before it even comes close to ever reaching the producers’ hands. And while a Hollywood studio can print so many DVD copies their per unit cost is almost negligible, when you’re only printing a few thousand copies you don’t get the discounts the Hollywood studios do so may be paying $1-$3/unit just in replication and printing.

      As you might be able to tell I’ve worked for some adult studios, as well as a major Hollywood studio. But don’t just take my word for it – info on associated costs and all are out there. If adult producers could go much cheaper, someone would – it’d be a smart move, because they could undercut everyone’s prices and put everyone else outta business. But no one has done that because you can only go so low before you actually start losing money on each transaction. And so the super cheap stuff that’s out there is either old stuff repackaged and re-licensed, pirated stuff being sold illegally, or featuring lower quality production, resolutions, models, etc.

      1. I’ve worked in the entertainment industry too. All the things you say are true. But, from a consumer stand point it comes down to what I’m willing to pay for something. The consumer doesn’t consider any of those things you’ve mention nor would I expect them to.

  14. This is just silly. You are missing the big story and concentrating on the bareback “scandal”. They are leading the way in the industry by introducing micro-payment sites where one does not have to pay a monthly membership and can download individual scenes. I predict that this will be the wave of the future, much like I-tunes was for music.

    1. Well, it is much like I-tunes except for one thing: $5.00 is too high. At I-tunes I can download (for example) Dr Who from the BBC for $1.99 for SD and $2.99 for HD. Dr Who costs a hell of lot more to produce than anything at Corbin Fisher.

      Why would I pay $5.00 for something with a run time of around 20 minutes?

      1. That’s a bit of an odd comparison. On iTunes as well, you can buy a song for $0.99 or $1.29… oftentimes <5 minutes of purely audio content, with no video. Why would anyone pay 65% of the cost of an SD TV episode for just a few minutes of audio?

        iTunes started out with music at $0.99/file. So a $5.00 video on CF's new site is about 5x the cost of an iTunes music file… and often 5 times the length, and is a hi-res video file. Seems fair there.

        Further, the primary means of distribution for Dr. Who (or most any other TV show on iTunes) is TV itself. By the time it appears on iTunes, it will have also made the producers money through its TV broadcast, and is probably bringing in some money through syndication, licensing, merchandise, and so on. And it'll get sold as a DVD at some point, if not already.

        The comparable episodes on CF's new site are the "Classics", which have already appeared on the CF membership website and so this new micropayment site is not their primary or sole means of distribution. Those are $3/episode (not $5). The ones priced over $5 are ones that have not been available through a membership to CF before. So in that sense, $3 for a "Classic" episode is a whole lot more fair – especially when you consider adult DVDs cost 2-3 times more than their mainstream, non-adult counterparts, a subscription to an adult website can be 2-3 times more than a monthly subscription to Netflix, and so on (which is to say, the per-unit cost of adult material being greater than mainstream, non-adult, "Hollywood" material has long been established and has been around long, long before this new CF site ever came along).

        1. I know you won’t think so…but you sort proved my point. Why do adult films cost more than non-adult counterparts. It’s not the cost of production, which is clearly lower. The answer: they charge what the market will bear. As long as we continue to buy overpriced adult material, they will continue to over charge for it.

          1. Surely part of it is just that the market has allowed it. It’s also about other factors, though. Like I mentioned before, mainstream has other means of distribution and revenue generation that are not available to adult. So while cost may be greater for them, they can also reach a greater audience and get far greater return, from many different sources. That’s just not the case with adult, who are limited in who can they distribute their product to and how. So it’s not always just about what someone can get away with. I think you’d see the prices of adult videos go down if they were able to sell them on iTunes, at Best Buy, release them in thousands of theatres around the country and world, have them broadcast on both premium cable and free TV channels, print DVDs at the volume a Hollywood studio would, etc.

            It’s all relative. Spider-Man 3’s production budget was 1/4 of it’s worldwide box office gross. Then add in DVD sales (foreign and domestic), licensing, merchandise, digital sales, and the production budget – though huge – would end up being a fraction of total gross.

            An adult film’s production budget might not come anywhere remotely near what a Hollywood studio’s film’s budget it, but it’s likely safe to assume the gross for that adult film is also but a fraction of the mainstream film’s gross.

          2. There are about 500,000,000 Dr. Who fans.

            I’m going to guess that Corbin’s fan base is a lot smaller. Dr. Who videos will sell steadily like they have for decades. Corbin scenes will feature guys with out-dated hair and wearing “tacky 2011” board shorts in no time. The audience is smaller, the shelf life is shorter. And Dr. Who releases about 8 scenes every 18 months or so. Corbin does what… two a week?

          3. $5 a pop … well, seems like after you’ve purchased 6 videos you’ve spent $30. Many, if not most, gay porn sites charge just about $30 for a months worth of unlimited viewing. So, you have to choose between 6 scenes (about 2 hours) worth of content as opposed to 24/7 for 30 days. There is plenty of bareback material out there if that is what you’re looking for and at reasonable monthly rates (and lots of bonus offers and content bringing the price down even further). If it work for Corbin Fisher then that’s great, that is what business is all about. However, anyone who is watching their money will, I think, find better value elsewhere. I like a lot of Fisher’s models but there is no increase in erotic value to watch them have bareback sex for the additional money. And, while HIV/AIDS might be manageable for some that is not the case for everyone – people still die everyday from AIDS. And, while the decision to have unprotected sex, is the responsibility of each individual so should be the cost of their medications and treatments should they become infected. Government funding is drying up and there are many people who are now doing without their meds because they don’t have adequate insurance and volunteer and funded programs are shutting down.

  15. Corbin Fisher? Wow I had almost forgot all bout them, I guess it proves that bareback porn is indeed the last refuge of the hasbeen.

  16. They make money with bareback sex. Not very novel these days. I wonder if their next step is to seperate the models based on hair colors so members are “finally” able to pick and choose to be a member of just one CF site that only features blonds, browns, blacks, or redheads?

  17. Man that looks great! Unlike some of the BB sites, the guys actually look fantastic and have not just shot something up! I look at it like this, if they are tested and are fine with doing it, then go for it. It is not going to make me BB in my life. Just my opinion!

  18. To me, bareback just looks like tens of thousands of medical bills, increased opportunity for mutated diseases, potential increase of premature death, pills, pills, pills, more visits to the doctor, more rejections by HIV negative sexual partners… and it seems as dumb as smoking. In the 1970’s it made sense. In the 1980’s ( THIRTY years ago) it was forgivable, because word was still getting out…. now? Are you kidding? How could one not know that this is a deadly disease. Sure, it’s ‘managable’ but who wants to ‘manage’ their health for the next 30-50 years?

    1. So, to be clear, it was fine when YOU were fucking around without protection, but now that you’re thirty years older it’s inexpressibly stupid. Is that right?

  19. Unprotected anal intercourse is the most dangerous sexual activity one can engage in. Life is full of risks but this is one definitely not worth taking. Having these physically beautiful young men engage in it sends out a very bad message to young gay men. One way to send a message to CF that we do not approve of the “condom free” videos is not to buy them and encourage our friends not to buy them either.

  20. At the end of day if a condom isn’t used for anal sex i dont want to support it. Therefore I won’t buy any more of their videos.

    1. I am going to disagree with you here. The lack of condoms takes me out of the fantasy. Even if I know the performers are tested and assumed to be reasonably safe, condomless sex scenes give me the wiggins.

      Having said that, maybe people who are outraged by condomless porn should turn their attention to providing sexual health education to this recent crop of performers. They’re the product of nearly 12 years of abstinence only sex education policy. It’s not the porn that’s doing it, I’m going to speculate it’s the reverse of that. These young men are pig-ignorant about their bodies, and that’s why they’re willing to do these scenes.

      I hope the doctors that do their tests are having long conversations with them.

  21. The biggest thing about this that offends me is that it’s the gay customer who likes bareback that has to pay extra to see bareback. I wondered why CF didn’t do bareback on the ACM site when they do it on the ACS site, and now I know why. CF wanted to charge the gays more to view it. It’s just that simple, and that is insulting and a slap in the face to the gay customer who made CF what it is today. This sends a loud and clear message that the gays can fuck themselves and hand over their money. Period. Str8 & bi customers can watch bareback with a paid membership, not pay-per-view.

    1. Oh please. Like str8 and bi men are big Corbin Fisher customers. This is about reaching a new consumer, probably one with less money to throw around (hence, all they need is five bucks to own a full scene), and you’ll start seeing more of this from other studios.

      1. Zach, I don’t know what scenes you were looking at, but the cheapest is 5.95 for old scenes, many with models who are no longer at CF. The majority are $7, and a full movie is around $44. CF is making more money doing it this way, but it all boils down to more money if you wanted to purchase every scene. I still say the customer is being screwed over (without a condom).

    2. I think Steve’s on the right track; when I look at the site, the bareback scenes are priced higher than the ones with condoms.

      1. On further inspection, I see that those condomed scenes are quite old. So maybe that explains the price difference to some extent. But it’s interesting to note that the scenes gay men would find most enticing (bareback scenes without the interfering female) are also the most expensive.

  22. It sets a terrible precedent and is one more step toward the annihilation of another generation of gay men and all for a buck and the inability to say “no.”

    BB movies resonate with gay men, particularly young ones, and the culture in which they exist all around the world.

    Having just returned from a month in the Pines, I can assure everyone that young gay men who look like the guys above and everything in between, are humping each other like bunny rabbits, three-ways and multi-partner sex are commonplace, and condoms are seldom to be found.

    My idea of freedom is being alive and being healthy and not being dead because I f*ucked a stranger and didn’t use the one thing that could save my life.

    In the ’90s condoms were available everywhere on Fire Island and they’ve effectively disappeared just as the BB film business continues to grow.

    There is a connection between what we see and what we do and CFs decision to join the ranks of BB filmmakers is not incidental.

    Marriage or not, drugs, sex and crazy promiscuity remains the calling card of the gay community and BB movies from a relatively mild porn house like CF does not help us save lives.

    Its now an advocate of the same extreme, life threatening hedonism that is oftentimes the most common thread linking the global gay community which, as someone who has lived around the world, can say I’ve seen for myself during the past twenty years.

    Unprotected sex kills. There is a moral imperative when the lives of our own are truly and regularly still at stake and the decisions made by our porn makers, party promoters, & cruise line operators, for example, establish standards of behavior that unequivocally shapes the way we think about ourselves, each other and the nature of sex.

    1. Jonathan, you say: “My idea of freedom is being alive and being healthy and not being dead because I f*ucked a stranger and didn’t use the one thing that could save my life.”

      Well, this is clearly not the idea of freedom of the performers on this Corbin Fisher site, nor does it seem the idea of freedom for all of those Fire Island guys you mention. The safe-sex/condom message is out there and gay men, young and old, are still choosing to fuck without condoms. There is plenty of porn being produced using condoms, so everyone has had the opportunity to witness porn performers BOTH choosing to use condoms and choosing NOT to use condoms. Men do have the ability to say no, but many choose not to.

      Perhaps many older gays, or porn vets, or the porn companies behind this bareback porn don’t care about the “annihilation of another generation of gay men,” as you put it. If so, then those who do care need to be at their most ingenious and come up with new porn, or new models for thinking about safe-sex, or new or more effective ways to get the message out there that using condoms is the only choice.

      It is possible that millions of gays really do believe that hot sex without condoms IS worth the risk of HIV/STD infection, IS worth the risk of eventual sickness and death. How can one sway or change this value system? Now that’s an amazing although seemingly futile challenge.

      1. Right Neil!! As an older gay,I’ve seen too many people dying,or dead.There’s no doubt that the idea of having unprotected sex is a thrill,or that
        actually doing it bareback is potentially deadly ,or that watching BB-ing can be a thrill.There’s also no doubt that the porn corps will do anything
        for a buck,including selling death as “the ultimate thrill.” What’s discouraging is that very “arty” un-protected sex in porn (ex .Blackspark) is all
        the rage now & given publicity in “responsible”/”respectable” gay media such as “Out” & “Swish Edition”,especially since most youth of any sexual
        orientation always has/probably always will believe themselves to be immortal.

          1. You need a bitchslapping for that! you may not believe that these guys are attractive, but clearly there’s plenty of guys that disagree with you!

  23. The more I find out about Corbin Fisher…most everything about this operation offends me. They won’t be getting any more money from me.

  24. I love Dawson too, totally hot and dreamy and sexy as hell! He made DNA’s sexiest men alive 2011 this year in a hot hot photo! He is by far my fave cf guy.

  25. It DOES offend me. The fact that this is happening at the same time as the industry is freaking out over another HIV scare does not go unnoticed.

  26. So did they smuggle the Caverject into Costa Rica or was it procured on site? Maybe that’s where the TSA animus comes from… “I swear it’s just insulin! I’m a diabetic!” LOL!

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