gay porn star chris porter

“Where Is Chris Porter Now?”

Going to NakedSword will tell you where they were, what they did, and with whom before they said “see ya.” A new exclusive feature is premiering at The Sword today to find out “Where Are They Now?” First up, Chris Porter.

In 2010, Chris Porter went from being a sous chef to a Raging Stallion exclusive. A couple of years later, he left it all behind to pursue a music career. In between, Chris Porter was a recurring character for the groundbreaking “Golden Gate” series for NakedSword Originals.

How have the last four years treated Chris Porter? Is be back to the kitchen or onto the concert stage? Of all of his scenes, which one turned him on the most? Chris Porter takes us back, points us forward, and plugs us into exactly where he is now.

gay porn star chris porterThe Sword: Chris, we’re really excited to catch up with you, thank you for your time. Looking back, what’s the scene you loved filming the most?
Chris Porter / Stose: Thank you for asking, I’m glad to do it! I think the scene I had the most fun filming was the scene I did with Damien Crosse for “Drenched in Piss County”. It was filmed in Sonoma, where we stayed in this incredible house on a vineyard for about a week. The scenery alone was incredible. But the scene I did with Damien Crosse was one of those rare scenes where the chemistry was actually there and we just kept going even after the director would cut. It didn’t feel like work because we were having such a good time.

gay porn star chris porter
“Depths of Desire” Part 1, directed by Erik Rhodes & starring Chris Porter
Best memory for your time in the industry?
There were definitely highs and lows when it came to working in the porn industry, but I think the highs clearly outweighed the lows. There were many great moments which makes it difficult to choose just one. There was my first time working for Falcon, where I got to be in a scene directed by Erik Rhodes. Over the course of that eight hour scene, Erik and I bonded over music and overall outlook on life and the friendship that came from that is something I will never take for granted. He was a truly incredible person that I miss a lot. Additionally, other great moments included events such as presenting at the Grabbys and the countless appearances I had the privilege of doing that took me all over the world and introduced me to so many great people. And most importantly, the industry brought me together with a man that I fell in love with and have spent the last six years of my life with.

gay porn star chris porter
Chris w/ Donny Wright & Brad Star in “Golden Gate” Season One

Who were your favorite co-stars, directors?

I was lucky enough to be paired up with a lot of great scene partners. Off the top of my head, some of my favorite co-stars were Colby Keller, Derek Atlas, Damien Crosse, and Conner Habib. As for directors, Erik Rhodes was incredible to work with. Additionally, Tony DiMarco was great to work with and inspired me a lot. He spotted my interest in moving from in front of the camera to behind it. I had taken filmmaking classes in the past and made movies, but never really pursued that avenue outside of schooling. Tony DiMarco saw some pictures and video I would take behind the scenes on different shoots, and he gave me the opportunity to work second camera on a few different shoots. That opportunity made me really realize how much I enjoyed being behind the camera.

How was it being associated with the Golden Gate franchise from the very beginning?
Golden Gate was a great experience and I loved being a part of it. My time spent with Naked Sword was incredible. From being their first exclusive to being able to work on a project as fresh and creative as Golden Gate, it included many of the highlights from my time spent in the industry. Jack Shamama and Tim Valenti were really great to work with and I can’t thank them enough for giving me the opportunities they did.

gay porn star chris porter
“Civil Disobedience” from Stose — aka Chris Porter
Chris Porter, where are you now?
Since leaving the industry I have shifted my focus back to music and writing, two things that I spent all my time doing before. We spent most of 2012 living in Greece, where I was attempting to get my citizenship. My father is from Greece and all of my family on his side still lives there, the hope was to get my citizenship so that we could continue to live and work in Europe. As you may know, 2012 was not a great time for Greece, so my citizenship never got processed. While living overseas, we were able to spend time in Egypt, which had just gone through a revolution, Arab Spring. Experiencing what had happened in these countries was a truly eye-opening experience, these people were tired of corruption and injustice, so they did something about it. My time spent in these two countries manifested my “Civil Disobedience” EP. It also pushed me to get involved in activism here in our country, with the amount of corruption and injustice in our own country, it’s hard to duck the feeling of being helpless, but getting out on the streets and letting your voice be heard is a critical necessity.

gay porn star chris porter
Stose today with the Chris Porter’sex appeal still in effect.
When it comes to my music specifically, I have just been working non-stop. I went on a US tour, released two albums and many other free singles, had the music video for my song “Mistfits” debut on Paper Magazine, I directed and edited the video for my last single “Full Blown Panic Attack”, I was featured on an MTV list for queer musicians, I have also had features on New Now Next and World of Wonder, I also had the pleasure of playing Fallapalooza, which was a music fest curated by The Tonight Show. Additionally, I also just started a new side-project band with one of my good friends from Virginia and we will be releasing some music soon.

I am currently working on trying to go back to school for a writing degree and see where that takes me. Overall things are pretty great right now, I have immersed myself back into my creative desires, and that is what truly makes me happy.

So where Chris Porter is Now is in a very happy place. Well done, Chris Porter Stose. Well done.

What is your favorite Chris Porter movie?

19 thoughts on ““Where Is Chris Porter Now?””

  1. Hi Chris. I’m leaving you a comment here because I just saw another interview with you on queerty. I just wanted to tell you that I was absolutely shocked and appalled by the ignorant, envious insults that were thrown at you! Who do these people think they are, anyway? If anybody is “super ugly,” it’s the people that said things like that! (I’m not even sure they deserve to be called people, exactly..). Nobody cares about anybody’s feelings anymore, and I am thoroughly sickened and embarrassed to be part of this society that humans have constructed. If it makes you feel any better about any of this, please understand and believe that you are a beautiful man and that God made you that way. Trust me, I have endured my fair share of harassment and abuse simply because of the way I look. I used to think it was because people didn’t like the way I looked. However, I now realize that people do like the way I look, but they don’t like the fact that they like the way I look. Homophobia and self-hate are pretty much inseparable. Hang in there, man. All of this will soon be behind us..

  2. I really enjoyed his scenes with Donny Wright and Brad Starr! Always wondered what happened to Brad? I’m glad to see that he is happy in life

  3. Chris Porter that p*** in a music career something better for you and you can make a long career out of it looking for you into your future I’m glad you got a nice husband to be with for 6 years you look very happy good for you to get out now cuz you’re still young and you look for a better future I hope you and your husband are very happy and I’m glad to see you’re all right good luck to you and your future

    1. I really enjoyed his scenes with Donny Wright and Brad Starr! Always wondered what happened to Brad? I’m glad to see that he is happy in life

    1. I used to be a p*** model myself back in the day. I won’t go into detail here, but that industry can lead models astray into a very dark world with unmentionable consequences. I’m doing okay now, too. And I’m so happy to see that Chris has gotten his act together and is doing what he is passionate about most. I’ve always found him beautiful. And trust me, I don’t usually say that about most people.

  4. Good on you, Chris.
    Congratulations on your new career.
    I hope Greece is treating you well.
    I work in Music as a composer, keyboard player, arranger and vocal tutor.
    Should you ever need some guidance or support in Music then I would be only too delighted to help.
    Please keep in touch.
    With my very best wishes,

  5. How old is he? Also, any chance he’s still with Samuel Colt? The scene they did as Coach and athlete is my absolute favorite, so hot.

  6. Love you STOSE. Your music, your activism, your heart and your head are all in the right place. I’m so proud to call you my friend!

  7. Other than being a gorgeous bottom who’s given my dick many a happy time, he comes across as a young man with a level head on his shoulders.

    I still remember his activism highlighting the plight of the Palestinians.

    More power to you Stose. May you lead a happy life !

  8. Perhaps a better question would be, Where is his hairline now? Talk about premature male pattern baldness. Also, it’s delightful how articulate he is here, and a shame he chooses not to communicate as such elsewhere.

  9. Shit I’m old. I remember jacking off to his stuff when I was younger. Back in my scruffy twink days.

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