“He Came To My Company To Be In Porn”

Paul Morris finds a new model to join the Treasure Island Media family.

If you can’t tell from the massive cock, it’s former Hot House performer Ethan Wolfe. He hasn’t made a movie in a couple of years, but I’ve seen him around town and just assumed he had quietly retired. Morris says Ethan has “been in a good deal of porn already and is fairly famous. But the fact that he’s from Kansas and is an ex-soldier gave him a refreshing charm and decency.”

Another caption reads, “Here’s a man who has gone through war and pornography and is still just fine. There was something simple, warm and generous about his physicality, his embodiment. It reminded me of a phrase by Walt Whitman: ‘And your very flesh shall be a great poem.'” Ah, yes, I was thinking the same thing.

The other captions and photos from Morris’ Flickr stream don’t indicate whether or not Ethan has actually signed on to appear in Treasure Island movies, but if he did, he wouldn’t be the first “mainstream” (read: condom) gay porn star to hook up with a bareback studio. The list is endless, and the company that boasts the most big names is probably SX: Antonio Biaggi, Rusty Stevens, former Falcon exclusive Jason Tyler, “Jude” (a.k.a. Kelly Taylor), and of course one of the biggest names from Falcon, Josh Weston, have all filmed for the bareback studio. Meanwhile, Treasure Island has welcomed Marcus Iron, Cory Koons, and Randy Blue’s Diego Sans, while cum slut extraordinaire Jeff Palmer joined Hot Desert Knights.

Here’s a little of Ethan’s glossy, condom-only career with Hot House. Stay tuned(?) for his bareback debut…

[Hot House]


20 thoughts on ““He Came To My Company To Be In Porn””

  1. How can you guys complain about TIM and then fawn all over the Maverick Men in another thread (all of their scenes are bareback).

    And didn’t Chris Porter shoot with TIM too??

    1. See, my problem isn’t even with the lack of condoms. My problem is with Paul Morris’ cavalier attitude towards infection, his “Blah blah blah, AIDS is over” justifications, and the way he eroticizes the transmission of the disease. I get it, it’s transgressive and so it appeals to some people’s fantasies. But. . .I just can’t with him.

      And if I remember correctly, Chris addressed his involvement in his blog – namely that he only shot a solo, when he was new to the industry and didn’t know the controversial nature of the studio. When he learned, he severed all ties. I could be wrong, but I think that was the stated position.

    2. Maverick men actually care about there modles i know i worked with them twice and they make sure your clean u have your papers and everything there bareback is different from TIM bareback

  2. Believeing the only way you can make cash is too endanger yourself by doing BB vids is turning to the darkside. Sure its his choice and good for him. But it says alot about his state of mind and reckless behavior. AND yes Mr. Morris DOES exploit his models. He encourages young men to risk their own safety for his own bank account…instead of leading them towards emotional help. Dudes get it str8, promoting BB sex is nothing short of IGNORANT.
    BB vids are the destruction of gay porn….just watch and see.

  3. The man is an adult capable of making his own decisions. I hardly think he is being exploited, and just because he is doing bareback does not make him a bad person. It’s his right to choose to do that and if you don’t like that then don’t watch his new bareback scenes, but to attack him for doing bareback is just mean and hateful.

    America is a free county!

    1. i understand he has the right to do anything he wants but if the article was about a black/Latin/asain doing bareback there would be a up cry and people tearing that person down.

  4. There is nothing ‘darkside’ about fucking the way you want to. Adults can make choices to enjoy themselves when they screw.

    1. Even if you want to argue that condomless sex isn’t the ‘darkside’ – being exploited by Paul Morris probably is.

      1. Morris pays them doesn’t he? These guys are not being exploited, they get paid in exchange for performing in a video just like any other porn star. Fuck a stranger for cash. Chi Chi LaRue exploites the men in his videos in much the same way. A pornographer is a pornographer makes no difference its bareback or not.

        1. Actually, in the last article on the subject on this blog, Paul Morris stated that he did not pay most of the models in his employ. And even if they were being paid, they would still be employees in a hazardous workplace. Generally speaking, the assumption in America is that the employer has a responsibility to protect the employees from harm. In porn, it may be condoms or testing or a combination of both — a choice for the performers and the directors to make. But Paul Morris advocates the use of neither, ridicules people who are interested in ethical porn, and sits back to collect the profit.

        2. Those who appear in porn videos are expendable, and their porn careers won’t last anyway, so it doesn’t matter what happens to them. Why worry if they might infect or re-infect one another with HIV while making bareback videos? Those who choose to make bareback porn do so for our pleasure and are paid for it. We needn’t care about them as fellow human beings.

          1. you've got to be kidding

            Commenter – What a douchebag thing to say. For people who scream, cry, plead and moan for tolerance and acceptance, the gay community has some of the most intolerant, hateful people I’ve ever met. Everything is fine as long as people agree with you. If they don’t or choose something different than you would choose (because you’re apparently perfect and you have life all figured out), then they are expendable life pawns who shouldn’t be regarded as human. Get some professional help. Seriously.

          2. Your screen name says it all, kidding. Sorry if my sarcasm escaped you. Your reply might better apply to Czer’s comment.

  5. Always thought he was kinda hot then he dropped off the radar for a while and resurfaced briefly with stallion and then vanished again. He’s bigger then I remembered, even when soft geez.

  6. Ethan Wolfe always struck me as a man with a beautiful cock that , hum, wouldn’t be in porn otherwise if you know what I mean. Plus he seemed to be more of a bottom which couldn’t have helped. On the plus side, many prettier and more famous pornstars used to have kind words for him as a person back then.
    As for the barebacking … well, we are past the point where I can muster any outrage that a washed-up pornstar think this is somehow a good idea.

    PS: Didn’t the blog use to have a “track the comments in this post” function where we could receive emails to alert us of responses on a topic we commented on? I would love to have that back.

  7. To be fair, Marcus Iron and Diego Sans just did oral scenes for Treasure Island … (so far) (as far as I know). One big omission form your Treasure Island list who did do anal is Jacob Slater.

    Also, the list of condom stars to appear in SX Video’s is much longer than what you’ve listed — you’re forgetting Jack Ryan of course, but also Chad Conners, Carlos Morales, Drew Peters, Dominic Ryder, probably quite a few others.

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