Is Dawson Riley’s Gay Porn Comeback Over Before It Even Began?

One year after his hostile and insult-laden exit from gay porn, Dawson Riley thought he’d make a comeback! How’s that working out? Not good. Not good at all.

Dawson’s public apology to fans, industry peers, and ex-boyfriend/fellow retiree Josh Griffin coupled with the claim that he quit porn because of a brain tumor hasn’t been enough, so far, to convince anyone to put him in a scene, which is surprising. Doesn’t controversy sell memberships and DVDs? What better way to draw attention to your studio than to hire one of the most disliked and/or “difficult” performers today? (Note the near universal smackdown Dawson received in the comments to this post.) After all, how many times has Jason Adonis come back? Then again, Dawson Riley is no Jason Adonis.

As of this posting, at least two studios from what Dawson Riley called “a world of circus clowns and animals” have turned him down. Randy Blue (the one and only studio where Dawson worked previously) tells The Sword, “No. At this time he is not coming back to work with us.” Meanwhile, a source close to Jet Set, who Dawson had been courting on Twitter over the past few weeks, says that they “would not cast him. It’s too much already.” Presumably, “it” being Dawson’s considerable baggage, which includes a wife and two small children. If any studio does hire him, I’ll be sure to cover it here and give them the attention they obviously want.

For what it’s worth, the axe-wielding brain tumor survivor decided to take things to another level last night on Twitter by coming out of the closet as not just gay, but “gay all the way.” In fact he’s so gay all the way, it made him want to cry. And if you believe him, you might have a brain tumor, too.



16 thoughts on “Is Dawson Riley’s Gay Porn Comeback Over Before It Even Began?”

  1. Brain tumor? I was with him at Gay Pride two years ago before his first scene with Randy Blue came out. At that time he was “gay all the way”. I am not sure about the brain tumor issue (sounds like an excuse drama queen and washed up former twink star Aaron Tyler would use to get the sympathy vote) but I do remember hearing the dish about why he left in the first place. He apparently has a very religious and homophobic family…fundies all the way… and the pressure of being himself and trying to cope with the family became too much for him. So he departed and subsequently did what a lot of young people that are forced to live in the closet do- found a girl…breeded like a good Christian heterosexual boy would do and tried to play that role. But doing that eventually catches up with one, as we have seen in many cases and perhaps now he has found the courage to be himself. Now if this was the actual reason (take note I heard this second hand but from a real reliable source) then why come up with a “brain tumor”. Why not explain to the fans and studios that religious shame and guilt piled on by family members were to blame for his departure.

    Love The Sword- keep us posted :)

    1. Wait a second… I’m veering of topic here but have you fallen out with Aaron Tyler? I remember reading on your blog not too long ago that he was your housemate and like a son to you.

  2. Al Parker from the Grave

    @ggreen I feel the same way about the comments on blogs, social media/the internet has given the banal a voice and misguided sense of importance. Porn models today should stuff a cock in it, and audience needs to shut up and watch the show…

  3. He could of approached this differently and let his work speak for himself rather than take it to twitter to fill some sort of drama addiction. Maybe something ala The Black Spark and release a video on his own that was intriguing and interesting. Not everybody has to like the guy but if his “work” gets your dick hard he should consider his job done and goal accomplished.

  4. Well it’s great that he has turned to Diesel Washington. I remember Diesel going into the “development of young talent” business. So this coupled with Diesel’s expertise at press, Dawson Riley should be back to work in no time!

  5. On a blog someone linked his “real” facebook page (real name ) about a week ago. Being the nosy Gladys Kravitz I am I clicked on it and there was a picture of him in a military uniform and under his info wrote he was married, interested in women and that he had two kids (one of whom was identified as being a month old). I guess someone tipped him off, the page was deleted.

    So again, I wonder how is someone who suffered a serious neurological episode able and allowed to go into the military just a short time later? Anyone?

  6. I miss the days when porn “stars” were simply exhibitionists. They didn’t elevate themselves to the heights of Einstein, Voltaire or movie stars. They kept their opinions to themselves and talked very little.

    1. Youre so cool! I dont suppose Ive learn anything like this before. So good to find somebody with some original ideas on this subject. realy thanks for starting this up. this web site is one thing that’s needed on the web, somebody with slightly originality. helpful job for bringing one thing new to the internet!

    2. Hi Kristi,Were you talking about the pickup truck song I had playing in the background on my blog?If so It is “Pick up Man” by Joe Diffie.Did you get your snow?Tracey

    3. FCS and Revamping of Office is just a gimmick (Management tricks) by Ministry and CGPDTM to hold the new examiners as long as possible. Otherwise their invetsment in recruiting and training will go waste.

  7. I”m surprised no one has bitten. It seems like fairly impossible porn stars do okay, even if they’re not headliners. Look at Topher DiMaggio or Jayden Grey–still working. Lots of historical examples, too. All he really needed to do was discreetly come back and suddenly re-appear. then he could have laid on the sob stories.he’s claimed to be gay before, even a sub bottom. The whole thing just gets tiresome.

  8. Oh, lord.

    The whiff of desperation coming off this young man is dangerously unsexy. I think, maybe, if he’d approached a producer in private to find new work, made his public apologies in a more low-key manner, and didn’t conduct himself like he was one dick-sucking gig away from having his house repossessed by the bank. . .it might could have worked. But this whole promotion blitz, the crocodile-tearful apologies, the drama and handwringing have turned him from a sexy possible jerkass to the most unappealing, sexually unattractive kind of man ever — a pity fuck.

    I mean, porn seems to love jerkasses. But nobody wants to sleep with a charity case. (Is that too harsh of me? I really do feel bad for him. And that’s the problem.)

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