Congratulations(?), Phillip Aubrey, you are the Aden Jaric of 2011!
Since Sunday, all we’ve had to go on were Spencer Reed’s tweets–tweets that claimed his (now ex) boyfriend Phillip Aubrey had stabbed him–but today, The Sword can exclusively confirm that Phillip Aubrey has in fact been charged in Washington D.C. on two counts: One simple assault charge and one charge of attempted possession of a prohibited weapon (presumably, the knife used to stab Reed). That knife wound landed Reed in the hospital over the weekend, where he received 27 stitches.
Reed is now resting comfortably and out of the hospital, updating his relationship status on Facebook, and will have the chance to face his alleged knife-wielding ex-boyfriend when Aubrey is due back in court on July 25th for a hearing. Until then, a “stay away” order has been issued against Aubrey, which is standard procedure in a domestic violence case.
Aubrey has not responded to The Sword’s request for comment, and it’s doubtful he will. Within an hour of sending him a message on Facebook this afternoon asking if he’d like to respond to this story, Aubrey deleted his Facebook page.
Court records obtained from the District of Columbia Courts (yes, his real life first name is the same as his porn first name):
Reed and Aubrey had long been considered one of gay porn’s power couples, having been together for over a year and a half (the gay porn equivalent of a lifetime) and always appearing at industry events hand-in-hand, smiling. Reed’s popularity and prolific rise as a leading performer was solidified this year with multiple award wins and nominations–including the coveted XBiz Performer of the Year award–while Aubrey found consistent, if not lower profile, success working for a variety of studios.
On Valentine’s Day this year, the couple announced that they’d only be appearing on camera together (similar to the Jarics), but that pledge seemed to fade in the past couple of months, as scenes of Reed with other partners began appearing online. The two shared a home in Washington D.C. and often traveled together across the country for club appearances, live shows, and special events.
If convicted, Aubrey faces a maximum of 180 days in jail (simple assault is considered a misdemeanor in D.C.), and a fine of up to $1000.
Footage from Diesel Washington of Reed and Aubrey during much simpler, much happier times:
Non-Jury Trail set for September 8, 2011 at today’s hearing. I guess the judge will determine guilt based on the evidence.
Aww, but his dog is so cute. How sad.
they deserve each other.
Oh, the drama.
Make porn, not war.
It’s hilarious to me how if Zach gives his opinion on something, he gets slammed for not sticking to the facts. When he reports the known facts in a NEWS piece, he’s slammed because he shouldn’t report on unsavory things like this. If people don’t want to know what is actually going on in the lives of the people they watch, then they should stick to just watching porn. If I were Zach, the amount of bitching and wailing that goes on in these comment sections would convince me I should be writing for a garden magazine instead.
NONE OF YOU KNOW WHAT ACTUALLY HAPPENED. This is all just Spencer’s side of events. He filed the complaint and was the one to press charges so this is still his version. There is always another side to the story. I think it shows admirable restraint on Phillip’s part to refrain from commenting in the midst of all this one-sided negative press.
Brace yourself LC, I posted something similar (if a tad more brusque) on the other threads and got a shitstorm of comments calling me every name in the book for DARING to say wait for the details. Good luck to you! :-)
LC and Andrew,
I salute you both for having the courage and decency to expect and give voice to rationality on this issue, especially considering the likely or possible audience not just regarding porn but with regards to news media in general. Not many even seem to care or understand either how journalistically or legally we have an ethical duty to pull back our almost insatiable curiosity and desire for more information (even if it is misinformation) in order to do some kind of justice to the Other and to ourselves in civil society.
There are some facts though: first, that Spencer Reed got a knife wound on the arm and 27 stiches; second, that Phillip Aubrey was retained by the police at least for a while in the night of the event. So, something happened for sure. Of course, we don’t know if PH was provoked or if they were fighting already (quite probable, I’d say), but come on guys, a knife wound!!
So, even if we can give the benefit of the doubt to the declaration by SR that this was just the last and more serious episode of domestic violence, it seems pretty clear that one stabbed the other. I cannot imagine any other scenario (unless you want to try very convoluted ones).
Besides, I don’t find anything heroic on PH’s attitude of staying silent, probably it’s just the best thing to do when you have a pending trial.
Generally speaking, I’m more inclined to believe the survivor of the abuse rather than the perpetrator. But that’s because reasonable people believe that victim-blaming is not acceptaible.
This “reasonable people” is not blaming the victim, but would like to have all the facts BEFORE pronouncing judgement.
The fact that he deleted his facebook page after being questioned about it and refuses to comment on it pretty much says it all and sets it in stone.
Does it though?
This story is so sad from all angles,Spencer is such a nice guy just hope he can recover soon and get back even better,as for Phillip there’s not much to say,what he done was just AWFUL!.
So yesterday the headline was “Spencer Reed’s Facebook Fans Saying Weird, Inappropriate Things In Response To Spencer Reed Being Single”.
Do you not think its a bit inppropriate to post this document? Everyone needs to bear in mind that these are still just allegations, and its a bit premature to start burning your bra’s in the name of gay domestic violence.
Just because Aubrey hasnt spoken publicly doesnt mean he’s guilty of anything.
This documents is just facts, it’s something official. Why shouldn’t it be published here?
This is a big story in the world of gay porn these days, TheSword is only making his job…
Lifetime Original movie material
What’s wrong with those guys? and some others who finish on this way?
I and Carlo are still together for almost 6 years now and NEVER got a fight or discussion. If one year and a half is a porn lifetime how do you call the time we are together then? :)
A fight or discussion? Well..if you never have discussions, it’s kinda hard to disagree with each other isnt it?
What do you do, walk around grunting at each other?
Adam’s native language is not english , I think he meant “argument” not “discussion”.
He makes a very beautiful couple with Carlo!
….and people have the NERVE to say that “domestic violence” is NOT an issue in the gay community…
Um… what people?
: (